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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Meh. Took a quick look at SFM and made this crappy poster:
  2. Uh. This c++ project for university is killing my time and brains :

    1. Pufulet


      Box is one of the best prostitutes in the land. As you can clearly see here.

    2. MiF


      Had Java project thing last year on summer vacation. Had lots of failures and stuff, but kept working hard, and got 2/5.... But yeah, as Shock said, hard work is (almost) always rewarded :)


    Day Z

    Apache was not supposed to be there
  4. 1. You spawn at human who has the biggest crowd around 2. You do get skillpoints for healing/nailing/repairing already
  5. well shit

    1. terminator


      I'm pretty sure this was posted the other day..

    2. Baron Baconeer
  6. Summary of all 3 updates (including today's one): More clientside/serverside optimisations. Buffed turret's damage. Fixed some animations not working in thirdperson for zombies. Added 4 more hats. Reworked some prop damage functions. Added m3 to the skillshop. Added Hate II as rare super version of Hate. Re-added Shovel. Reworked viewmodel for medkit.
  7. Psychological accident caused by overplaying in GMod9 as assassin and necromancer classes. Oh well...
  8. Thing is that Hate II is actually bigger that usual one
  9. Double post! Turrets no longer will ty to shoot if human is blocking their LOS, however they will still track target. Added a small delay before turret starts shooting. Players should no longer prevent Supply Crates from spawning if they are standing on spawnpoint Thats is all for now (?)

    Day Z

    http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4639/ Just this and get the mod itselves
  11. And one more update: Removed Primary slot in loadout Added second Perk slot Added new F1 menu Added some missing gui Fixed some graphical glitches

    Day Z

    Sooooooo.... What we are supposed to do on spawn?
  13. Where the hell did it say that. I was gonna say, I dont remember that being brought up at all. You promised us remember? I'll force a rule to max 1 prop/ragdoll/sent per player then
  14. These are from original zs
  15. Suddenly a small update: Reworked hats/suits into system that i made for IW. That means: suits/hats are better, no fps drops, more optimisation. Added small bonuses for all suits. Bosses should no longer stuck at ladders. Removed damage from fast zombie's pounce attack. Updated clientside hands to newer version that I made for IW. Buffed grenades.

    Day Z

  17. While Im busy as hell (exams/more university stuff and etc), I might be able to start making new update somewhere at July So there are couple of things that I can kinda confirm (60-90%): Second Perk Slot to twice the fun New map/crate/exploit/whatever system, so it wont require restart each time new map is added More random elements (like the sales in shop atm) Reworked hats/suits (just like i did in IW) so they wont cause lags with too much players Updated hands (version that I made for IW) Possible weapon rebalancing Possibly a couple more tools/weapons/perks Finally add bonuses for suits Possible auto-buy/quick buy option (not sure yet) 4th boss or not?

    Day Z

    Yeah it is some pro-skilled side flips here

    Day Z

    All we need is a working helicopter for our collection
  20. Last human song - Rob Zombie - Reload Last wave song - Rob Zombie - Dragula (The Matrix version) Last wave song (boss wave) - Rob Zombie - Dragula (original version)

    Day Z

    Where the heck did ya got that bicycle?!!!!!!!! -------------- Oh wait http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Bicycle Damn I want one
  22. Uploaded small update: Added Zombie Expert with 'HotShot' rifle. Fixed Wraith Bow not autoreloading. Lowered volume of footsteps. Fixed some small clientside errors during menu. Added 2 more achievements. Increased knockback for BullShot.

    Day Z

    I think it's an old arma 2 easter egg
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