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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. BouweV

    Post your shoes

    I've got 7 pair of shoes, cba to collect them from all over the house to make a photo
  2. I should get BF3 I guess, but I prefer having it on steam,. waiting for that(also depending on the price)
  3. Haha, I had to install that too first,. couldn't be arsed to start PremierePro Also WMM has the possibility to directly upload it to youtube from the program.
  4. BouweV


    You did it!
  5. Haha, yeah seeing it back it looks quite stupid pushing that button all the time I also tried to get through the door by walking backwards from the button but I failed that
  6. Happy birthday! Gefeliciteerd! Félicitations! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Felicitaciones! Felicitazioni! Til lykke! Gratulerar! And last but (certainly) not least(My own language): Fan herte lokwinske mei dyn jierdei!
  7. There might be some mumbling from me there we go PS: Here is my first attempt at recording, but I had forgotten to enable console
  8. I'll be uploading my playthrough in a moment, gotta install windows movie maker first And indeed, the white wall is hard to notice.
  9. You have played too much Left 4 Dead when you hear a girl crying and you shout out loud: WIIIIITCH!!!!!!!! KILL YOUR LIGHTS!!
  10. Pom pom pom pompom pom pom pom pompom pom pom pom pompom pom pom pom pompom 6/10 I don't really like rap, and this background pompom is quite annoying. ^the girl on the guitar(pink wig) is from my school
  11. IPB v3.1 comes with a mobile version. ^That What did I say 11 minutes before you? It took him 11 minutes to make his post. Ontopic: Looking good, what new features will be there? Also: We are all the chosen ones who have gone to heaven after the rapture!
  12. You have played too much Portal when you start thinking with portals.
  13. It's because of pl_thunderstorm
  14. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/5775170768/the-changelist-for-1-6 Also, I vote for a new world Pufulet: That texturepack you are using, the iron blocks look like fossilized bacon
  15. It's not so hard to get those times, just go back in time.
  16. That vid of Mif was quite damn easy to find, not linking it here tho. Else he'd have linked it himself. Video is nice tho. (Looking at the editing and not the lame content )
  17. 8 aug 2007 1951 views And the 2nd best viewed is 15 apr 2010 265 views And this is the 3rd. (Yes, I did that while driving 100km/h) 20 aug 2010 240 views edit: oversaw this one: it has 409 views, its a training for the dutch Riot Control
  18. Of course I'll keep the awesome van. I might do another test tonight. Change-log so far: - Camera is now movable - Improved player synchronization - Added horn (H key) - Added health (not displayed yet) Horn. harrrr
  19. Ywa, as long as you keep the awesome van in this game it will be awesome. @Corby, its not CTRL+L but just the left CTRL on your keyboard
  20. Also, awesome van is awesome.
  21. Ywa was humping me on that first screenshot.
  22. I like it, as someone who never plays ZS. (I felt like you could have some nice words in this topic, Pufulet)
  23. This topic has so much nostalgia in it. It made my day.
  24. BouweV


    nice vids you got I subscribed
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