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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Watch Dogs looks pretty interesting :o

  2. Tiny double post with more stuff: http://www.battlefieldo.com/threads/armored-kill-screenshots-close-quarters-trailer.6021/ More in the link above ^
  3. Bleh. Made a small event for this weekend: All loadouts are avalaible for everyone, so you can try out all goodies. Also: Hopefully fixed some sounds for ares/kriss and etc (will require to restart GMod) Added new footstep sounds Slightly imroved human's HUD And other small stuff

    Day Z

    About base: I suggest Green Mountain. It has few deer stands around with good loot, has an observation point and you barely can find someone here.
  5. Info on upcoming update: http://blogs.battlefield.com/2012/05/bf3-june-update-announce/

    Day Z

    FR2 is evil and dangerous. FR2 full of russians (lol). FR2 is full of dicks. Also dont forget that we are not bandits.

    Day Z

    Buy it. When you group with your friends - its turns into amazing experience

    Day Z

    Christ... Me, Clavus and Goldon just tried to carefully loot small military base near Old Sobor. 12 minutes before nightmare Shit went wrong. We killed one guy, they killed Goldon, after retreating to the bushes with Clavus - suddenly Bandit Wookie appeared from nowhere and killed Clavus. Had to steal wookie's m16a2, lost my bag (LOST MY DELICIOUS MEAT!) and had to take Clavus' bag instead. Escaped to the forest at the North. Damn.

    Day Z

    Combined Operations

    Day Z

    Found bandit's tents with Clavus and stole all their meat. Feels good ----------------------------------------------- And few hours later, while trying to get away from zombies - we entered huge military base full of idiots with sniper rifles on roof, so they started shooting at us. That was some intense shit and server crashed after that.
  11. Darkstar better close this thread, before holywar begins
  12. Try rejoining. If it still happening - add me on steam so I can fix it
  13. Warning! Old Man:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Frizzy


      After some mathcrafting I found the equation X=(Z/Y)-1. This makes it so that anything beyond Z becomes negative, thus not playing the sound as negative sounds don't exist. Say you made the sound play at 10 meters and he was 5 meters away. X=(Z/Y)-1. X=(10/5)-1. X=2-1. X=1. So the volume would be one.

      But say he was 15 meters away. X=(10/15)-1. X=0.66-1. X=-0.33. Sound won't play as it's negative.

    3. Pufulet


      You know your stuff

    4. Frizzy


      And then the awkward moment where he either says he doesn't want that or that he can do it with far more ease using only a line or 2 of code >.>

  14. Anyway, here is small info about 4 unlocks i added so far: Assault expert Weapon: 'Hellfire' IMI Galil Special: has a chance to do burn damage Achievements: Babylicious, Super Human, Crazy Bastard, Political Incorrectness Supplies expert Weapon: Sig SG552 Special: none Achievements: Gun Shop, Deus Ex Machina, Slacker, Sound of Progress Bones expert Weapon: 'Lucky Foot' Special: does more damage against crowd of humans Achievements: Bone Cracker, Quick 'Fix', Bane of Humanity, Daredevil Stalker expert Weapon: Breaker's knife Special: Some more damage based on owner's amount of health Achievements: Japanese Horror, Jack the Ripper, Heart Breaker, Lick King
  15. Added Assault Expert and Supplies Expert unlocks. Have fun
  16. Here is an idea: I can 'rework' armor bug that it takes away ~40-50% of your health if it happens (instead of instakilling). That means both chance for human and for behemoth.
  17. These are old stats. In current IW Ares Shrike and M16 are nerfed a little
  18. Allright, one more: Evil Reflexes (#2) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68588213
  19. Bleh. Im not a mapper, but I did this small thingy in 2 relaxed hours: Evil Reflexes (#1) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68560033
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