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Mr. Green Gaming

Hundred2's Admin App for IW

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Gameserver: Garry's Mod - Infected Wars

Age: 17

Country of Origin: The Netherlands

Link to Steam Community: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hundred2/

Little something about myself:

Well it's been One/Two year(s) since the of the beloved Infected Wars server, a while after that I dropped my previous admin rights because ZS didn't turn out the way that I expected to be.

However thanks to NECROSSIN, Infected Wars has been resurrected and has a chance of becoming very popular again, and thus I decided to re-apply for admin rights. Infected Wars had been one of my favorite game modes, I was there when it grew and I was there when it died. And it would be great to be able to once again administrate and purge remove the griefing/exploiting players from the server.

I've been a admin for this gamemode before, and I may have made some stupid mistakes in the past but it's been one/two years since then and I have learnt from those mistakes (Hopefully :V). I also noticed that a lot of the old regulars returned to this resurrected server and they are people I am familiar with, always handy to have a administrator who knows old players as I would say.

Anyway, I'm almost-always online during the midday/evening during work/schooldays and pretty much online 24/7 during weekends, in event of a server-shattering emergency people can easily contact me on steam. My banning-policy is simple, kick once, 2nd offence results in a ban (duration depending on what type of offence, hacking is a permaban).

Anyway, that was the semi wall of text, it's all up to the TC now.



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Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!Good luck!

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