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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Notte

    Ban request

    YES! WE WANT YOU BACK! One again, i cant logg the mic!
  2. Notte

    Ban request

    He think its "alltalk" 1 i think i have never seen he use the chat btw i find all his chat stuff all i found in my chat logg: [2010-03-06 12:18:59] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: fucking windows 98 [2010-03-06 12:19:39] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: VISTA IS CRAP [2010-03-06 12:20:06] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: VISTA MAKES UR COMPUTER SLOWER [2010-03-06 12:20:47] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: get windows 7 [2010-03-06 12:21:18] <MrGreenGModIW> 2casperclaassen: windows 7 ownes vista [2010-03-06 13:27:34] <MrGreenGModIW> 12|FP| I am not a spy: y say good? :D [2010-03-06 13:27:45] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: omg u dicks [2010-03-06 13:27:57] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: STUPID EXPERYMENTALS WTF [2010-03-06 14:18:37] <MrGreenGModIW> 12casperclaassen: i told ya we see u fast in hell 2010-03-06 22:43:37] <Sacrifical> !say Casper, Next time I see you exploiting again I'll ban you permanent [2010-03-06 22:43:38] <MrGreenGModIW> (IRC) Sacrifical: Casper, Next time I see you exploiting again I'll ban you permanent [2010-03-06 22:43:47] <MrGreenGModIW> 2casperclaassen: OMG [2010-03-06 23:57:35] <MrGreenGModIW> 12Toaster: !mute casper [2010-03-06 23:58:30] <MrGreenGModIW> 2{I.E-O} Nøtte: TY! [2010-03-06 23:58:31] <MrGreenGModIW> 2casperclaassen: i dont got perm mure [2010-03-06 23:59:34] <MrGreenGModIW> 2Toaster: !unmute casper
  3. Notte

    Ban request

    He dont use the chat
  4. Notte

    Ban request

    can logg mic -.-
  5. Notte

    Ban request

    Hey I have a ban request on casperclaassen. He Insults players all the time, Insults admins when they are not ingame, he suicide for the Behe, exploiting, farm achievements, spawn camping, micspam. He is just a big pain in the ass. # 610 "casperclaassen" STEAM_0:0:27359846 33:20 85 0 active EDIT: He hate admins cuz he got banned for exploiting
  6. Btw, It is possible mail you money? Put everything in a package with a note, like: Nøtte, STEAM_ID: blablabla.?? Adn it just take more time to get the GC. I want to donate to you but i cant cuz i dont have credit card. And my parents think you gonna steal all there money
  7. I think they want crowbar to be the best melee weapon
  8. I think you have to use paypal
  9. Read this http://forums.left4g...efore-replying/
  10. IW have a huge server problem. It looks like every time it change map to "ad_egon_world" the server crash.
  11. You all know, this zombie never gonna be finish. Deluvas is gonna go to jail cuz he clicked that URL!
  12. God don't want you to play! You find your awnser in the Bible! "Prater litt fordi jeg kjeder Meg!" - Narkoman 46 år
  13. I know people in spain have realy bad english at shcool. Many have to learn English by them self. ( I lived in Spain a short period)
  14. We had the same "problem" on IW a time ago. Just russans. After 4-5 days They called us racist and left the server cuz i called for a admin -.-
  15. Nice map like always, but it's many tropics now :S
  16. Tactic 1: I'm not always support Tactic 2: I don't have 3.5k GC atm srry Tactic 3: I don't have 7.5k for a suit, let alone be able to jump away when my screen keeps turning around in every possible angle. Tactic 4: valid + our point If you meed 3 stalkers, behe, and a bones. And you have a team to help you. A turret kill the stalkers and people bones and behe.
  17. A good start for a update is make a; standar, overdrive and master to all classes. More custom maps is also very good. I hear people on the server talking aboute is to many C:SS maps. Maybe have more custom moddels on weapons, not just c:ss weapons. Custom zombie models. Know some of this ideas sounds stupid but this is what people talk aboute on the server. This is what people outside the forum wants. And must say, people ofen get suprised that IW don't have overdrive and master on warghoul.
  18. Lol, scream spam is a part of the game. Like the One-Shot-One-Kill AWP. Deal with it. The shop item is a good idea. Cuz we need something to counter the Overpower scream upgrade. And IW need a update! The warghoul to Necrossin is genius (except that one get marked, too overpower) . I know Clavus isnt very inspired to make new updates, soo cant you use "guest" programmers? Let people who want something good and new in IW? Many old players quit IW cuz its never a update. Some come back when we got the shop, but many still quit. And the server wont make any money on players who quit after 70 hours of playing. In short, IW need an update to keep the players.
  19. Nice moddel and love the all sounds get low around the Howler. Like a horror movie
  20. Hmmm... I think you forgot something... Porn? I think he forgot socks Gmod/garrysmod
  21. Hmmm... I think you forgot something...
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