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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Sorry for double post but... Just tried BF3 Alpha and here what I think about it: Graphics: One word: Amazing Shadows, reflections, 'air' even at medium settings looks awesome. What else I need to say? Models of players are amazing too Player/Weapons animations: Overall they looks smooth and sweet, however I saw few glitches like sliding corpses like on conveyor belt (but because its an alpha) Sound: Insane! Feels like you are in cinema or on a real war. Gun shots, explosions, everything sounds like it should be in real life. Small 'parkour' system: Reminds me of Mirror's Edge a bit, but its very helpful. So you almost cant stuck while climbing over barriers and such. However it glitched me few times but whatever... Weapons and such: Weapons are a bit stronger than in BC2, recoil is pretty interesting, oh and knife is badass. Destruction: There is a really limited destruction in alpha, however on few stages you can tear away entire wall inside metro and of course collumns. Vehicles: There was only one mini-tank called LAW 25. Pretty deadly and fast. Bugs and other strange things: Well its an alpha after all so common bugs were: --Invisible walls randomly appearing on the map --Random crashes --Random FPS drops and some others that DICE should fix (because its a purpose of alpha ) Otherall this alpha looks much better than entire MW3 . I can post some screenshots later if you want. ----------- Added few pictures (dont mind the closed names) They were mae on low-medium graphics quality http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/3575/bf3test1.jpg http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4763/bf3test2.jpg http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/4121/bf3test3.jpg http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/8528/bf3test4.jpg http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/8827/bf3test5.jpg http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/6332/bf3test6.jpg
  2. Fuck yeah! Having fun in BF3 Alpha

    1. Hundred2


      You got a key bro?


    2. MrZunz
  3. I hate DICE. Can I borrow your tank, Nobana?


    1. xeim


      waiting for diablo 3 key

      jesus christ someon give me his ID card for gamescom im 16 not 18 :D

    2. Pufulet


      DIABLO 3!!! :D

  5. Some destruction: ----------------
  6. More stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emwEknzmyRo
  7. And here.. we..go: http://bf3blog.com/2011/07/battlefield-3-50-leaked-alpha-screenshots/ Also there is a real chance to get an invation for bf3 beta: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2007920 In two words: 1. Subscribe for bf3 news 2. Have a veteran status Oh and have some videos: ---Found more videos
  8. Hmm. I might include tearing away arms and legs in requiremments for commando (not only meat showers)
  9. You clearly know that its not possible to predict EVERY player's action including accidental glitching. However it was not an accident. Box was glitching even without reporting about this bug (so I could easily fix it)
  10. Just 2 days It still doent gives you a free excuse and permission to keep abusing this.
  11. Too late. You was nailing props to doors each time when it was possible making glitched contraptions to kill humans and zombies.
  12. He got infected by girls! He slapped innocent girls!
  13. He went right into SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEE for 2 months
  14. is optimising zs!

  15. Some more talk about animations and such in BF3: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43732265#43732265
  16. Well I'll try to balance Pulse SMG then (so it will be useful but not op) Give me a screenshot, of hud on this resolution, so I can adjust it. Also noted about hammer and medkit. Next thing what im gonna do is to try to optimise zs as much as possible to reduce insane lags/fps drop when there are ~36 players
  17. Uploaded small patch on server: Increased size of green-coins on zombie's hud a bit Reduced prices for weapons Reenabled Meat Shower skillshot Hopefuly fixed teamkilling with dragged props Added small health bar for humans (enable it at F4 menu)
  18. Crate no longer refills mines or ammo boxes up to maximum amount (it gives only a half), however if its still affechammer or medkit - tell me, so I can fix
  19. Well, I have released update and before complaining (as usual) there is current status: Whats wrong with my Last Man Stand? Its temporal for a while and will be switched back to normal soon I killed my awesome teammates with a prop while dragging it! I'll try to add some protection against accidents like this one My comeback is horrible! Why I can't spawn with nuke? Comeback was a bit nerfed. However it still requires few tweaking. Because it was one of the reasons to late redeem and get a cool cheap gun. Speed boost for zombies is strange Fixing it My greencoins are too small (as zombie) Gotta make them bigger Feel free to report about other strange things (without screaming, crying or complaining)
  20. They will be added to supply crates later. I decided to speed up releasing, so it wont be a mess.
  21. Ethereal no longer have backstab bonus dmg. Also 2 more screenshots: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540647897242114829/487E5D6F5787C45A83D38B7E99E37B5A30B77C20/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540647897242113870/AFFC48BE1E1B8107B0CD1F4FB02901253AEC8B51/
  22. You cant predict all possible exploit zones even at first time ---------- Anyway gotta remove this map from mapcycle.
  23. Allright, it should be fine now, alongside with few error's spam (thanks to Clavus for fixing that small error )
  24. I'll take a look later today.
  25. Response is not valid. Its not a response, its a true fact. Some stuff from upcoming revolution update: Engineers no longer will have cade kit (requirements will be replaced) Instead support will have an ability to get 2 planks that you can drag and nail. Instead of cade kit engineers possibly will have a chance to spawn with turret (however turret will be more weak) Commando's headshot requirements were replaced with dismembermenting Clean and 'small' hud for humans and zombies Removed backstab bonus dmg from wraith Steamroller upgrade no longer can overheal first zombies Added ability to drag some props of course
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