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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. Hmmmmmmmm not so sure on the size of the guns to the right... if you get a shitload of guns it may be overwhelming.. maybe smaller or just text. I still love you though.
  2. Well done Error, you have done us British proud. I'm sure the Queen will be informed of your fantastic accomplishment.
  3. I don't usually comment on Server Applications, but I think I should just this time because Corby has been playing for a very long time on the server and truly deserves an opportunity to show what type of Admin he can be. I am confident that Corby would be able to be a responsible yet friendly admin, as I have been playing Zs with him since I first started playing on the server.
  4. Dude, the simplicity of this hud is fucking sexy. Maybe ask Clavus/Ywa for the font currently in use on the Hud right now? I dont think its a huge issue, its informative and doesn't look too out of place.
  5. Congratulations btw Thanks! urm.. why am I still getting votes? ha
  6. Well done, Im sure you'll enjoy those 100 Green Coins you desperately need
  7. Awesome! Thanks to everyone that voted for my entry. Although I think Emra's image should have got more votes in this contest for its quality & style. I hope to at one point in a gmod contest (depending on the topic) to create a similar serious, artistic style. Anyhow, congrats to all, it was fun.
  8. I think it looks really great. Interested to see the rest of the Hud.
  9. I find it amusing how I have gone from having 8 votes to just 1. Wow. x)
  10. Well this sucks. Why the fuck didnt some people just want to try this update out for a small amount of time... -.- We need Change. I dont want to play this on another server. This update would add something new to the Zombie Survival experience. URGH.
  11. Damn I really want to try this out but unfortunately I will be away for 5 days from Tomorrow. Any chance of a sneak peek/test?
  12. okay what the fuck, why are there such negative people towards this new concept?? Seriously, as a player thats been on the server for a long time, this would be a refreshing change, in comparison to continuously grinding out the kills at the start to get just another type of pistol. Just look at the amount of experienced players that are bored with the current system that suicide at the start of the round and play as Zombie. I welcome any new updates that add a new twist to the way we play Zombie Survival, whilst something that doesn't hinder the style or objective of the server.
  13. Sweet! When can we expect this update? and @Danni, the video is of me and Sneed fisting Cow
  14. Fists would be cool. I'm sure me or Sneed can send you some fisting videos for inspiration if you need it
  15. my friend works in a supermarket on the fruit & veg, she always ends up messing around with the melons... Ohhh does she have big or small melons? Sneed, what can I say? We think the same she handles all melons really, and other veg as well, including cucumbers, and bananas Hmmm I wonder if Error handles those types of products well
  16. I think starting without a weapon would add excitement to the game, seeing how everyone will be going apeshit trying to find the first weapon or anything decent to use.
  17. I think this sounds like a pretty awesome Idea. I definitely would like to see this on the server.
  18. It will give me reason to play IW more often honestly... These additions would improve the Server.
  19. Snail Stomach Sauce? lol... Well I'm quite lazy so I appreciate Fast Food.
  20. What? What are you talking about? if you mean 'the only way to win with is sex' and you're referring to my entry, mine only has a small amount of sexual content. The rest has nothing to do with Sex.
  21. Meh. it was okay. First few were the best.
  22. I think the reason why people are complaining is that there is an expectancy with Valve to really polish a sequel and make sure its worthy of what came before with effective improvements. I don't think this will be a bad game whatsoever, I just think it will be more of Left 4 Dead with minor tweaks & additions, on a new location, which is slightly disappointing to me.
  23. They wont cancel it if we get enough entries
  24. Fast Food is expensive but its pretty fast.... and tasty. and by the way - Waffles are better than Pancakes.
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