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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Diamonds, everywhere!
  2. nuff' said
  3. good luck man
  4. off-topic: da hedde goe gedaan kut on-topic: eta of server coming back online?
  5. That
  6. ¿qué?
  7. hats
  8. 343 = 343 turned around
  9. boycotte crates, nuff' said
  10. I say goodbye to you. I don't get into MTA mess
  11. I thought we jsut added 1 to the last number said 339
  12. REMAIN CALM 326 I post here because I can probably
  13. Shameless one-year bump? 322
  14. Not playing because I don't like the superstructure idea, I haven't joined since the start of the structre maybe it got better but I cba.
  15. Good luck out there, you'll need it
  16. 13years till demo is my guess
  17. amnesia is freaking scary though, and I only played the demo
  18. I don't believe you, you must have jumped a bit a couple of times.
  19. I used to get scared way faster, now I'm just jumpy. Doom3 gives me those moments, FEAR didn't rlly do anything for me perhaps because I watched car his videos.
  20. needs nsfw tag
  21. I don't like the idea at all especially since people be destroying others their stuff
  22. It'll work but trust me, you'll notice whose internet is faster xD
  23. That looks awesome, mind sharing some stuff that you used?
  24. warning, using a usb internet stick will decrease your internet connection I know because I see a stick and get around 60ping and my brother has a networkcard and gets 25ping. Depends on the product though.
  25. I want to make that!
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