After the second World War, Ywa had to struggle hard, and was in desperate need of money. He was quite lonely, and since he thought everyone was a Spy!, he became friends with animals. That's how he met Kraay the Crow. Kraay told him he liked playing games like Flying Thief 2: Steal Jewerly From People, Super Maricrow: Try To Survive Crossing THe Road and his favorite was Multi Theft Auto: Crows Nest. Ywa started playing it and he said "THIS SUCKS". But then, the Wise Owl ClavusElite appeared out of nowhere, and said "Thou shall try MTA: SA. That is made for human." And Ywa listened to ClavusElite, and indeed, he liked the game very much. There was a problem, still. "All the servers suck ass," said Ywa. "Let's make our own!" Kraay asked: "How are you going to do that?". "Magic," said Ywa. "Simsalabim!", and then they had their own server - but without a name. Ywa said "I watched The Hulk yesterday. Hey! Let's call our server Mr. Green!" Then Ywa and Kraay made enough money to go live in Beverly Hills. "Not you," said Ywa. "I mean what the !@^, you're a freaking crow." Then ClavusElite appeared out of nowhere again, and said "Thou shall let him stay, thou giant ego-bastard." Then Ywa said "Ok! And you can stay too! And together we can make our own community and be even riche make people happy!" And so, began Mr. Green and Son. Mr. Green died of old age, so now it's just named after his son: Mr. Green. Ywa made millions of it, but yet has to get a girlfr and became very popular with the girls. Kraay became a stand-up-crowmedian and also got rich. ClavusElite, the Owl, got very rich by a Tootsie Roll-ad. That's how it went.