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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. I never played any Duke Nukem. Not sure if it's smart to say that..
  2. killing spree? Look at me, I'm on a horse. FUTURE FASHION We will all be wearing a nanosuit in 50 years. Water-resistant fire. "Finish no lower than 3rd in your class." So I also overtook a class higher. =]
  3. BouweV

    Post your shoes

    I've got new shoes today, the old ones were a year old and really worn out. Also: Look at that awesome shoelacing again =]
  4. I knew it! Zunz is a baby.
  5. EA Download Manager?
  6. sticky pestons great for when making walls move, and you dont have to place all blocks back
  7. Ywa hasn't even bought ace-spades.nl yet Might check it out tomorrow,. again going to bed too damn late
  8. BouweV

    Post your shoes

    I bought them for a party, the print on it is the flag of my province. The party was with my friends-group from a 'rival' province, so that's why I only used them once PS: From left to right top row: Working shoes, Horseriding shoes, Clogs. From left to right, bottom row: Shoes with my suit, Performance shoes, Regular daily shoes, Sporting shoes. =]
  9. BouweV

    Post your shoes

  10. [13:58:18] <+BouweV> !bouwev2 [13:58:19] <%MrGreen> Pic related to !bouwev: With my new haircut. =]
  11. BouweV

    Post your shoes

    =] and these:
  12. Why not set up a team of dedicated MTA players and give them all maps on a test server. Let them test all maps and give them a like/dislike voting system too, if their majority dislikes a map it could be really shit and deleted? Just throwing an idea in the discussion.
  13. BouweV

    E3 2011

    Why is my name highlit
  14. BouweV

    E3 2011

    We have a Wii, brother still uses it every now and then.. but that's like once a month
  15. It was in hundred2's post
  16. Ghost mode is not from the old days.
  17. nice one hundred! made me laugh
  18. Haven't played/read Metro, all I have seen from that game are cartoon-ish drawings. Have played STALKER,. but it's not my type of game. Didn't vote.
  19. Not sure if I posted my new rig yet:
  20. Yeah, normally it's not noticable,. but my mic settings were very sensitive so yeah.. and thanks
  21. I liked it, recorded it aswell It's uploading as we speak, so vid coming in a moment (doing it in 480p for the sake of faster uploading) Edit: Gonna do it in HD after all, don't want crappy looking vid on my youtube And after someone kept me awake by constantly texting I do can place it here this night.. 1080p available and look at me failing to type the mapname gonna be hard to wake up in 3 hours
  22. Nothing people create is completely new. It's mostly new, but of course they used some old bits of other engines. But they did polish the old bits to make it better, so I'd say it's new because it wasn't there before.
  23. Isn't it all on a completely new engine? Frostbite2?
  24. First thing what popped up in my mind was: "Why so serious?"
  25. BouweV

    Post your shoes

    1 for everyday use 1 for work 1 for with my suit 1 for performances 1 for horseriding 1 for sporting and 1 pair of klompen That makes 7 pair
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