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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Excuse me, Noxiousnet people (Most of them) troll and minge other servers, true fact. Yet, no need to NoX to hate communities, and no need communities to hate NoX. Even if they do hate and troll there is no need to do the same back seeing as you will only become the same as them, I think L4G has a lot of mature people on it, so we are big enough to move on and let them be little kiddies.
  2. I hate to be a killjoy, but it's true. The admins we have at the moment are fantastic at what they do. Plus a good admin would not hate others for what they've done, they will carry on and forget what has happened. Hating on other communities is only making it worse for yourself in the future. I would say you should take things from different communities and become a better admin in the process because all communities have plus sides and down sides.
  3. Hey dude, errrm if you read the other threads I think we are situated in Magus Falls if you want to role with the Prodiguild? We will be focusing more on WvW as a guild rather than PvE seeing as WvW offers more of a team effort in battles which will be involved with the group idea which holds different classes such as Ranger, Necro, Guardian etc... I'm glad to see that you have bought it, it's going to be awesome to play with you lot.
  4. To be honest the chances of you becoming admin are very very slim since the last argument showing that you're not mature enough to deal with him. I know it wasn't your fault that he joined and gave you slander, but at the end of the day Shock, Pufu, Necro etc... are the best admins we can have at the moment, so I don't think there is any need for more. There is no need to create a thread explaining what happened, all you need to do is contact another admin and explain, but doing this wont really help I suppose. I am blunt and annoying yes, but that's me (:
  5. New picture...
  6. British humor... Never mind.
  7. swedish directly translated to english = bad Sorry I am joshing with you, sounded kinky though
  8. Tossing ;D
  9. Fak dem all.U.K. first, k?
  10. And I shall be forever alone in the Nordic lands up North fighting the great war with my Polar Bear Oslo.
  11. Peaceful factions have the same rights as all those that take part in Faction Wars. If you took away their rights what would be the point in them playing FW? Being peaceful is a choice everyone on Left4green is given depending of you have the coins to do so. Countering peaceful factions would be easy, trade or earn GC and become your own peaceful faction!
  12. What did I say? If you kids aren't going to play nice together don't bother playing at all because tbh non of these lot deserve being an admin on any server, all you do is insult each other and become immature in doing so. Tank just be quiet you have been warned to read the rules and also kar read the rules before running your mouth to back up Tank. For future reference if you are not going to positively contribute, don't contribute. Oh yeah one last thing the things they might have done have been done on another server, so stop causing conflict and be quiet, eh? Inb4 calling me a 15 year old twat, save your breath. Clavus just end this please... For the nine!!
  13. Tankman and Gods stop bitching and stop flooding this thread. Take it elsewhere.
  14. I think we will let the admins/owners decide who gets accepted or not. Also with you having to sign up, it stops those that haven't signed up spamming threads and trolling, so class it as a security wall as to say. Also, Good luck dude!
  15. There is only so much swinging of a sword and hitting blocks with your first that you can do till one gets bored and ends up on Dolan Duck's Facebook page.
  16. Desperate little boys. Keep your E-Peen in your E-Pants kiddies.
  17. Uhh, all beta characters are deleted before launch anyway. This means I am poor once again... :/ If you bought any gems or anything you will get them back at launch, but it won't give you items. I'll most likely be buying re-skins for my armor or something once the games come out. I bought 800 gems from the gemstore. On that note I shall still be rich XD
  18. Uhh, all beta characters are deleted before launch anyway. This means I am poor once again... :/
  19. It's been a year today :')

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Iulian


      20-30 Nov 2008 on Zombie Survival server, Dec 2008 on forums (MrGreen).

    3. Toxik


      My first was on the 19th :D

    4. xeim


      over two years

  20. Following on... It would be best to restart the game when it comes out so everyone is on the same level, yes I will be discarding my +20 account for obvious reasons. I would like to lead the Rangers Squad if that's okay with the guild master? Also to those that need help with anything in game add me and I will aid you with quests and weapon drops if needed. Prodiguild shall be strong brother!!
  21. What is it with these kids on Minecraft crying lately? Oh they're peaceful so that means they shouldn't play the game pretty much. No weapons, No TNT, No Breathing or moving etc.. Be quiet it's a game and learn to be ass raped by the professionals.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reiska


      nigga did i just catch you dropping soap

    3. Hundred2
    4. EmRA


      we don't waste no soap in here.

  22. - Waste of a thread - Talk to an Admin if it involves the server, or check up other threads with TF2 help topics.
  23. Some say when we die we have 2 minutes left of energy in our brains which puts into a dream state and we go back to our first memory and relive life again. So when we die we go back to square one, but in a dream state. Some say the light we see before we die is new life being born ( Coming out of the uterus ) Some say we just die. Simple. I'm not sure what my whole take on the subject, but seeing as we are all living and our spirits are also living I think that our spirit carries on with us after we die seeing as spirits can't die.
  24. Such a bad idea, yet everyone will still play? Stop complaining.
  25. I would play, but you know the situation with my tinternet Minky.
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