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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Don't forget that minecraft is a high demanding game. I know it runs best on nvidia and intel but I don't think your gpu would really slaughter the fps that much. I'll do some search tomorrow, going to sleep now (Someone will help me before I'll be awake but meh)
  2. I'll have a look, if it is indeed xray you'll be unbanned right away.
  3. I've had some great ideas to fix spawn next map, If we make the world smaller and add an aditional 'spawn' world which will have the spawn + warzone around it with puzzles and adventure map, we will have a safe place for puzzles (no factions in the area to light a boat on fire). This will also make the 4 2-way teleporters that spawn will have more valueble since they're the only exit to safety. If we can construc the teleporters in that way that it is near impossible to get to spawn when someone is fighting you we also have the spawncamping issue solved. We will be able to make a better looking spawn + a neat warzone with treasures and puzzles. As been pointed out it doesn't matter what you with the enchants, if you lower armor enchants you have to lower sword enchants which will make bows and pots overpowered. DO NOT FORGET THAT IF WE REMOVE PROTECTION ARMOR EVERYONE WILL START SPAMMING INSTANT DAMAGES WHILE INVISIBLE It'll be a pain in the arse and nobody will enjoy pvp'ing since it'll end in a massive pot spam fest. There is no ideal combination, if we're going to change the current enchants/pots or whatever I would like to let you know that once we remove one thing (armor protection) Everything has to be removed to make it back balanced. If we're only going to do a max Prot III it'll be a pain in the arse due plugin installment and probably a crapload of people being able to glitch higher level armor in the game. Voting should be more rewarded (actually items or 2 xp in game maybe), if players can get 15 levels from voting on all the links they will vote on all the links. Also add new stuff in the greencoins shop. Currently I don't see any good American player that could become admin. Mainly since American players only have begun to play on this server since half a year maybe a year ago. This means their forum activity + amount of American players is still low. If we will see the American player base indeed grow I think we should get an American admin, but for now ... Current pvp system is as good as it can get imo for minecraft, it's still vanilla and you're pretty sure your target can't log out or w/e.
  4. Can you be a bit more specific in 'when' you got banned ? Does it say 'banned by operator' when you try to join the game ?
  5. You don't necessarily need to upgrade your cpu in the future, it depends on the fps you're getting and the amount you loose due your cpu. Since you'll be allright for fps in the near future it'll be more likely that your fps will start to drop due your graphics card getting relativly outdated. As long as your cpu doesn't start stealing a lot of fps you could be getting with a better one there's indeed no reason to upgrade. Just check for your delta variable between your fps with a decent cpu and your current one, if it that gets to high you could consider a new cpu to improve your fps till in the end your gpu gets to old aswell.
  6. Mathijs1996


    I think this case is closed.
  7. Mathijs1996

    New map

    Hey, just to inform you, this thread is in a completly wrong spot All minecraft topics should go in the MINECRAFT section unless if it's a ban request then they go into the Minecraft Hacker reporting topic. Thanks
  8. I've kept myself out of these kind of discussions for a while since I understand that it's very difficult for Clavus to actually install and keep them all updated with each new minecraft update. May I inform you that even an almost vanilla server like we have runs about 50 plugins ? We can all agree that it's a pain in the arse for the server owner to keep them ALL updated + REdownload all the patches for new minecraft updates. But yes, I do think we need a better voting system and the green coins shop could be improved Here're my suggestions: -Voting on all 4 or 5 different links will get you a total of 60 gc + 3 diamonds and a piece of bread or something in game. -Add additional stuff on which you can spend your green coins (These can be suggested in a thread or topic and maybe the server admins will message the decent ones to Clavus once in a while, in the end Clavus will decide which ones he wants on the server and he doesn't need to read all these threads which are mostly a waste of time for a busy man like him)
  9. Mathijs1996


    Bidzman, please post hacker reports from the minecraft server in the "Minecraft hacker reporting topic" Headcrusher, no reason for you to get involved. Now, I've been aware of xpr0 having this 'durability' thingy, but I have to be honoust, we screen shared, he removed his jar, forced update what ever, it's not getting off. Previously someone has been tempbanned for only a few days for this mod and in his case it's sad since it's not his fault. I'll do some extra research on this problem. Not banned
  10. thanks a lot your one of the only admins who react so thanks Why would we all post the same ?
  11. Please asign one player which wil be the owner of the name ? As far as I understood of Clavus' main post it's one faction for each player, not one faction shared by 3 players. This is to prevent arguments on who actually is the main owner of that faction.
  12. Ban him for advertisement !! Go Go Go!
  13. If I would be to immature for this job I'm sure Clavus would have revoked my application, can I also inform you that other loyal players with a clean jar are admiring the current activity and hours of free time I'm putting in the server ? Same, I'll take a warning for this, I got banned for looking at a wall, and banned on my other with no proof. You got banned for xray on your other account you got banned for toggling fly, in the first case your ban will be pardoned at the start of the next map, on the second one you'll be permabanned (It was way to obvious in both causes) I suggest you guys use a stopwatch and try the lift he did for yourself in game inb4 "Abuus" Dingo will be pardoned at the start of the next map Maybe you could hear the lava but you couldn't hear Turbo marking a pearl, neither could you hear the moment we actually got in since you were hiding inside your obby vault. I would also like to inform you that I can do /spectate which shows me your screen, in dingo's case I was looking at a wall the entire time with our names on a distance while he was naming what we were doing. + I could be lying about what I say here, but if any other admin will go in game and go check dingo's mining history we'll have some stunishing results. Tell him to refresh his jar by next map
  14. Attitude ... Don't trashtalk on the forums, plain annoying
  15. If you want you can blow this up just like you guys blow everything up because I banned one of your friends. It was extremely clear, you don't even need to bring up 'guessing skills'. You were teasing me saying I have xray and then say everything I was doing. Hearing lava would be impossible you were 30 blocks away. The fact you say that Turbo pearled in is even more nonsense, we never have been at your base before, you were just xraying through the wall. If I would need to video tape everything I do it would be near to impossible, fraps is the video recording program I use and takes way to much hdd space. It's extremely pathetic you come to the forums to get unbanned while you got banned due you teasing me. If you wouldn't have been teasing you most likely didn't start saying what you saw with your xray. If I would be wrong here I would advice you to play with the lotery, since you sure guess way to good.
  16. I said it once, give me a screenshot for when i said it for the first time? Or check chat log or something You can ban the whole server without proof...... Even if it was only once, spawn rules are clear. Two weeks at least SO THAN YOU BAN SOMEONE WHO IS PLAYING 1 YEAR AND OVER ???????????????????????????????????? BECAUSE OF ADVERTISING???????? Yep, no exceptions
  17. I said it once, give me a screenshot for when i said it for the first time? Or check chat log or something You can ban the whole server without proof...... Even if it was only once, spawn rules are clear. Two weeks at least
  18. You were exactly telling what we were doing: "Turbo set a home with his pearl" "Mathijs picked up lava" "Mathijs is blocking the water" I'm keeping you banned
  19. You advertised twiece in a day, I'm keeping you banned at least as long as the other kid.
  20. I think you've learned your lesson. I hope you realize it's not fun for owners or admins to see advertising in the chat box. Unbanned
  21. Handled? As in banning all of my accounts with no proof? No, not handled. You ruined this server, glad we found another. http://i.imgur.com/SyVUWOs.png Yes, that is totally xray. Enough proof to ban me for looking at a wall right? You also banned Nathan from Equalists for using "radar" when he came to fight you before you got to the base. Thats not proof at all. MrsMonkeyman was banned for turning around and hitting someone so you said he was ffing and without even recording hes gone. Harm_Inbound was banned for god knows what and the video is at an angle so you can't tell how fast he is going up. Just because you don't like us you find crap reasons to ban us for. This server used to be 50/50 now afternoons its at 1-4/50. I wonder why? I only banned one, since i was spectating you, so don't try toggling x ray then take a screen for proof. I temp banned MrsMonkeyman to avoid the pvp battle to go nutcrack before I was sure it was hacks or playermislocation, nathan was indeed using radar since he claimed 'dynmap' while it was down. Harm_Inbound is even clearer, in both cases you raise way to quickly to the surface, I tested both incidents out myself, according to the distance and the angle you raised 3 blocks higher in the same time as I did (which is a lot on 5 blocks total.) I don't ban because I don't like you, you don't even need to start that reason, I've recently removed all allies due you guys being a pain in the arse about it, I've been banning all hacking players including people I like / I don't like. Kodauer and Redgander used to share your opinion but after a night of parkour I have to be honoust we all calmed down and it's settled now. Both your 'friends' as the banned / tempbanned players agree that there's way to much drama for slight punishments. Server has been going well for a while now, a lot of new stuff is being added I see 30/50 instead of 5/50 (You should log in during day time in Europe). I'm getting good responses from people that are indifferent with me and that's all I care for. Sorry this isn't on topic, but i feel I should put a word in for Nathan as he isn't active on the forums and I'm his leader. Dynmap was never down, I think you may use the website, Mathijs, but I'm not sure. There's a map on the Dutch website (http://www.minecraft.nl/page/server/live-map) and one that's independent of the website's host (http://server.minecraft.nl:8123). THe Dutch Website went down when the forums went down, so the first URL wouldn't have worked. The second URL takes you to the server host itself, which was not down. I was actually watching live-map when you guys were tnting/raiding us (helpless to login until I got home). I saw Nathan dissappear, so I'm assuming that was a ban. I'm pretty certain he was legit, as livemap was never down for me. I think the Americans (Nathan and I) generally use the ladder URL simply because it's not in Dutch. I'll leave this up to you, however, Mathijs. I'll accept warnings or whatever if this was off topic, but I feel it's legitimate evidence to unban Nathan. Thanks, -Kod ps. I had to mine out my entire base to remove your EP spots... which are still probably there. ... I was using the direct url aswell over the dutch version, didn't have any map. Still that being said, he responded extremely quick and he was only banned for 1 day maybe. If I'm giving a 1 day ban it means it was extremely fishy what you did and if you would just refresh your jar I would be happy to see you back. Thanks for both supportive additional proofs and Nathan has been unbanned (I think I just had a rushy evening and just forgot about it, please do tell me if I forget something to avoid me being silly
  22. White, those were some great points. Yea, I've been considering how I got banned and I am requesting at least one set of prot 3 diamond armor and at least sharp 4 sword. I was in the middle of a damn fight with headcrush and turbo, and WHAT DO YA KNOW? I get banned by Mathijs for mad bow skills. Usually not a bow user, I used it in this battle because when the opposition is sitting in water it's pretty easy to hit em. So, I am just powning these nobs, and then Mathijs shows up. And guess what he said. He said I used bow aimbot. Despite a video, obvious logic, and strong proof, Mathijs is a very stubborn nut to crack. I would also like to point out that this fight was the first good fight in the last 2 months at least, as it's usually me against three other nobs. Knowing that I was robbed of a chance of obtaining two sets of most likely OP armor, I would be delighted if I could obtain these items. An admin's poor decision shouldn't cost me a great fight and the opportunity of acquiring cool stuff. Clavus, please tell Mathijs that aimbot points to the closest person. (He may have difficultly grasping this) If I don't get the stuff, whatever, but the important thing is that we can get an admin who is able to recognize when players are abusing the game. And White you are right... the server on most nights is pretty empty. Could I start of with saying that your immaturity has been proven by being as ignorant as you could be and ignoring all the possible solutions we could have gone through for your case? You've been extremely disrespective and the fact you're just copying all the bullshit around not even caring for an explanation bothers me even more, if you would stop being ignorant we could calm down and settle this. This being said, I will now explain it, all again, for the last time. Nathan spotted me when I was 60 blocks above him and 20 behind him after 1 second when I used my enderpearl to go to his base. It only took me a look to my left and a few braincells to remember that the dynmap had been down for ALL players the entire time (Continious complaint of it being down + my left monitor gave a blank page). Due it being extremely obvious he indeed used radar he was only TEMPbanned for a few days. In your case: What I saw on my screen while spectating the entire fight were some fishy things, only arrows that didn't have enough momentum didn't hit your foes, adding your extremely fishy sudden 180 towards a closer player to your right was even fishier, I then TEMPbanned you since if you were using Bowaimbot you would UNFAIRLY ruin fair players' armor. After REwatching the entire footage of the combat with a cup of tea I decided to not PERMAban you. Some incidents were obvious but a few moments later it all looked back fairly normal. You complaining about about everything I've done in my life just because I wanted to prevent fair players to be killed by a potentional bowaimbotter postponed me unbanning you (Which in the end happened only 3 hours later instead of 20 minutes). The video 'proof' you listed is a piece of recording from the moment I unvanished after spectating for nearly 10 minutes and decided to prevent unfair stuff. It just shows me explaining my decission and then TEMPbanning you. For all I know I don't think it's your duty to tell me I should learn how to spot hackers, I've been around for nearly 3 years in minecraft and I've seen a lot of hackers. I'm not banning innocent people for laggspikes or player mislocations right away since I know Minecraft is just a pain in the arse if it comes to checking pvp for forcefield or any other pvp hack. This being said, you live in the USA which means it's like 5-6 am in the morning when you say 'at nights'. Our main group of players comes from the Netherlands or Europe. Cheers. &Mathi
  23. American admins would be good due the time difference but there're downsides aswell (Lagg, time difference with Top Crew etc.) Seeing lagg is a pretty big deal in minecraft (can hide hacks or provoke situations that are fishy without a reason) we would need an American with decent ping. For what I know most American players on our server haven't been playing any longer than 1 year or are just to immature or wouldn't even apply themselves (Lacking motivation)
  24. Handled? As in banning all of my accounts with no proof? No, not handled. You ruined this server, glad we found another. http://i.imgur.com/SyVUWOs.png Yes, that is totally xray. Enough proof to ban me for looking at a wall right? You also banned Nathan from Equalists for using "radar" when he came to fight you before you got to the base. Thats not proof at all. MrsMonkeyman was banned for turning around and hitting someone so you said he was ffing and without even recording hes gone. Harm_Inbound was banned for god knows what and the video is at an angle so you can't tell how fast he is going up. Just because you don't like us you find crap reasons to ban us for. This server used to be 50/50 now afternoons its at 1-4/50. I wonder why? I only banned one, since i was spectating you, so don't try toggling x ray then take a screen for proof. I temp banned MrsMonkeyman to avoid the pvp battle to go nutcrack before I was sure it was hacks or playermislocation, nathan was indeed using radar since he claimed 'dynmap' while it was down. Harm_Inbound is even clearer, in both cases you raise way to quickly to the surface, I tested both incidents out myself, according to the distance and the angle you raised 3 blocks higher in the same time as I did (which is a lot on 5 blocks total.) I don't ban because I don't like you, you don't even need to start that reason, I've recently removed all allies due you guys being a pain in the arse about it, I've been banning all hacking players including people I like / I don't like. Kodauer and Redgander used to share your opinion but after a night of parkour I have to be honoust we all calmed down and it's settled now. Both your 'friends' as the banned / tempbanned players agree that there's way to much drama for slight punishments. Server has been going well for a while now, a lot of new stuff is being added I see 30/50 instead of 5/50 (You should log in during day time in Europe). I'm getting good responses from people that are indifferent with me and that's all I care for.
  25. No, no unbans. That's our policy
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