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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Any base can be broken into on Minecraft. Saying that a lot of the server is still hacks ridden it will not take them long
  2. No need to create a thread to egg people on to be honest. In game chat is good enough to provoke kids.
  3. I can suck on a white mans cohk n di

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      Minky was on my computer whilst I showered :D

    3. terminator


      he wasnt with you in the shower?

  5. To be honest it only fills up when I am on because we go on STEAM chat and message people to come on. I have gone on a few times and it's been full, but now it's normally empty when I go to play, so I have to go and play on my other server which is Lotus. Been playing for 4 years now and it's not a game I get bored of, so it would be nice to have a constant server flow instead of kids that get pissy because it's a map they hate. We all have maps we hate at the end of the day, but ditching your team because of it isn't good enough More players = More game player = GREEN COINS!! = ZS UPGRADES = ZSNESS... Most good servers that fester in the depths of Team fortress are mainly American or highly advertised in the EU such as UKGameplay and UK2fort 24/7.
  6. BETA over for now. Completed my story line with Minky cheering me on in the championship finals. Prodigal power.

  7. Hey guys I thought I would start a new topic for people to post their screen shots of their game play through out the BETA. I have spent most of the night just going round looking for a great places to take photos and here are some for you lot to look at. Post ones that are worthy and ones that are funny These are my favourite ones I have taken so far.
  8. Lucifer Nukus
  10. Koreans can disguise them selves as anyone and pose as Europeans.
  11. Eh, Jax is not really good - Everyone thinks he's food because of his stats. Yi is tooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy and I use him to troll lover levels. Riven is boss if you know how to execute her Q into her W then E to the R Lol, you don't use Master Yi to troll, use Mordekaiser and start saying: "Brazil" or "Hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue." So much to learn, so little time.. AP YI NIGGA!
  12. RIVEN? LooooooL, ran Master Yi, run! Yi is tooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy and I use him to troll lover levels. Riven is boss if you know how to execute her Q into her W then E to the R
  13. I have hibernated and turned my internet off till 7pm!"

  14. itanimulli42 Mains: Lux Trynd Master Yi Riven Gang Plank Corki Veigar
  15. Luke Nukem

    Odd event

    I think the Polar shift is happening on the Minecraft server causing the new poles to be created and the North and the South to shift places. All is coming to an end. *puts tin foil hat on*
  16. Luke Nukem

    Odd event

  17. The new update allows you just to see cords now
  18. Yup. Roll on 7 or 8pm friday. The first Beta Weekend Event will be on April 27, 2012 at noon PDT (GMT-7) and ends on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).
  19. Not really, but being known means you will get processed earlier than others. Dolan suys gud luk!! Fak u Dolan and Fak u Gooby.
  20. Doctor Minkynhilde (u no u luv it) Doctor RosenPooten. Doctor MInkyKFC
  21. Who actually has it all fully registered and downloaded then?
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