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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Minecraft players are a bunch of douchebags :I
  2. It's war, war never changes and they will use anything they get their hands on. Oh wait, it's just minecraft On the other hand, HAPPY BIRTHDAY And last, if someone reports you why give a sh*t if you know its not true.
  3. Why Valion?
  4. Listen here you little peasant, there will forever be war between the most powerful, and that means using any means possible, and reporting is a very useful weapon if used right. I understand how you feel about this, but face it, it happens, and if it not, i would say something is wrong. And, "Admis are always right"
  5. Why bother with the sky building if your base is tnt proof? And if they try to mine your base, make a ditch of indepeding doom and death (fire included)
  6. I once used to play single player (i remember i stopped when they put fishing poles in) I know some of the physics, but how is a base in the air better?
  7. Just my input WHAT THE HELL DO YOU USE 2.5K OBSIDIAN FOR??? I'm curious (would like to try out minecraft at some point)
  8. (marked above) Makes me think you'r either sure of you becoming admin or you all ready are (my opinion) Good luck
  9. Just got done wathcing Rocknrolla, awsome film

  10. Push ups are you friend
  11. My bed is about 1 meter high :c
  12. Well ive been swimming competetivly (?) for the last... 4 years, and only reasonly begun in the gym. Even thou i eat alot i got a tight scedual, monday: swim 2 hours wensday: gym 1:30 hours and 1:30 swim friday: swim for an hour once in a while saturday: 1 hour gym 1:45 swim. and then go to the gym if i fell like it. and its been rewarding But basicly, get tired=profit and do it a couple times a week
  13. Macs are the best laptops tough they're shit cause not all games are compatible with macs Unless you install windows for macs which crashes around 3 times an hour on my mac ... I have windows on mac and it doesn't crash every 20 minutes. So stfu Mathijs.
  14. Dont harras be beacuse im danish please

    1. Hundred2


      why would we harass you.

    2. Reap3r


      He probably thinks that because he won with his soccer team.

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Fine, but we will call out on your hot potato in mouth-accent.

  15. Well if people are bitch tits then I wont let them stay in the faction, simple as - They can't play with us if they're gonna act like a little kid or something, we run a 'no dick player' policy here in the Prodigal Sons! Spoils it for everyone else That policy doesnt aply to you peon and luke ?
  16. Its like small kids watching adult porn...?
  17. Variations in your minecraft diet might be a healthy choice
  18. Who were you invited to? Prodiguild
  19. 1. Blakd60 2. I get bored once in a while and got nothing to do :c so i could do dis with you gais 3. What do YOU mean by LONG term? 4. yeah 5. Below hell, havent made anything in minecraft that looks decend 6. Nope, but i've ben invited edit: I got green coins!
  20. FishWithAHat

    Day Z

  21. Hacking a computer isn't easy and herp derping some lines of code on C++. It requires linking your computer with the target somehow then using a (more often than not custom made) program to take control of their computer while bypassing all anti-viruses. I know folkes that dont have anti-viruses
  22. Well they can just hack your computer and take control over it, but in that case just pull your internet cable out and remove the control.
  23. Happy times will come (stay off drugs!)
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