Wait wait wait ... First you kind of insult Clavus who is, pointed out by Reaper, extremely bussy with both his studies (I don't know if you guys know how this work at University but he prolly has Class from 8am till 6-8 pm depends on the day, finishes work around 9-10pm and then wants some entertainement, guess what, he's not gonna pop his laptop open and play mc, I bet he has far more interesting stuff to do like hanging out with friends), administrating loads of different servers and administrating the administrators. Then you claim the server is rotting and that posting stuff on the forums doesn't help ? It does, but how sillier the idea the more lickely you'll get one reply which clearly states imo, no, but he suggested an other option which is pretty cool for factions like hulpje's which is one of the best factions by just being able to control new players. The problem is from the moment Clavus posts his reply and you're not satisfied with it you start to rage ... If you would've said you would like those signs he would've hopped on the next free day with out a doubt. And after all, like you actually care they say 'Welcome to MrGreen' every damn time someone joins, that's just plain annoying and points out the server is being administrated by some 12 year olds