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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. I played and recorded it but for some reason it has a resolution of 300px or whatever so it'll have to go like this. I quite enjoy it, it is possible to press the button without the gel though and I think it's under platform9 you can see the void/leak thingy you know when textures lag over each other. nevertheless it was incredible fun to find out the stuff
  2. When he's making those patches, does he randomly delete code at places or something o.0
  3. Loved the first entry although I'm not sure if I did it the right way o.0 but I finished it so all good ^^ it made me think harder than some of the hard puzzles in the real game.
  5. well cp was the main server I played on, but I don't remember what happened that made it go down so fast.
  6. a walkthrough, 8.2k views
  7. I heard "find evidence to find flaws in their testimony" instant phoenix wright. But it looks fancy but no money, no console.
  8. that's mother or earthbound, your pick of what language you want it in (if I am correct that is) srry for the big pics
  9. You know you've played too much css if you use a knife to run faster
  10. Left 4 Dead(1&2) I think you misread his statement bouwe =P I think was talking about tf2 and such. it started out good and then I saw some gameplay, although few but idk, I think it needs some time to show it's colours.
  11. next map I'm gonna go far away from spawn, start a faction and go underground. Fallout style. Joining now is pointless, I ran around for one minute on the map (which was new to me) and I got gang banged by emra and his crew.
  12. yup saw it from the yogcast too, it looks akward, fun and hard at the same time. I want to try it out my self though before jumping to a conclusion.
  13. It's not taht we don't care (for some of us atleast) it's that we can't help and if we suggest things it seems like you don't even try them since you always come back with the same problems. I'd love to help but I think I suggested everything that I could think of.
  14. Been there done that, well not rlly like yes I have been depressed and bullied and have been in some fights etc. etc. but hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. "Life sucks, get over it" is one of my life visions, bad stuff will always happen and there is not a single thing you can do about it except trying to make the best of it. Go to places, meet new people, make new friends the end. I've had multiple people come to me saying they wanted to end them all, they're still all alive at this moment. lol this one sounds like you want to be depressive because (especially for guys) this will get you bullied like said before. self-mutilation? Seriously now, sounds like what we call emo's these days. No offense but this is not the right way. The other points after 5 are just mocking the thing. tl;dr 24/7 gaming for extreem happiness
  15. for starters, or like 10women at your feet.
  16. We start at the top and work our way to the bottom =P Which one are you going? Mr green uniting in Italy xD
  17. Well it's a good bump since ya know, it is vacation again for some of us =D I'm going to Italy for 12days starting tomorrow, will miss you guys a lil' bit xD wish me luck with the italian chicks I might get some pics for you.
  18. You're on a gaming community forum talking about webcomics, and you think reading comics is the boundary to being a nerd? xD
  19. funny because when 3 of us with diamond swords and iron armor gang up on one of your unarmed guys he dosnt die even from hundreds of hits and we eventually get our asses kicked by punches? Whats up with this damage reduction crap? I have no idea pufu, really no idea and it kinda beats the whole idea of the war doesn't it.
  20. check darkstars profile page for instant win comics
  21. man clavus, I had full armor and a sword I was in my own territory fighting garm. I got extreem amounts of damage and he didn't get damaged at all and yes I hit him, multiple times.
  22. k fuck it, our territory keeps glitching up
  23. You can't make a thread explicitly for postcountfarming. Psych! It
  24. You can't
  25. I'm guessing just a local server is good, but the problem is that we need smoe maps for that =P
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