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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Does this work on games? (not browser games, actual games)
  2. Ohhh one thing i forgot to metion, that might be a biggy. "Server restarting in 10 seconds" How come it some times just goes on a restart spree?
  3. Used to play but got boring after 1000+ games, now i only play when friends demand me to.
  4. It is out
  5. Thats always how its done Vegeta, i did that for some months but i never got a proper player base
  6. The win limit doesnt seem to work 8/0 and no change edit: changed after the 9th win
  7. Admin can scramble i've seen Darkstar do it
  8. Brother just orderd Dungeon Siege from our local libary :D

    1. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      Is your library doing pre-purchases for GW2?

    2. FishWithAHat
  9. Might try it out tomorrow if i can find someone to play with
  10. Sure, I agree. Stop it with more admins idea, we're friends with each other and when a hacker appears you know that an admin is connecting quickly so stop it. We need players not admins. And how does this admin connect so quickly? Beacuse im lazy enough to connect to IRC, but yes we do need more players, but as the server is, we need regular players.
  11. More small information from me 1. I have ben thinking about aplying for admin my self, only thing stopping me is IRC and my lack of admin knowledge. Even thou' i think i have a good chance 2. Untill about... 1-2 months ago me Shoogoo, Lopata and many others have ben crowding up #1 for a night full of fun (excet it only lasts 1-3 hours) But now it kinda' just stoped, my thoughts why? Beacuse personaly i dont got the patience to get the server crowded, i used to use hours waiting for someone to join.
  12. Dont blame me i like old games/ games with special graphics, like Red alert 2, Borderlands and Diablo 2 I just think games have been focusing on the textures to much lately
  13. I'm sorry but those are really, really bad ideas. I'm not even going to comment on the cars thing, but the football/dodge ball only attracts a niche of players and most green regulars would bail the hell out. And if by castle you're referring to DeGroote Keep map, I have to say that from experience it's such a faded/crappy map that #1 gets emptied when the server changes to it. my 5 cent The bots: I wouldnt reamove them but make it 2-4 bots Voting: Please yes! Scramble: yes, but maybe make it like every 5th round on arena ranking: Yes it sucks that one have to stack teams to get proper points, but with top 100-25ish its not a problem beacuse if you kill someone on the stacked team you get more points ( )But what i dont get is on #1 and #2 you got 5 points for killing as the lowest and 3 on arena? (personaly i would love to "anti-stack" but im trying to get into top 50 ) Quickplay: Yes its Ever Green Terrace, and yes as soon 3-5 players have played for about 10-15 min its full, beacuse of quickplay.
  14. Not buying it or trying it, i played the shit out of Diablo 2 and loved the nostalgia but when i saw how smooth the textures were in 3 i said no.
  15. Watching Neg's urban sports ^^

    1. terminator


      90% of it is scripted tv :\

    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      And you, Terminator, must be one hell of a Sherlock.

    3. terminator


      Thanks for noticing but after years of investigations for the cyber police what can you expect right?

  16. Well you want a biggy of the reason the KOTH/CP/PL isnt running so good? 1. We like to stack, no scramble, go figure. 2. NO QUICK-PLAY.
  17. Ive played MR. Green TF2 servers for 17 days and 5 hours and only gotten about 18k Green coins :U
  18. Used 4 hours on a cake.... Better taste good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FishWithAHat
    3. VMR


      Smash your face into it and take a picture :D

    4. Sentra


      ^ nice idea

  19. Ehm srly? and maybe under? In TF2 1000gc takes a looooong ass time to get
  20. Small idea. Add a Micheal Jakson skin and the ability to use slap as a melee weapon, reason? Evar heard of Micheal Jaksons Moonwalker? (google it)
  21. Let me say it this way, anything that involves me and money on the internet, will involve my parrents, and i dont know anything about my bank account.
  22. 1 Got the source pack And i have to pay for it, that involves a creditcard that you have to optain from parents, thats the part im to lazy for.
  23. This just makes me want to buy Gmod more... but im to lazy!
  24. IMO Paris is pretty boring and way to big for me (Double the population as denmark)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CarPileUp


      I was in Paris with my former school class for 5 days. Never again.

    3. FishWithAHat


      HOME! and i fell sick....

    4. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Paris is fun for a while, but then it get's a little annoying. Especially when you see armed guards outside of a museum

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