Sorry for double post but... Just tried BF3 Alpha and here what I think about it: Graphics: One word: Amazing Shadows, reflections, 'air' even at medium settings looks awesome. What else I need to say? Models of players are amazing too Player/Weapons animations: Overall they looks smooth and sweet, however I saw few glitches like sliding corpses like on conveyor belt (but because its an alpha) Sound: Insane! Feels like you are in cinema or on a real war. Gun shots, explosions, everything sounds like it should be in real life. Small 'parkour' system: Reminds me of Mirror's Edge a bit, but its very helpful. So you almost cant stuck while climbing over barriers and such. However it glitched me few times but whatever... Weapons and such: Weapons are a bit stronger than in BC2, recoil is pretty interesting, oh and knife is badass. Destruction: There is a really limited destruction in alpha, however on few stages you can tear away entire wall inside metro and of course collumns. Vehicles: There was only one mini-tank called LAW 25. Pretty deadly and fast. Bugs and other strange things: Well its an alpha after all so common bugs were: --Invisible walls randomly appearing on the map --Random crashes --Random FPS drops and some others that DICE should fix (because its a purpose of alpha ) Otherall this alpha looks much better than entire MW3 . I can post some screenshots later if you want. ----------- Added few pictures (dont mind the closed names) They were mae on low-medium graphics quality