Because if they did that like other games companies do e.g. activision - you end up with a shitty rushed low quality game with a fuck ton of bugs in it I can't wait either, but I'd rather they released a solid well balanced game instead of having an unbalanced cluster fuck for the first 3 months I am a sexy Charr Necromancer (xeim levitating in this picture also) Also, for more GW2 threads look here http://forums.left4g...prodigal-guild/ If you're planning on joining the l4g guild, check out those threads, post a bit and join the steam group if you can Oh, also, when you get in, the server we're operating from is MAGUS FALLS! Don't forget, or everyone wont be able to play together Carrying on from what Minky was saying. Yes please do choose MAGUS FALLS! otherwise you will have to pay 2k gems to transfer to our world from your selected one.