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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I've seen what was in your chest, seeing the reason you didn't move I can give you some shit back. Besided that single chest you didn't have a base so I guess it'll be allright
  2. so there will never be a siege again if there gets /spawn then you will need to be away of enemies for 60 blocks or sth and wait for at least 15 secs.
  3. Clavus, I don't know what you're using to disable enderpearls in faction territory but could you completely disable it in spawn/warzone ? This works as long as there aren't pearls involved and it looks better than doors, dropdowns or w/e
  4. We'll be going for the tree, I need worldedit fixed first, so we'll have to wait a bit.
  5. I think both glass and vines would work, bit if we choose for vines we alse have to choose for a tree as spawn.
  6. I've been thinking of a few drop downs since doors can be opened to let someone back inside, but the problems are the bigg wals, they're ugly as shit imo. Maybe I can make the walls of glass so it's near invisible, but that would require world edit which is broken atm.
  7. This will be implemented but the problems are pearls .. Unless clavus can fully disable these in warzones, players will just pearl back into spawn.
  8. To start of with; I request ALL factions that claimed next to spawn to move, tomorrow I will claim warzone around the current spawn, anything lost will not be refuneded. Next, you can post here any ideas or things you would want to be in the spawn area, any designs that aren't to big or posh can be posted aswell, we're looking for something simple, something neat but something nice. Warzone will function as a bumper for safezone, currently filled with creeper holes, and it will be fixed slightly so pvp can be done in warzone without getting back to safezone. (Unless you're going to pearl spam ofc. Any solutions against running back to safezone can be posted here aswell. Thanks for the ideas and cooperation. Mathi
  9. Then everyone will just start /spawn to check if there're enemies nearby Perhaps always make it 5-10 seconds to teleport ? If you imply /spawn people will go to spawn to avoid being killed while they're getting raided. /spawn is indeed fun and handy if spawn get fixed and we have a neat warzone BUT it can get seriously abused.
  10. Then everyone will just start /spawn to check if there're enemies nearby 1) There's already 4 teleporters in all wind directions, do you really need more :/2) It'd be abused to hell and back to avoid combat 3) Spawn is functional right now. Mathijs can expand it if he wants (he can claim safezone / warzones) 4) Voting reward is not supposed to be an awful lot because I want people to vote lots 5) Made a topic for that Next up project, I'll be looking for something neat on the interwebs, only problem is, when players join the game they will most likely get stuck or something, unless I find out where new players spawn or you can set spawn somewhere else (move it 10 blocks or sth.) Note, new spawn wont be there in a few hours, I have to wait till world edit is fixed or I have to build it by hand which will take days.
  11. Everything except more teleporters sounds good
  12. All the listed request are out of my powers, you need a TC to forfill those wishes
  13. As far as I know, once banned, always banned.
  14. What do you expect us to do ? Do you want me to build your entire base back and give you all the stuff you name without me knowing what it was ? Do you really expect us to just spawn in stuff you name ? If that is what you seek in admins then I don't have any problems calling this server a horrible adminned server.
  15. As far as I think this is when I was in my base planning to go spectate some people, I vanished and tp'ed when my faction member told me someone was near our base. I don't think this would trouble you in anyway since it was 2v1 and if I didn't go vanish spectate others it would be 3v1, you had no stuff only a invis pot and a poison pot, the chances of you doing damage or being able to clame were even smaller if I didn't go spectate others. But still, me vanishing to go spectate others wouldn't be that much of a problem, if you really want me back in my base you can always ask kindly "Hey Mathi, I saw you /v to go spectate some people, but I wish to raid you, could you come back ?" Thanks for understanding
  16. Woeps, my bad. There actually aint any difference between this and messing around with dumb people getting drunk randomly just to have an hungover later Well luckily I have a great family to spend the evening with. Speaking of which, I should put down my tablet, they're giving me weird looks. Same but I figured I could check my pc from time to time
  17. Well, just in case, I'll be flicking the lever at 12 pm for the people that will be in mc.
  18. With MC 1.4.6 including fireworks there will be some banging this evening to celebrate New Year. All players that are watching the fireworks show at 12 PM 31/12/2012 will also get 1 free fire work as a memory to this lovely event. Location will as always be the safezone, spots aren't limit, though server spots are, with a max of 50 players. If you want to enjoy the show be sure to log in on time. Server is located in the Netherlands so the fireworks will be launched at 12.00 pm GMT +1 Have a wonderfull 2013, The Mc-Admins
  19. If you can check the in game chat pictures I accedentilly demodded him from his faction because of [tab] mistake, it got fixed not even a second later but he decided to make a drama.
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