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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN



    SOPA wants only power and revenge. Also its one of the 2012 'holy shit' reasons
  2. Allright, can we go back to actual topic? Discussing about hats and stuff is nice, but hats and achievements are not so nessesary at current point. Gameplay is more important
  3. About how much time it will take before I'll upload zs on server: I still need to add (remake) few tools: medkit, add pack of boards and probably something else Need to actually add more good perks Rework some minor gui elements Deal some balancing for zombies Actually spead unlocks and perks over ranks Add more stuff in green shop (not upgrades) So meh... Also, recoded Mobile Supplies once again because ammo regeneration was removed: Player now can spawn only one stationary box that has a timer for each player (time is ~1-2 mins). When mobile supplies recharges - player can refill a bit of ammo for equipped weapon (1-2 clips). If there are multiple crates - they will share same timer (per player)
  4. Also, probably gonna make few changes for turrets: Decrease their damage Decrease distance between them Turret no longer can see Ethereals (because they cant use teleport anymore) Thoughs?
  5. New zs hopefully is going to be more fast-paced (in action terms). Zombies have less respawning time right now, in balance that humans can repair barricades and carry much more ammo and stuff. That was one of fun factors in classic zs
  6. Amen. ----------- Perks are not supposed to be overpowered, they are for humans only and should not contain chances or some gamepbreaking stuff (like get more sp and such)
  7. Reworked F4 menu a bit meanwhile. Also still need more ideas for perks.
  8. Meh. After messing around with jeeps, Clavus, Clavus' c4 and after roadkilling 5 guys - got Jackhammer like a boss
  9. Heh. Medkit will have medkit model. This is just a bomb disguised as dark food package with flashing red light
  10. Meh. Post your ideas of perks if you want (they should not be op) Reworked targetid hud into better one (stuff that shows on your screen when you are aiming at player) Fixed some loadout/database errors when reconencting as zombie And the nice stuff: Turned Mines into Explosives. Explosives Slot: Tool 2 Starting amount: 2-3 Unlocked at: no info yet That means they deal a bit less damage, you can plant them only on a floor, however max distance between them is ~100 units (old one was 250). Also added ability to refill nails, grenades and explosives in skillshop. Thats how new explosives looks like: Oh and one more thing... Barricades and props no longer take damage from Grenades or Explosives (as well as fire damage from them). However zombies still can do this trick (zombines for example)
  11. Actually backgrounds are not related to new zs. Plus I dont manage loading screen.
  12. As I mentioned at sticky topic - you already can drag heavy props like couches and shelves @ Dr.Minky
  13. I can remove leap damage, leaving only pushing ability
  14. Nope. Thats what I mean:
  15. Already added 40% more random speech What about hands and guns - only thing im hanging is 'full body' addition. So you see your legs and your actual hands in iewmodel. Also for all 'alpha zombies' fans (it looks creepy ):
  16. Wrong topic. I've moved discussion to my subforum. Also not sure if its a good idea @jason
  17. How much max fov you suggest then? Probably 3+ level For example engi can receive a turret, medic - medkit, commando - grenade, marksman - no idea yet, support possibly torch
  18. Instead of putting everything into one crazy topic just like before - here you can just discuss and if you want - ask me about stuff regarding only new version of zs So here are few simple rules: Dont turn the thread into shitstorm as usual Stay on topic (only about new zs) Dont post stuff like 'Nerf dis, and this!' Be nice and refuse to post stupid posts Dont start complaining about current version of zs (the one that is on acttual server) Oh and wait a bit for suggestion topic that i will make a bit later Otherwise I will have to give a rescue brofist to Darkstar
  19. Hmmm... so. In this awesome subforum (thanks to Clavus) I'll add some stuff about updated Zombie Survival Green Apocalypse Anyway let me describe whats going on: Because our current version of zs is quite old even after updating it during whole year - I decided to give it a shot one more time and 'completely' remake it. My goal is to bring back feeling of good ol' zs by refreshing gameplay and making it more teamwork-based. Some stuff is already done, some needs bugfixing and some still needs to be added Main gameplay changes Rounds: Obliviously instead of surviving X minutes, humans need to survive X amount of waves (6 atm). Of course with each wave shit will be harder and more teamwork-nessesary. Each wave will unlock more types of zombies, however infliction wont. So no more steamrolling as first zombie, unlocking poison zombies at the very beginning and such. No more classes: Screw the idea of changed classes that I posted before. Its hard to balace 5 freakin' classes at same time. So now you are able to make your own class as you want. Instead of classes I added global ranking system that includes gaining experience and unlocking higher ranks unlocks and perks. To fit the new idea I changed current loadout system a bit: *Primary slot (for primary weapons of course) *Secondary slot *Melee slot *Tool 1 slot (this is where stuff gets real. You will be able to put hammer, turret, medkit and etc here) *Tool 2 slot (for rare and different tools) *Perk slot (I'll explain right now about this one) As you remember each class had 4 (mostly unbalanced) perks that were permament. Now you have an ability to choose 1 unlockable perk for human that fits more for your playstyle. For example Kevlar that increases starting health up to 110, perk that Gives you more nails or make nails stronger, increased candies for turret and so on. Perks are easy to implement so expect a lot of them. To get more tools/stuff and perks - you simply need to get a higher rank. To get a higher rank - you need to gain X amount of experience that you get for killing zombies, surviving waves, helping your teammates and of course (much more xp) for surviving a round. So now when you join the server at the very beginning - you will see a bit different menu where you can customize your loadout what items that you've unlocked so far and this loadout will be saved each time you change it (need to add multiple loadout support tho). Also at the new menu you can see your progress and rank. So actually here is the menu itselfs: Weapons and ammo gaining: This is gonna be more KF-style. You still gain SkillPoints for killing zombies, helping teammates... and surviving waves At the end of each wave Supply crate will appear in almost all possible locations for cading where you will be able to access SkillShop. I rewrote infamous SkillShop so it should be better and more user friendly than before. Prices are gonna be more friendly and also I added new feature that adds a chance for random discount for few randomly selected weapons (They will be permament whole round) Also I removed restriction from weapons where you could buy them only at the certain stage of round and I greatly increased ammo pool for each weapon. Here is SkillShop preview (current prices are temporary): More info about two slots for tools: Obliviously because I wanted more customization. Tool 1 slot will include almost all common tools that you already know in current zs. It will include: hammer, turret, medkit, ammo pack... Tool 2 slot will include tools that you unlock later in the game, and mostly all of all tools are useful in combination with tools from first slot. Instead of giving a list for all these tools - I will tell about few new toys in that some of you should really like. New tools: Torch Slot: Tool 1 Avalaible: not so late in the game More info: This is actually the thing that some of you asked me to add as ability for hammer. However hammer was already overdosed with functions so I decided to make a separated not-nerfed tool as it could be. Torch lets you repair the nails (not the props) at cost of your patience. It has ~60 clipsize that heals 2hp per one ammo unit + it recharges itselfs. Can be stacked with other player for better repairing rate. Remote Controller Slot: Tool 2 Avalaible: almost right after you unlock the turret More info: A nice tool for players who know how to properly use turret at 200%. Remote controller lets you to aim and shoot with your turret at your own will. Also it doubles the fire rate of turret to make it more efefctive and it lets you see amount of turret's ammo on your hud. However in cost of balance, turret wont be able to recharge ammunition when Remote Controller is active (you still can switch to other weapon and let the turret recharge ammo) Other tools that still needs to be (re)done: Medkit (upgraded version) Some sort of claymores (almost as current c4 but without ability to place it on walls) Pack of boards (for Tool 2 slot) And maybe something else... Some other gameplay changes: I also imported few awesome things from usual ZS 2.0 Better propkills - if you hit a human with prop that has high velocity - human will be knocked down for few seconds Knockdown from fall damage - just as above but when human take a lot of fall damage Spectating as zombie between waves - planning to add sweet crows later Wraith no longer can teleport - do I need to explain? Enchanced dragging - you can drag heavy props and such Nails no longer scale health - because you can reppair them. Average nail's health is ~400-460 And much more... Some info about visual stuff: First of all I changed everything to one dark'n'white style. Also I still need to remake F4 menu with lots of useful options like: enabling light version of hud, disabling head-bobbing and more... For humans I made a bit better clear HUD in 2 variations: Usual and Light Version Usual version includes dark half-transparent backgrounds, Light version of HUD disables them, leaving only outlined text Added clientside legs and also clientside hands that depends from your playermodel (however hands are bugged a bit and they force player to use left-handed ss models, so I need to add an option to disable them) Quick screenshot of HUD (this is a Light version): Also this HUD is scalable Added a nice and clean scoreboard too. Regarding shop, upgrades and some stuff: Shop is still here but... It will contain only hats (and possible IW-style suits) + Title Editor and possibly lady luck Other upgrades will be refunded in some tools and really useful perks (and possibly suits when I will add them) So you will be able to use these things right at rank 0. Also same thing can happen for those who had high level classes. At the end: Well right now its done on hmm... 60-75% (31st December 2011) And here is the point of this new sub-forum: Proper discussing without turning everything into shitstorm (like-everyone-knows-who-I-am-talking-about) And of course clean and proper suggestions. Thats all for now, stay tuned and Happy New Year! ---------------------- Small video by Pufulet that shows some stuff:
    1. Pufulet


      That is beautifull

    2. Hundred2



    3. Reiska


      already saw that and even posted here

  20. Dinosaurs!
  21. Single player story is awesome because of the FUCKING TIGER
  22. Patience, bro Winter nights are always silent before the storm...
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Griffon


      Nice, now for everything else.

    3. TechnoNegro


      *clicks upper link with mouse3*

      *clicks lower link with mouse3*

      "oh, i opened the upper link twice"

      *clicks lower link with mouse3*

      "Oh, i clicked the lower one twice"

      *clicks upper link with mouse3*

      "aw fuck, i clicked the lower link again"

      **clicks upper link with mouse3 very slowly to make sure clicks the upper one*

      "What? did i really click the upper link twice at the beginning"

      *clicks lower link with mouse3*

  23. First of all, this thread doesn't deserves a poll. So I suggest ya to stop complaining about each other in this topic (see the nice message on top of page) and let the Minecraft admins deal with your case
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