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Battlefield 3 discussion


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Air vehicles are underpowered and horrible to fly with, you could say that they suck.

This. I dunno tho how good those missiles are, which need unlocking.

It's a bit too small for my taste


Battlefield>MW3 IMO. Commander function ftw :3

Aaaaaaaaand. This... No wait. BF3 is better because of vehicles and big maps.

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Battlefield>MW3 IMO. Commander function ftw :3

Who said there will be a commander fuction? Its more likely that suck-ass DICE decides to leave it out.

And the lack of vehicles is disturbing. Its hard to find even one jeep near a flag, only vehicles seem to be located in main bases.

Edited by Nobana
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What exaclty can the squad leader do, since in beta he really cant do anything. No UAV, Artillery, vehicle drops, supplies...


[lainaus] 1. Squad issues: Cannot play with friends within same squad, squads get split up onto opposite teams, etc.

There will be improved squad functionality in the retail game (including but not limited to): the ability to create squads prior to launching into a game, sticking with your squad when joining a game and continuing together through future games (If team balance on the server allows it), inviting friends to a squad and changing squads once in game.

2. Regarding additional Open Beta content and fixes/patches for consoles, including PlayStation 3 issues with chat and party systems

While we would like to patch the Open Beta, DICE is currently focusing its available resources on polishing the retail game.

3. Will DICE have enough time to iron out everything by release?

Please see General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson's blog post regarding this question.

4. Can we have ability to change settings/options before deployment into match on PC?

The ability to modify your settings via the deploy screen has been added into the retail game.

5. Issues with terrain stability and "falling into the map" on Operation Métro

This has been fixed for the beta via a server side update.

6. Kill cam sometimes zooms out too far or outside the map

This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

7. A bug that sometimes keeps some players from being able to sprint

This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

8. Screen flickering/stuttering. Blue screen remains after respawn. Game locks up after deploying C4 (360)

This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

9. Downed bodies appear to be dead, but are not

The DICE team has been looking into this issue - which is caused by a combination of incidents in a confined area - and are working hard to address the issue for the launch of the retail game.

10. Why is the hit detection seemingly different from Battlefield: Bad Company 2?

The netcode is one of the many things that we are testing as part of the Open Beta and is not necessarily reflective of the final retail game. The DICE team appreciates and has heard the feedback you've provided and is further optimizing online play.

Edited by Nobana
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Youtube link for Operation Firestorm, big vehicles based map. Looks, well, not so good.

How so? I think it looks awesome. I'm a fan of the big vehicle maps. More options for ambush and flanking, or just downright steamrolling a tank in.

Yes it does look good when you think about playing it with vehicles, but Im afraid that it has the same kind of lack of vehicles that Caspian Border does(hard to find a jeep elsewhere than homebase).

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I played some Caspian Border yesterday and it looks amazing. Though the vehicles need to be adjusted bigtime. Especially helicopters and jets.This is what I posted on BattleLog

I just found my way into a jet in CB, my first reaction: What the ****? I did not know a jet could take air in my backyard! Once I got into the air I noticed my speed was dropping. That's right. I can walk faster than this jet flies. Now comes the controls; were the developers drunk while creating it? Just a question out of the blue. I can honestly say I do NOT understand why they just thrown the Battlefield 2 handling at the garbage. It was way superior to the current handling and it was made almost 6 years ago now. It was the best jet handling in ANY game i've ever played. And it wasn't even based on flying. It was amazing. I spend hundreds of hours flying, each time being different and each time finding out new moves.

With this handling? I won't even bother waiting for a jet anymore.

Come on Dice, you can do so much better...

Why have they thrown the superior Battlefield 2 handling overboard? Helicopters is the same story.

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Being used to a type of controls doesn't necessarily make it superior. We'll have to see how it holds up over time.

You clearly havent played Battlefield 2, therefore you dont know what we mean. The gameplay and handling itself on jets and choppers is complete crap.

Edited by Nobana
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Being used to a type of controls doesn't necessarily make it superior. We'll have to see how it holds up over time.

You clearly havent played Battlefield 2, therefore you dont know what we mean. The gameplay and handling itself on jets and choppers is complete crap.

I have played Battlefield 2 and I think that you are just whining.

The controls are fine on the jets and choppers.

Stop wanting Battlefield 2 with updated graphics.

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Being used to a type of controls doesn't necessarily make it superior. We'll have to see how it holds up over time.

You clearly havent played Battlefield 2, therefore you dont know what we mean. The gameplay and handling itself on jets and choppers is complete crap.

I have played Battlefield 2 and I think that you are just whining.

The controls are fine on the jets and choppers.

Stop wanting Battlefield 2 with updated graphics.

I dont see how can you even think like that because the flying is absolutely shit compared to Battlefield 2. And yes, I will keep comparing the controls to Battlefield 2 because they were perfect in BF2 and I dont see why did they need to change them to worse.

Edited by Nobana
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I think that was the concept in the first place, until they ran into the idea of bashing CoD. And now we have a Codfield.


Give me some examples that makes this game Codfield.


Infantry combat in BF2 wasn't great. That was improved in the BC2 series and now it's awesome in BF3. And Rush isn't CoD at all, have you ever seen a CoD game that requires that much teamwork?

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I think that was the concept in the first place, until they ran into the idea of bashing CoD. And now we have a Codfield.


Give me some examples that makes this game Codfield.


I don't see how that makes Battlefield 3 -> Codfield.

It dosent.

/back to BF3 ->

Jet controlling in BF3 is fine otherwise, but of course my mousepad isnt large enough to make that roll...

Edited by MiF
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of course my mousepad isnt large enough to make that roll...

Every self-respecting jet- and chopper pilot uses a joystick.

So is this game worth buying? Or shall I leave it till its gone down in price a bit?

Dont pre-order at least. Wait for the game to be released to see what they have fixed and what not.

Edited by Nobana
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