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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. NOOOOO!! Its called Zombie SURVIVAL. The tension of not knowing if you're going to run out of your limited amount of bullets will add to the game tactically! Trust me, I'm a scientist.
  2. Well, your a chump. See, this is what I mean everyone, silly silly people like pies. I can understand his love for Tacos but obviously this man has no understanding for any good food.
  3. What are you talking about? You just arrived. Didn't you make the error of making an admin application on someone else's app? Maybe that's why... I have nothing against you though.
  4. lol?
  5. The Official Food Topic hello and welcome to the official food topic for Left 4 Green. The aim of this topic is simple - To discuss, Argue, debate and Mud Wrestle about your favourite and least favourite Foods. Anyone participating in this discussion must list there Three favourite followed by their Three least favourite foods, then you are permitted to shout at each other for there stupidity and ignorance to your favourite food. (Drinks are permitted in this discussion) Favourite Food is Pizza Pasta Chinese Food Least Favourite Food Pie Olives Tomatoes Anyone who likes pies are STUPID.
  6. very sweet Boter, but I checked and we already have a forum topic assigned to pets.. http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?showtopic=539
  7. Cant you make a limit to the amount a certain player can pick up? Or the more experienced a player is on the server the less ammo they are allowed maybe ? harsh but they make up for it with skill. There are plenty of people on the server who may lack "skills", and therefore make the gameplay a real bitch if they don't have enough bullets. The system we have now is perfect. A few mags every now and then, instead of 50 instant magazines that they can spray out in a couple of minutes. Perfect? hmm Not sure about that. I think its a bit contradictory of the term 'Survival' when Ammo magically appears from the sky. Don't get me wrong, I like the convenience of it but I think it takes away from the gametype.
  8. yup I agree this would add to the tension + make it more tactical. It would require more skill to survive on maps where Humans seem invincible whilst camping.
  9. Heres my Entry- Admins Gone Wild! (I'm sorry) if you crazy people don't get it, its based on the shit video series called 'Girls Gone Wild'.
  10. Sounds good! I think I will enter.
  11. thats not very nice
  12. lol, the 2nd picture makes me laugh a lot. Awesome shots. Sexy. Having sisters that can do pigtails can be a curse.
  13. With a bigger chance of survival with guns also means a greater chance of Friendly Fire. I can imagine Cow accidentally shooting someone in the foot.
  14. 45% Chance of Survival... That's what I get for going back for loved ones
  15. I did. Kinda. It's hard to make a scene that is funny, and well made. I think I'll do the next one for a change. I like the admin one. What do you guys think? Close this one without reward? Personally, I think this is best, it's a bit unfair to just "win". We have 3 entries, so 3 winners. And this one was fail. If Clavus just closes this thread, I'll start a new, and better one on monday. yeah it would be best to forget this ever happened and start with a new contest asap. Everyone's a winner (Meaning no-one is).
  16. hmmm admins you say? what themed around us or the participation of us? Because I wouldn't mind entering, but like you I wasn't inspired by this one.. Felt like there weren't to many good possibilities to be honest. Next contest please! yea?
  17. I think I'd have to agree, the more information you have on screen, the more off-putting It is for new players. I'm sure pressing f4 isn't to strenuous
  18. 3,5,6,7 pictures are honestly really really great. Nice job!!
  19. SneedMonoBrow would be good!
  20. wow, sorry to crap on the already lively forum right now and trying to have a little lighthearted fun I can understand why you would get annoyed in the situation of continuous dick jokes or whatever, but some of you take all of this waaaay to seriously.
  21. Theres nothing wrong with a bit of cock.
  22. CockTease, Ass, The Mexican Meatball hmm... Need to think of something epic.
  23. I'm sorry to ruin all the fun for you, but this isn't puzzle gamemode. It's zombie survival! You need realistic maps, like in left4dead D:.I agree with the "epic" map thing, we surely need more unique, fun maps to play... Speaking of unique, fun maps, whatever happened to your Black Mesa map you were working on deluvas? That looked fucking awesome
  24. Tell me about it!! Even today I took a screenshot in game and look what came up!! > !!!!
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