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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Don't consider this as a rude reply btw, sometimes this kind of shit happens to me Darkness has spoken the few words that matter. Who actually cares who is tough on a game which has no difficulty when fighting in some tacky looking armor which took them 3 seconds to mind with an X-Ray puglin. Do you guys even lift?
  2. Guildwars 2.
  3. I don't find him that Cyrius to be honest, but happy birthday dude <3
  4. Updates!! Level 40 culture armor... Front Back
  5. Why do people want to commit suicide in this game by burning themselves? Just reached level 40!! PARETWEHNEYUI!
  6. CHOOOOO CHOOOOOO! I couldn't give a crap who is feared behind their computer screen.
  7. So... Since I have been playing this massively time consuming non grinding MMORPG known as Guildwars 2 I have taken some nice screen shots to show you guys what an awesome game this is visually and not forgetting how awesome it is with combat also. I would just like to say to those that haven't got it.... GET IT NOW!!! As I was saying, yes this game offers so much content to those from all background of gaming. Frizzy being one of those people that really hasn't got on with MMORPG's or RPG's is really enjoying himself with the guild. We have set up a new guild which is fully working now apart from the odd glitch every so often with accepting new people in and changing their ranks, but it looks snazzy from here on now. Come online and join us. Got one of the rarest dye's already ( Minky )
  8. Guildwars 2...
  9. I shall be posting something today...
  10. Free Ranger sex for Maths!! Just being an owl...
  11. Had mine since Christmas and it's in nick condition.
  12. It's true, but I still grind from them easy low levels 1- 12
  13. So if I put HeilBorisJohnson would I get banned of the server? Then did a massive English flag so you could see it on the Livemap?
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFAQif3aCXw&feature=player_embedded
  16. Tbh I can't see what is wrong with that... If they go round making signs and pixel art that is offensive then they can be reported. Supporting/saluting a Nazi ( Well being childish ) is their choice, if people still get offended well hats off.
  17. I hear you dude, PvE server is Magus Falls. Hmmm I will be active at night mainly seeing as me second year of Diploma starts on the 10th so I will be fairly busy with that, contact Minky for further information if you're interested. Magus Falls doesn't exist. We will most likely be playing on Ring of Fire. It does exist... http://wiki.guildwar...iki/Magus_Falls Magus Falls does not appear to be explorable in the initial release of Guild Wars 2, however its name appears on the world map. ... K den Arenanet, well it's my homeworld, but on the map you can't explore it
  18. Luke Nukem

    new map

    Not all the villagers are dead. If you ask around you might find someone that knows where they are
  19. Happy name day dude!!
  20. I'm still not even sure myself, I can sit and talk about GW1 for yonks, but I'm not to certain about GW2 if you need any help just ask one of us in game when it's out.
  21. I hear you dude, PvE server is Magus Falls. Hmmm I will be active at night mainly seeing as me second year of Diploma starts on the 10th so I will be fairly busy with that, contact Minky for further information if you're interested.
  22. Millions of years ago when I use to play ZS back in the days when Shock wasn't admin the only trolls that came on were from Europe and they got dealt with, I am not too sure if there are American trolls on the sever apart from the trolls under the bridge?
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