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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Is this film worth watching?
    1. terminator



    2. Sneed



    3. Sacrevy


      Totally worh it, the graphics are great, it looks realistic, awesomes storyline, and very well played. I will watch this.

  2. I'll be dead til sunday so dont have fun without me

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Evading taxes, I see?

    2. mogadonskoda


      but who am i supposed to play tf2 with now D:

  3. If KOTH get removed im going to be so sad i love that thing even thou' it isnt full all the time, (non of MRgreens servers are :/) And the thing nobody plays it, not true i would think there are less playing on CP/PL, but when there are its just tons of fun, until we stack the teams and everybody leaves. And dont remove arena it the server that the most joins

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xeim


      I will still preorder... first game was too good not to^^

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Shame the music was not so good. Tho the trailer looks awesome.

      They shud pick DJ Champion music

      Going to get the game any way ^^

  5. In Norway for 7 days (ski'ing (?) (classic)) and possibly the only way for me to join a faction (not full of mental ill folkes (not that we are completely healty))and it all slips by. I would still like to join but i havnt played minecraft in a long time (stopped around when the fishing pole came)
  6. How i just wished i was older and had difrent parrents
  7. Name the island: Island of Hats Be with this l4g member: Navo And this famous celebrity: Simon Pegg The book we have is: Kan fisk drukne? (in english: can fish drown?) We would only have this game: TF2 (there just happens to be electricity! amazing) We would only have this movie to watch together:Hot Fuzz/Shaun of the dead (cant decide) And this music album: Ac/Dc: Ballbreaker I would also bring this:A ginormus hatstore Will there be any offspring?:Dunno The first to die will be: The man who becomes bored of watching the film first If we are rescued it's because: Simon Pegg needs to do more acting in Ghost protocol (mission impossible)
  8. Games i just used a couple of years playing agian and agian and so on until today where theyre consitered shit *sniff* (some of them) Red alert 2 Battlefield 2 Dungeon siege 1! Halo 1 (thought it took me a year to beat it) CS:s DoD:s Warcraft 3 Frozen throne Diablo 2 (grinding FTW :3 ) And seriously why cant you make games like dungeon siege anymore i miss them
  9. Why? Beacuse i dream to reach my goals. (yesss very poetic) And @ Navo, RESPECT
  10. I will Die in 10 hours and 15 min +/- 10 hours

    1. Tennisballesser


      Your still alive .....

    2. FishWithAHat


      I just came back...

  11. I want to be a viking :V.... im serious

    1. Dr.Minky


      A techno viking?

    2. FishWithAHat


      Hardcore danish techno viking?

  12. Wow german. (its a bitch!) I've had german in school for 1 and a half year and i dont understand much exept the words that look like the danish ones :/ But i must say GL beacuse you gonna have to work hard! P.S. No offence but i kidda hate you English men (for invading Denmark just beacuse we wont give our shizz to you free and we have to learn 2 new langues)
  13. Tf2: ranking 193. Must.... get.... higer.... (while having fun)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      i used to be rank 16th in world so GTFO

    3. FishWithAHat


      Nub im no 1 in my world!

    4. Reiska


      say what you say your always be under my feet

  14. Soooo.... the faction with the most greencoins win in the start? Personaly think you might need a delay in the start of a new map before you can get your blocks.
  15. 50 hours ago i died

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sentra


      What cookies? Chocolate?

    3. Sentra


      You should eat chocolate cookies!

    4. FishWithAHat


      Christmas cookies

  16. About the list of saying merry christmas and so in difrent languages, the danish one was wrong But i've had a good christmas eve today
  17. No offence, but F U! christmas is the 24th!
  18. Just got skyrim and a new headset as a early christmas present :3

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Now you don't need to worry about spending christmas with social contacts!

    2. FishWithAHat


      Still gonna be hard as, the computer i locatet right besides the kitchen in open space, and my whole familie is comming the 26th :/

    3. Mathijs1996


      you bought it lmao ?

      You'd download it free

  19. Cookiedoug + shaping + warm oven = profit

  20. Mvp on your team *grubels*
  21. Some guy(wont say the name) doesnt have mumble
  22. Some folkes know how to deal with spie's
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