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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. I remember my PC shutting down at games, it was indeed a temperature problem. (too much dust making my CPU 120Celcius)
  2. that
  3. Don't worry. We're going to change the current width. Aww, I like how it actually seems to take advantage of my widescreen laptop :< I dislike all the unnecessary whitespace on the right side, I'd prefer a soft green bar then. That way it's less eyerape
  4. I preferred the fixed width, I don't like wide forums
  5. You seem to have failed to answer my 'would you rather'. Please explain your comment below, so that this internet forum "game", may continue in it's usual awkward fashion. Many may now be pleased, although few will admit it, but i have started my new usage of the "period", or more commonly known as the "full stop". You seem to have failed to continue the previous 'would you rather'. Please stop posting unless you are either going to contribute to the topic or make sense in your posts. I might be pleased somehow to see interpunction in your posts, but I will love it if you start using Capital characters. Now to continue the game: A drink with a tiny umbrella in it, makes me feel like I'm on holidays. Pie or Cake?
  6. MR . DARKNESS IS BELGIUM!!!!! Keyboard or Gamepad?
  7. Beer xBox360 or PS3?
  8. Delia because forums. Shoutbox or IRC
  9. Headset. Live to work, or Work to live?
  10. Zombies, because shotgun doesn't work under water. Oh we are on a new page :') I can't draw, so it wont look like anything when I draw. I choose: Furfag hentai Cake or Lie?
  11. I would. BF3 or MW3?
  12. Zombitch, copy and paste the following in your signature: [center][img=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6030/5943101302_ab88d994a5.jpg][/center]
  13. BlueYoshi, you are right about the fact that I never really played the SuperMario games like you did. I do have played it a few times, but never have owned the game(s) of supermario myself. This does not mean your post is not awesome to read, it's just again one of your quality posts. @Corby: Have fun
  14. I tought a car would insta-die on an EMP, just googled a bit and found this: http://www.survivalblog.com/2010/08/real_world_emp_effects_on_moto.html Seems like its the best to just turn off your engine before setting off the EMP.
  15. I don't think it's so great to be English. Because you know only English, like so many other people on this planet. I can just go discuss in my own native language when in a foreign country, and the foreigners wont know what the fuck I am discussing. And English is easy to learn so I think you are kinda missing out on awesomeness. Oh and I learned most of my English by playing on a RP server in SAMP..
  16. MSN1 for real: Can't decide because I stopped using MSN at version 6. be a: Vampire or Werewolf
  17. Pizza, no idea what a hampurger is. Tea or Coffee?
  18. Build a wall.
  20. BouweV

    New Car

    Why does that disturb me?
  21. You avatar fits perfectly with that somehow. Would've been even better if it had a moustache
  22. The only thing notch needs to add now, are badgers.
  23. BouweV


    I think you mean mentally sick.
  24. made out of fake
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