IW only have two active admins. Sacrifical and Toaster. The rest is on the server once in a whileWe already have a lot of admins, Sacrifical and Toaster aren't the only two active adminsthey are the only who play Iw ofen
I have seen you many times You a very nice gye IW needs MORE admins And this is a very good app But(It's always a but >: D), You is not what i call a veteran that know most of the players and have a lot of experience. If you had more hours on the server i would give you my full support But i think you way too fresh. Anyway. GOOD LUCK!
He is very adult for his age But i see the fact he is to young. IW need admins and i think he could be a good admin. But still.. 13... Good luck Messy you need it
got his steam Id Doctor ๖ۣۜDeagle ㋛" STEAM_0:1:9511916 23:47 137 0 This is only the end. All this was unprovoked, he also did this earlier in the day. I also believe he killed toaster when he was going to fix the exploits. I know he killed my when i Helped him to fix them. even toaster asked him to stop. WAnt more info ask Toaster
I do it on every server I am on XD Actually i dont thnk ZS is the server who needs more admins. But anyway, you probley a good dude and a nice player, good luck
Well... Doctor Deagle was on your IW server today and he was was quite offensive. I know this is not enough to a ban, but if you admins see him like this again, please give him a 1 hour ban or something.
One dude ( Hyr5ikassro2001) joned game. He spawn. 9/12 people time out. He talk to me and he got "Mismatch: entities\meatrocket\shared.lua". I think this is the problem.