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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Come at me!
  2. FishWithAHat

    Day Z

    Reap3r that gives some pointers of your location
  3. Im back, anyone miss me? :c

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. FishWithAHat
    3. Iulian


      it's moogbass

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I missed many fishes with hats. With my harpoon :D

  4. This?
  5. Home for 48 hours... so i bought steam games :I

  6. I'll be gone for two weeks so i leave you with this http://tf2r.com/banned.swf

  7. For sooth I say, GZ
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Where did you find this one, from a sumerian clay tablet? Seriously, 9gag is nothing but a recycling center.

    3. FishWithAHat


      I just get random links on my skype, and i thought this one was neat

    4. Cristhop3r


      9gag more like 9fag iamrite?

  8. Face, sooooooo smoooooooth o:
  9. Might loose another nail :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Reap3r


      I had a similiar experience with a pencil.

    3. TechnoNegro
    4. Hundred2


      Loose a nail? Better tighthen it up.

  10. Makes me want to join the army
    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Ah, army starting in a week...

    2. Raptor


      Army? Oh, I thought this was footage of a mental home...

  11. I like how everyone puts themselves around 7 for building when pretty much none of them are. No offense, but let me put things into perspective here- I'd put the VoxelBox crew at around 8-8.5/10 (simply because I've seen some amazing structure in my time). But to consider the VoxelBox anything lower than 8 is heresy.! Most people would put them immediately at 10/10. I'd put my money down to say most people are 2-2.5 times lower than what they say they are. (once more, no offence.) Mine is below hell :I
  12. I dont know about you but that amount of time seems way to fast for me, I once digged a 50x50 doom hole (with stairs) And it must have taken me more than 18 hours to do. Beacuse you have to get fresh equipment, and now even food, and remember the space for all that stone. and a steel pickaxe for the bling bling
  13. Picking 4 kg of strawberries give one hell of a lower back pain

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Griffon


      The question is Do you have 4kg of cream to go with that?

    3. Reiska


      only 4kg... try picking 20kg every day for 6 hours without anything helping ya now that gives you helluwa pain in your ass, arms and back

    4. TechnoNegro
  14. FishWithAHat

    Day Z

  15. Dont say i have to dig more pits of independing doom and fire
  16. Thats my birthday, but wont be getting it :I
  17. Do we get more man boob action?¨ And GZ
  18. Frizzy :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frizzy


      You weren't on!

      Also, I was probably in quite a bit of pain thanks to the fact that I started working out again after 2 years on monday.

    3. FishWithAHat


      I was on the forum waiting for you to answer

    4. Frizzy


      Well you can join our faction in game later today. We need a few more people anyway.

  19. Join this awesome server some time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FishWithAHat


      Our payload :I

    3. TechnoNegro


      Dafuq rulebreaking banban

    4. Balmung


      Its the MrGreen payload IP, He's not breaking a rule.

  20. Perfect for learning?
  21. To long story + me not fully knowing my self
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