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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. 8/10 Nice, but not in modern times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXc2vUQKWCQ
  2. Dont use belgiums pride as a joke I am completely sorry. I do not mean to make fun of Belgium's outstanding national historic symbol for mass-peeing on train tracks, at least that's what I've seen Flemish people do.
  3. I am only joking. I mean I don't use any buildings/landscapes to base my maps on. I take all my inspirations on many different things. Usually Paper Mario. Plus my own imagination. Which is worse. When I ever do find the needs to search for aid outside my fantasy, this building I have seen in real life (Malmö, Sweden) is simply the best building ever. Oh, and... I will always remember that this was the first thing I saw when I set foot in Sweden:
  4. Can you stop posting pictures then, at least until I get a better umbrella? (BTW, is your sig real)?
  5. The Oblivion reference is the absolute best.
  6. I am completely sorry for bumping. Here are my problems: -The directory you provided me with does not exist for me. There is no "editor_main\server" after "resources". Only after "resource-cache\unzipped". -In MTA 1.0 Map Editor, I am able to open a map that I made in Map Editor from MTA: Race (old), and then I can see the normal objects, but all the pickups, checkpoints and spawnpoints are nowhere to be seen. -When trying to test that map^, CJ spawns in midair, somewhere near the place where the normal spawnpoints are supposed to be, but not at the right position, but it says "error loading editor_test" and then after 5 seconds it changes into a random map. -Whatever map that random map is, it always has only 1 checkpoint. I used a program called Raceconv[erter] to change the format to MTA 1.0 style. The reason I want to edit a MTA-Race-made map in this one, is because there are some cool features in this one, actually just the settings. For object-spawning, I don't want to use the new Map Editor (in MTA 1.0) because it sucks nasty asses. Plus I can't figure out how you are supposed to make spawnpoints/pickups/checkpoints in the old MTA style in the new one. Your patch doesn't work, but that isn't so suprising if you read the listed problems.^ If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one! Does that entice you? (Classic Dimentio line)
  7. 10/10 Click Sorry, it is deleted from YouTube, but please take the time to watch it, even if it is flemish.
  8. I have a mobile phone but I only use it to go online, if my internet/PC is gone. Until I find out that it doesn't work for shit and costs all your money. What do people see in these things? The worst part is that people can't believe I'm 16 because I don't use my phone. How dense can you be!? ;-(
  9. BlueYoshi97


    Is there gonna be another episode of Trolling with Ywa: Omegle tonight? You should really make it a show on MTV, add some fake annoying laugh tracks, and give people that get succesfully trolled a 100 dollar bill, like in Boiling Points.
  10. BlueYoshi97


    I do not assume that you happen to have pics of that? Out of curiousity, of course. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Just wanna know if she is worth the effort. Dude she was like 10. Dude Yoshi is a pedo? Nay.
  11. BlueYoshi97


    I do not assume that you happen to have pics of that? Out of curiousity, of course. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Just wanna know if she is worth the effort.
  12. BlueYoshi97


    I do not assume that you happen to have pics of that? Out of curiousity, of course.
  13. Hell yes! He's fleunt in 7 languages! (English, Dutch, Romanian, Flemish... a few others) I'd like to hear a parrot talk Flemish.
  14. BlueYoshi97


  15. Yeah, that's my biggest concern too. I designed it more as a singleplayer map, many parts may not work out well with 32 players and no ghostmode, I don't know.
  16. BlueYoshi97


    What was the Owned by Stranger one, the one with the same video?
  17. BlueYoshi97


    Sorry people, no calling the cops, I was just joking when I said I liked that purple-coat girl. I mean she was cute though with that purple thing, you gotta admit that..
  18. I am not sure if my map will work, because this it the map I made with the Map Editor from MTA: Race. Anyway, The Smoking Zone is only a part of Green Island, when you approve this map, I may make more maps, all with different themes. But in general, Green Island is all about getting high and such. I got the name from a song by Redman "Green Island", and the map is kinda based on the vibe the song gives you - which is why I'm already scared none of you will like the map because none of you likes the music I like. About the racing. Well, here are the most important points in the map: That's the spawn. I imagine most people will all crash into each other and then 3 or 4 others will get away immediately, but no worries - I tried to make the map so that you still have a chance to win even if you don't start on the first place. ^ In the first part, I tried to make distractions but as long as you keep driving in the middle of the road you'll be fine. Plus you won't even see the distractions coming if you have the same draw distance as me. ^ Here you will change into a Vortex, I know many people don't like that but it doesn't take long. Eventually, you will be riding a Moonbeam, and maybe you'll notice that the track is upside down. Yeah.. you'll probably barely notice while racing, but look at the confusion it will create when you are upside down!!! Or not. After that, you will change into a Golf Cab and drive over Gold Terrain. The thing is that water will raise and drop so avoid the sandy parts: Your next hazard will be racing on a road that gets less straight over time. Until... The last part resembles the visionary stairway to Heaven. Relax while it takes you to the last checkpoint. BlueYoshis Green Island - The Smoking Zone.rar So... this is the map file from MTA: Race. I do not know how you're gonna test it in MTA: SA 1.0, I just hope it will work. I didn't get it to work.
  19. As long as you read the books.

  20. Pansy Parkinson, the coolest girl from Harry Potter (together with Luna Lovegood of course).

  21. I so want to go back to when Pokémon was so popular. Everyone on the playground on their GameBoy, trading Pokémon which only appear in one version. Until that one stinking kid made me trade my Mew to his Omanyte, and then ran away before he could clone him and trade it back.
  22. You should come to the Dutch side more often, I never see you there.
  23. Today I saw this huge lagger and I felt bad for him, because I thought I'd jump out the window right away if my screen went shaking like that. But sometimes I do get paranoid when I pass someone who seems to be teleporting a few metres back out of the blue, because I'm afraid he can ram me any minute. I agree that max ping can be lowered.
  24. BlueYoshi97


    Learned it's best not to lie. Stranger: hey You: hi Stranger: are you a girl? You: yes... Stranger: do you like sex? You: duh Stranger: cyber? You: no dude Your conversational partner has disconnected. Stranger: Hey, asl? You: 8, Female, Paris Your conversational partner has disconnected. Stranger: hi You: hey Stranger: 24/f/usa...u? You: 10/hk/china Your conversational partner has disconnected. Stranger: wasuup random stranger? Stranger: how r u? You: Feeling good, you? Stranger: too, asl? You: 8 years old You: boy You: France Stranger: u shittin' me... really? sup, 12, man, south america. You: aight Your conversational partner has disconnected. You: Good evening, youngster Stranger: yo Stranger: who says im young You: Age? Stranger: 87 You: I take it back then, I am 54 Your conversational partner has disconnected. Stranger: Bonjour You: salut Stranger: ca va? You: bien You: toi Stranger: comme ci comme ca You: tu habite ou Stranger: d'etats unis Stranger: et vous? You: J'habite dans les Mushroom Mountains You: tu as quelle age Stranger: 20 You: j'ai 19 ans Your conversational partner has disconnected. Oh come on! I was speaking French more fluent than ever on the last one! These were not nearly all the failed attempts for socializing I had but it's nothing for me.
  25. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose. Jolly Cock Submarins Kutspel is dit zeg... (I know it's Dutch, but I don't know an English rude word with "K") Lukkie Rocks <-- Lame... Losers all around here Moron stands for Men Own Rocks Oh Noes No, that'll be your mother. Oh my god, you idiots forgot me. Pie is not better then cake Quit now biatch Retarded game... Sorry but I dont know what to do Tea bagging is for halo nubs unless for certain occasions. Ur-anus is not a planet... its nice to see :> Vatican is hiding serious shit from us World shall find it out, when its ready Xtravaganza stupid you guys are, forgetting the O.^
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