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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I've missed this green madness so bad :c
  2. Geez, that's the second time you're banning me already :c
  3. Damn, why didn't I recieve my money yet ?
  4. I'll be spectating If I actually can play at 4 pm gmt +1 (a bit early :c)
  5. Valve on #1 yes Mojang on #2 no, that's just silly
  6. What's up with all these random status updates? Did Ywa sold us to Facebook ?

    1. Ywa


      It are FB/Twitter imports. Need to find out how to disable them

  7. All our bans are permanent, the only solution is to buy a new account. I'm sorry
  8. No problem, again, post your ban appeals in the unban and bans section then click on the MC HACKER REPORTING TOPIC, instead of making a new topic. Again, this is no forcefield, there's maybe some lagg, but this is clean pvp, I suggest looking up players that have been banned for forcefield and watch their videos, you'll notice a big difference. Thanks anyway.
  9. First, second time I'm saying this, POST YOUR REPORTS IN THE MC HACKER REPORTING TOPIC, it's located in the bans and unbans section and then you have to click on MC HACKER REPORTING TOPIC, NOT on 'make a new thread'. Secondly, these are no hacks. Simply server a bit lagging, why would they even use forcefield to kill you while you're getting spawntrapped ...
  10. Are you serious ? Get out of bans and unbans section unless for reports or unless you're involved
  11. First* Fourth, again, get out of these topics
  12. xprolegendx this is the third time I have to say that you don't reply to topics unless you're involved. There's no point of CodeExtreme saying it either since he's not a TC, server admin or admin, but please for the third time, stay out of these topics. Also Lenny, please provide more proof and post this in the mc hacker reporting topic
  13. This isn't related sorry, but I'd like to bring this up: If hacking is a "Zero tolerance policy," why are infamous hackers such as Nielsbmx or Atrueminer unbanned? I apologize again for going off topic. As far as I know Atrueminer has been banned till 6/1 so he should be still banned Nielsbmx has been accused a lot and he was indeed using hack, but since I wasn't admin then and there're no reports of him now, I can't really ban him
  14. No hacks seen during the video Please post in the correct thread next time Forums -> Bans & Unbans -> Minecraft hacker reporting topic
  15. Mathijs1996


    CodeExtreme, Only forum moderators can lock these topics and this is the second time I have to say you to not reply to topics you're not involved with. Please keep this in mind at all times.
  16. Well my mum wont let me and I got another but I need to use this too Doesn't matter, you won't get unbanned, I'm sorry you're not allowed to buy a new account.
  17. Actually there's already a setting for that. It's just disabled at the moment. I'm thinking the following things: * Re-enable creeper destruction when other faction is offline. * Enable the TNT waterlog setting. * Re-purpose enderpearls. This way assaulting bases will be a bit more interesting again. This is going to end in tears ..
  18. You can easily raise your tnt cannon of the ground to shoot over the wall ... Waterwalls never were enough to protect yourself
  19. Nice idea, I'll look into it, that would solve a lot, I'll see how far this is possible and where I can implement this pvp arena. If you know the excistance of any /pvp plugin, please let me know that would make a lot easier.
  20. Including me, but if Clavus isn't going to add it, it wont be added.
  21. As far as I know Clavus doesn't want a /spawn command. Tnt enabled when the faction is offline is kind off unfair imo, you wont even stand a chance to protect your base. Maybe there excists a plugin that allows you to tnt something if they logged of 15 mins ago or sth so you can still tnt it if they logged off to prevent dmg
  22. Em, I don't really see where you're going with this, do you have to place the red wool yourself ? Or do you have to punch the block for it to become red wool ? As far as I know people want LESS restrictions on enderpearls so raiding watercubes is possible. People will be facing new challanges to make their base enderpearl proof. Fully disabling enderpearls or having to punch a block before you can pearl to it might be good for chases (other guy not pearling away) but then you could also but a /ct on pearls.
  23. I know how to make it fool proof. I discovered this when I was messing with an end portal on a server when it was half claimed. If you have a 2 block space above an end portal block, then walk through it, you cannot walk back at all I believe. I don't remember the exqact layout but with some experimentation it's easily used. Doesn't really matter what we do, as far as I know /spawn isn't coming so a decent pvp area around spawn will be impossible. I'll see what I can do, maybe a pvp arena ? There's loads of work ahead and I repeat, I need to wait for worldedit to be fixed, building spawn atm is almost impossible.
  24. I've just checked your entire chunck for other chests than what I found and I can't find any, in what in the chest I found there was a p III bow 40 netherwarts 12 blazerods and food and crap. Unless you can give me this exact location of the chest (somewhere underground ?), you're not getting any of the above listed stuff back. Everything above the current level has been destroyed by hand.
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