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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Notte

    Im not a pro drawing artist like you :P

  2. I love Tryvann And a Danish man on ski XD I have been run over by you some times. YOU ARE NOT SAFE!
  3. I used 3Ds Max. Everyone can request a model, so I can (attempt to) make and/or port it. Aslong as you have a solid plan to use it, ofcourse. Make a 3D notte? My solid use plan is.... use it in a movie, And want to make pics
  4. He lives in Romania. Someone told me lives in Norway... Or maybe... I thought that on him hearing that others live in Norway. me and baby is norwegians
  5. THIS IS NICE! EDIT The link page is bugged cant click the links
  6. Notte

    Ban Request

    K, I'm gonna fix it
  7. Good boy
  8. Its weird, but it still happen
  9. Just teories
  10. Behe just drain suit, that's the normal. But some times you get "amour bug". Behe make Dmg to suit and health. It's several teories for why this happen. 1. Headshot is one hit ko. 2. If more than 16 players a direct hit is one hit ko. 3. The behe make dubble dmg in 0.000001 sec whit one meatball, cuz of a bug. First suit and after that health. ( that's what most people think)
  11. Notte

    Notte's App

    I dont think i ever have called people noob or say that there apps suck. I may have been a litte ugly to some people, but a mostly say to people that they shoud look at the processed apps. Im mosty a kind and nice person
  12. Reinnstall steam?
  13. You always have Internet problems -.- /Norwegian/ Flytt over gata til meg. Jeg har perfekt Internet /Norwegian/
  14. Notte

    Green shop

    Maybe i just gonna make the T-shirt myself, Its a lot of problems whit a shop
  15. Notte

    Green shop

    Ywa and clavus make a list. We order what we want. And they order from a factory? Thats smart It can be like once every 6th months?
  16. Notte

    Green shop

    You don't need to be ashamed of your weight... I always gets misunderstanded You the kida dude who like dresses? and want a big T-shirt to look like one?
  17. Ya that is alot but it's 4 in the morning, don't feel like typing a essay just to become a admin, find it retarded to do that.... Wait some hours before posting it -.- Many here used days on there apps
  18. Your age can be a problem. And you need more, more ,more. Look at this apps: thay can help you http://forums.left4green.com/forum/30-processed/
  19. Notte

    Green shop

    L4G foruns and NL forums have in total 3630 members. If only 5 % buy a T-shirt (181,5) and they cost 10€, you make 1815€. And its possible to order the after we members do Dont need investments
  20. Notte

    Green shop

    Lol fail XD
  21. Notte

    Green shop

    If you get a shop I will use sone money in it but if its only me its no point... And ye Sneed . A green t-skirt whit Mr. Green, awesome
  22. I was thinking and, why dot you have any green shop? T-skirts, stickers, posters, Mr. Green sound tracks? Oo It's a good way to get some ekstra income
  23. Some of the exploits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9YVQvhAy6w
  24. 7/10!
  25. Notte


    please ban # 1095 "slow ∑>" STEAM_0:0:18850065 1:12:29 240 0 active<br /><br /><br />For team killing, a lot EDIT: Now killed 4 people and massive DMG to severals players
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