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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Included zs_gasdump_b4 in mapcycle on zs server. Have fun

    1. Pufulet


      but is it balanced?

    2. MrZunz


      but will it blend?

    3. Pufulet
  2. Use this http://www.cjs-cdkeys.com/battlefield-3-origin/bf3lang.html
  3. This is not a right thread to argue with each other. So get back to topic or stop posting!
  4. Air Radar, Extinguisher, Rocked Pods on jets so far. Rocket Pods can be really devastating if you attack from side @MiF Also Extinguisher heals you up to 50% even if you had 2-10%
  5. Great. Gmod is not launching - no new skillshop for today :

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damien


      thank god version 13 has its own engine version

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness


    4. xeim


      mine doesnt start either

  6. General cow, calm down. He is just a useless troll, who is trying to get some food by being an idiot. Just ignore him, however feel free to report if something like this happens again (but even worser)
  7. Figured out how to add some useful stuff in sql for zs. Let's roll.

    1. Tennisballesser


      he said add, not fix :V

  8. Fixed i bet I did. Lifted myself and my teammate onto highway on that night map.
  9. Tried GMod beta. Derma is pretty cool, other stuff is gitched or aint working. This is gonna slow down zs update sadly :

    1. Tennisballesser


      So dead gamemmode, played it a while ago, was quite good at it.

    2. Sk@tEfigHteR


      I have a feeling I should say something bad.

  10. After getting service star on Recon class, switched to playing engineer with SCAR-H. Feels good.
  11. *suddenly appears from nowhere*
  12. Bonus: Headshot counter: 253 Few days ago you were hating on all bad shit recons. Quite a sudden change of heart. No, you hated all recons. What have I done? Its a reconception! But really its strange to see why all my friends started to play as recon after I showed them how to use it properly
  13. I got soflam SOFLAM isnt needed for guided missiles. Also those wont 1hit1disable tanks anymore (sometimes they do tho). Soflam lets you capture targets for friendly heat seekers. However SOFLAM's radius is not really big.
  14. Combined Hundred2's mortar, my MAV and some duct tape. Result is badass: he got shitload of mortar kills, I got lots of points, few road kills and this nice looking dogtag: (kills on dogtags resembles how many spotted enemies died by my teammates)
  15. Enjoying multiplayer (even if it lags sometimes) as assault recon (screw ya recon haters ) SKS + Good assault sight+ laser all the way. Also its pretty awesome how DICE upgraded MAV: Better camera Built in motion sensor (can hover over enemies and team can see them on minimap) More bonus spotting points (also tasty ribbons) Infamous ability to road kill Ability to pack it with mines/claymores (untested in actual game yet, worked fine in beta) Good combination with friendly mortar
  16. Sadly I cant donate, however its a great idea
  17. Got email with code for Back to Karkand and physical warfare pack few days ago. I suggest ya to ask EA Support about this (my friend got a code via it)
  18. Exactly what Clavus said Few singleplayer pics on maxed quiality (no spoilers, however jpg makes them a bit ugly): http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991583297229/DD23158ED5C8275AC997AA2DDE9D6B5ACE3C37AF/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991583286378/301E04F17FA81129E72D495D8B34E0FDA67F88F7/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991583299775/0B983682D941BB23EFB25A834328553883D3C0B5/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991583292515/4BEDEA1B4EB16F3EAFBC046C6ACEC94C40177F9D/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991594980049/ACD10EB6BD3CE25C078426207107C500FB08AB84/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991594983444/FC7BEE648360D43F28D3DE99DE66FC1929C2BB3C/
  19. Multiplayer aint working for me atm, but I finished singleplayer. 9.7/10 (for singleplayer so far ) It was kinda short but I really enjoyed playing it. Oh and especially with maxed out graphics it looks even 10x times as amazing
  20. New commorose:
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