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Mr. Green Gaming

Big ZS Topic (aka ZS Changes)

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some ideas:

shop items:


player can see wraiths and receives 50% less damage from them

-restless soul:

as normal zombies you become zombie torso when you die


-increase damage of shotgun slightly

-lower headcrab collision height so you cant get stuck behind them

-include old wraith as a different class

-include fast headcrab

-more starting ammo for weak pistols


-player model and skin can be picked at beginning of round (maybe skins in shop?):

-zombie leveling: altough zombie leveling should not result in overpowered zombies, just slightly improvement

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@darkness: depends on what i get from supply crate. I like plank. Which lvl commando are you ?


Those shop items will never work. First is to OP and second is more like a feature.

-shotgun was op now its fine

-Totally agree, its super annoying.

- old wraith was replaced for a reason, new one is good.

- Agreed, but needs some work.

- agree

Totally agree about your classes ideas.

Edited by Damien
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You should really have 4 tabs in the shop:


-Bought Hats


-Bought Upgrades

its messy as hell in the shop!!!

some ideas for upgrades:

Homerun - 20% Extra chance to decapitate zombies

Reinforced Lead - Bullets go through an extra zombie

Ipod Earplugs - 35% Less damage from howler

Aribariba! - When hit there is a 10% chance to have your speed increased by 100% for 2 secounds.

The Matrix - 1 in 4 chance to spawn with duelelites with bonus damage of 30%

Mr.Muscle - 15% Extra damage with regular zombie and take 15% less damage from bullets.

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2 notes:

Updates that are already on SVN:

  • Fixed a bug where poison aura's healing was broken between Poison Zombies
  • Fixed Zombine's speed bug (Thanks to Deluvas)

And there is a 'preview' of small new update (not on SVN yet):

  • Changed lvl 4-6 berserker's requirements from 'Kill X undead with katana/crowbar' to 'Decapitate X undead'.
  • Added ability to see nearby (400-600 units distance) teammates through walls for medic (almost same as zombie's one).
  • 'prop_door_rotating' entities are now destructible too.
  • Cade Buster upgrade will work against the doors above ^.
  • Fixed small Mobile Supplies' hud error at the spawn.
  • Changed the way how you will get playermodel. For example, your default player's model is Barney and you spawn as engineer. If table with models of current class will contain Barney's model - you will spawn as him. Otherwise you will get random model from class' models table.

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