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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. All I can see is a wood pecker playing thrash/speed metal :s
  2. I choose Ho-oh. Ho-oh used Sacred Fire! Minky fainted. Before he could even pick a pokemon. (entire forum just stops working) MISSINGO DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY YOU IGNORANT TWAT Use PokéWTrainer instead. YOU FOOLS. YOU'LL KILL US ALL BY USING HIM. No one will understand that they got Muk and scrambled him up and created MISSINGO!!
  3. Could you provide evidence to prove that players are doing this on the server and also screen dumps of the items in chests? If so Clavus will be able to do something about, but at the minute it would cost to much time to install or create plugins to do this process. Personally it's something that cannot be proven by non adminds easily. Corby did a massive chest bypass and also land claim and found out that hacking with ender pearls was a major problem.
  4. That might be likely since the xray plugin reports over 600 people banned by now. True that. I need to hack to game because Minecraft involves to much skill
  5. Less people could only mean one thing...! Most of them have been banned for hacking LOL!
  6. So that would relate to Clavus saying no. Takes balls to call the owner of the Community you play on stupid luke. Clavus has disagreed with this idea and stated he wants to personally know anyone he's putting this much responsibility in to. If something like this went wrong It could damage the amount of dedicated players to the server, so in some sense Clavus' response was smart, not stupud. You might want to read the relation of my comment first before you accuse me. I was basically saying that auto was calling Clavus stupid seeing as he was referring to the ones that said no to this idea. I.E "Such a great idea killed by such stupid people." Him calling Clavus stupid and me questioning him on his statement. Why would I call the owner of the community stupid seeing as what he says goes.
  7. So that would relate to Clavus saying no. In proper English... So would that relate to Clavus saying no?
  8. « Crew Clavus: Stay out of unban topics. »
  9. That reflects on TC not acknowledging the players, not the players not being good enough Server admins and Global admins should do this at the end of the day. Seeing as it is their role to keep the server maintenance at a high standard all week round.
  10. But why is that even a problem, its not like you'd go looking for a Janitor and go pick Drainal or ZomBitch would you? The point was that you have moderators which are still trusted members who WOULDN'T do shit like that without having to be so picky as to hire admins as they would have much more restricted access to what they can do.. You'd only need like 3 or 4 janitors and you would have the entire server covered every single day, like normal servers are that actually bother to get admins and moderators There is a trend of the forums. You have the people that will get picked and then get bored of having to go around the server all the time and fix it up. Then you will get the people that ' might ' abuse the role. It's all well and good saying they're trusted, but the only trusted person that Clavus would let do this is ether that random dude that use to fly around and do nothing all day or me because I am the most trusted person with TNT here and Lava of course.
  11. Now if he gave me WorldEdit I would just TNT the whole fucking server > ^ Possibility of a rouge janitor ^
  12. Like I said on Teamspeak last night Minky. Clavus will say no " By the way Louis Clavus will say no knowing Clavus "
  13. *Minecraft related status*

  14. It crashed my web browser.
  15. A coder codes. End of story.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MiF


      That's true too xD... At least when compiler doesn't know where it is or it's missing bracet when you get tons of errors. Also http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18258122/temp/d3dcolortrianglemouse.exe (AVG may warn about virus because it's made with AutoIt)

    3. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      I had Syntax errors at the top of important code... 4 hours later and 300 lines of code. WDF ARE YOU!!?

    4. Darkstar
  16. Jeb is working on a currency system, so it might take a lot longer than expected.
  17. Not seen anyone with the sharp-dresser yet? :S It was the only weapon made for the assassins creed 3 game in America They didn't do it for the UK version :3
  18. Got my dream weapon a long time ago. Not fussed about hats. The Sharp-Dresser is my only true weapon.
  19. Coding sort of dome. Instead of making other forms for difficulty levels I will create one form with one standard version and add a timer on the form for difficulties :D Life made easier.

  20. no. Second that.
  21. Blockscape.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      Its pretty great. Test it out.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I am expecting someone gay to say "Minecraft is better"

      Honestly, this is an amazing work! all that lighting and detailed world! It's perfect!

  22. BEHOLD!!!!!!!!!!!! A small BETA returns that many will not have the chance to play due to work from school/college. The BETA will just be a quick one for a day just to stress test and fix the remaining bugs found in the previous BETA. It will be running at (Monday May 14 from “11 AM to 6:00 PM PDT (-7 GMT). ) http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/10/guild-wars-2-beta-opens-next-monday-for-pre-purchase-players/
  23. I like toast and pop tarts so you instantly get my good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just be sure when you become admin free TOASTERS FOR EVERYONE!
  24. *raiding server* The new Mr Green Minecraft server - Sit in your 'Castle' and wait server.
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