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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. On his own? Where are the other admins?
  2. The Dutch version got the same issue what CyriusG got. Oh, in that case... I may use it sometime then, but I only never watch new episodes, I wait till they get old.
  3. Thanks for making the tutorial. I don't need it though, because there is a Dutch version of that site.
  4. Thank you for making this video. Too bad I can't do it on Mr. Green, I don't feel like going to another server.
  5. I lol'd at this answer Hmm, this is interesting, I suddenly see a pretty fitting wordjoke in my reply to him, which I didn't do on purpose. So actually, you made the joke. If you know what I mean.
  6. I think it's a very nice and funny picture, thank you Lemon!.
  7. I did read it. I just informed that I'm not commenting the picture before I'm in it. TheLazyPeon and Sneed, I think you'll have to do the whole thing over again and put EmRA in it so you get his golden comment.
  8. This is so cool. I totally agree with you, Mr. Green made a great community.
  9. Arvioida " kahdeksan Melodinen " kotona tähän ja kuunnella hyvä.
  10. For my 500th post, I made a collection of all of my classic posts on this forum. You know, those cool posts. Here they are: *empty* Good to read them all again. I love you Mister Green!
  11. How dense can you be?
  12. No, I think that will get locked up right away.
  13. Yea.
  14. At us they stole the schoolboard thing (and the teacher's bag). I am in the video too, so you'll not watch it anyway! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kEbG1Tyt_c
  15. Just change the word "spam" into "just posting about daily things that you want to talk about, basically this forum in one topic, but only for things you don't want to make a topic about." Ok, no spamming anymore!
  16. But I think it's better to have one spamtopic, which will decrease spam-posts in other topics (or spamshouts). "Spamshouts" are fine, and there aren't that much spam posts. Still, what's wrong with a topic?
  17. But I think it's better to have one spamtopic, which will decrease spam-posts in other topics (or spamshouts).
  18. Sä siis väität etten mä muka sais puhua suomee täällä? Me ollaa hotellissa motellissa LOMAILEMAS! Tekee mieli kiroilla erittäin paljon, mutta koska Left4Green on asiallin foorumi, en sitä tee. Toteutan kiroiluni muualla. TURKU ON SUOMEN PERSEENREIKÄ! Vinden Finnen vissenvinnen binnen tinnen linnen zinnen? (Nederlanders, jullie weten dat deze zin geen logica bevat, maar werk even mee). Why, Mayco? ;-(
  19. Discussions in IRC are boring, at least here you have more info in a post at a time.
  20. Something's on your mind which doesn't fit in any other topic but you don't want to make a new topic about it? Just feeling like spamming? Wanna shout some random things, no matter what? Or just want to talk about everyday life and still don't want to make a topic about it? Or are you a Yoshi/crow/Grasshopper/cat/monkey/Pokémon/Squirrel? Or a less intelligent animal? A Human maybe? Just spam, spam and more spam! No limits in this topic! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCZ-TDy1gP0
  21. Why do you care so much? There is no spamtopic here.............. yet.
  22. Please don't talk Morrocan. I hear that enough IRL.
  23. No. The idea alone makes me shiver.
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