mogadonskoda Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Well i think the pricing for everything is fine, hats are still around the same price and suits are expensive so everyone doesnt have one so you feel cooler The guns are easy to get, you just have to conserve your ammo and use tools effectively like the medkit Quote
RaduBuilder Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Hey, I'm new to the website, just a lil' question:why cant I join the minecraft sevrer? It keeps thelling me 'End of stream', while the server is actually up. Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 (edited) Well it is the time for my opinion.Today I played the new version preview of ZS and think it is really brilliant. Even tho there are some problems with gameplay.Let's say that the prices are actually too big. Lets compare something:Pistol ammo (35 SP) and 1 Nail (50 SP). Since pistol ammo does quite a big amount of damage, but a nail breaks fast, I say that even having a nailing hammer will already be pointless since nails are weak.Weapon prices - big, really big. Since we get a small amount of SP every wave, it is really hard to get a new gun, even for zerkers. I watched today and saw how all of them got in a maximum of 700-800 SP. Not even talking about Reaching 1000.The ammo prices are okay, but there also are some weapon prices I don't really understand. Why does P228 cost less than USP, if USP is the starting weapon? Doesn't make sense. USP cost 100 and P228 cost 90. Same with melee weapons.Levels:Good idea, but is it that ppl dont get anything when they reach lvl 5? I saw ppl reaching lvl 5 (or 6 idk) and saying they didn't get anything even later after it. Not sure, but is it a bug or something undone?What I really liked in the game is that zombies have a chance to stand up once they fall, same as humans when they die. Also I loved the thing when a player gets hit by a prop - he falls on the ground. Another idea I liked was with Suits, even tho, I think some of them could have multiple perks, not just 1 single perk of increased health and so on. It could be like..."Medic suit" - "Restore xxx% more health with your medikit *next perk written below" Increased health by 20""Supply suit" - "x% more ammo gained from crates *Next stroke* x% more starting ammo *Next stroke* x% less melee damage from zombies"Sort of that.I think this could be reached with usage of a certain misc item (aka medikit, mobile supply etc.). So it's the more you use a certain item, the better and more perks for the suit there will be.Now let's talk about the zombie waves.As you know the zombies spawn in groups each wave and I like that. Even tho, there is a problem when players just go different directions and there are only 4 players left out of 10. :')Today me, Jason, Pufu, Crawford were attacking humans, while 5 other zombies were somewhere fiddling around. Maybe you could make some sort of a Red zombie aura seen for zombies which will let them know where are hordes of zombies and how big they are? I think this will make it more tactical.Now let's talk about a few zombies.For example ethereals. Well yeah, the disguise perk works sometimes, but it is more rare. Humans momentally guess who of them is a zombie and who isn't. Maybe there could be some human animations for ethereals? In addition they will sometimes blink turning into ethereals for a moment so it really is possible to understand it is a zombie. Also the disguise should last for like 30 secs. Once it is down, the ethereal won't be able to re-use it and will loudly scream on un-disguising, paying attention of other humans that there was an ethereal between them.Headcrabs. Well, I would really love if the good old idea of controlling a human, while the headcrab is on a player, damaging the target would be on aswell. Headcrabs dont do a big damage any way + they sometimes just don't hurt anyone if they jump on someone.Poison headcrabs. Those should jump a bigger distance. Even bigger than classical headcrabs do. That small jumping distance wouldn't reach any human around. Those could run away fast.Zombines. Everything is quite okay with those. I just don't like when they always walk too slow and can't damage with their left arm while having a grenade in right.Now suggestions:We all know the incoming Hate boss. How about if he could spawn every 2 rounds with different HP? Would be more action. It is only 2 min per a wave, so why wouldn't he spawn more often? (Even if I dont know your idea, Necro). Bad idea to make it on last wave, since you have only 2 min. Not enough.Get ideas of more suit perks and suits themselves so we can buy more suits for different prices, not 11k :/ (some may be 2 - 4k, pleeaaase?). OVERALL.I really love how it is now it went more natural and fun, even tho humans are even more powerful than they were before. Before it was ballanced but more boring.I think it still needs some work on it (yes, I know, it is a beta, but still!) and can't wait stuff to be fixed and the boss to be added!Hope at least some of the things I listed will be worked up. Edited March 18, 2012 by Mr. Darkness NECROSSIN 1 Quote
NECROSSIN Posted March 18, 2012 Author Posted March 18, 2012 Levels:Good idea, but is it that ppl dont get anything when they reach lvl 5? I saw ppl reaching lvl 5 (or 6 idk) and saying they didn't get anything even later after it. Not sure, but is it a bug or something undone?Its not a bug, there are just not enough stuff to fill all 35 ranks for now Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Bring the power ups back in the green shop, at least Last man stand, autoshotty, quick cure Also, the green gaz : I was standing in a small room yesterday on the new nasty house map, with destroyed walls, and there was a supply crate there (and an ammunition box dropped by someone), but I didn't have time to pick up something since a gaz appeared right near the crates.usually it damages you when you're IN the area, but I've managed to escape the place, go far away, and for probably a dozen of seconds my life kept decreasing as if I were hurt by a poison crab (but there weren't any poison crabs) and reached 10-15hp (I had 50 hp or so).Could you reduce the "poisonning" effect's duration ? Quote
NECROSSIN Posted March 18, 2012 Author Posted March 18, 2012 Uploaded small patch today:Reduced damage from poison gasses.Increased sales a bit.Fixed a bug where player was not spawning with suit.To earn XP you need at least 6 players on server.Reworked horde system so its more optimised.Reduced max amout of horde resistance from 60% to 55%.Reduced max amount of zombies required for full horde resistance from 12 to 10.Ethereal can slowly move while attacking and being disguised.Fixed humans being stuck in reviving zombies.Reduced Nail's cost down to 40 skillpoints.Reduced amount of xp/sp for mobile supplies down to 3.XP/SP earned with medkit equals amount of healed health.Reduced damage of Pot and Frying Pan.Increased Crowbar's dmg a little.Added 30% chance to revive for zombies if killed by melee weapons.Probably fixed killcam clientside error (untested) Sentra and Ywa 2 Quote
Dr.Minky Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Improvements from my initial impressions, excluding the bugs and crate shop problems of course because you dont need telling about them- The biggest issue it seems is that lower level players find it extremely difficult to get SP because they have a crappy starting gun with out much ammo (until your more experienced people don't conserve ammo that well), and then the higher level players have decent starting guns with more ammo and they conserve their ammo, so not only kill everything quicker and get more SP points than the lower players but it also just takes ALL the possible points away from them because they don't get most of the kills. It just seems a bit... In-balanced, to new players. Maybe give the starting pistol more ammo, or make lower levels have a higher chance of spawning with a random weapon, or best of all just have the med kit unlocked from level 1 or something so that they can earn points that way.- The dark mod on humans (or whatever its called) is a bit TOO dark, although it does make it look better, possibly turn down the levels of it a bit so its not pitch black half the time- Possibly change the old zombie HUD to a fresher looking one, since it still has the old layout + the bright yellow filter. Or change the filter on it at least.- The third person view seems to change randomly, some rounds id be in third person as a zombie and the next id be in first person, is this a bug or is it meant to be like this depending on the map or something?- I like that etherals are much harder to see when not disguised, that works quite well, but apart from that theyre pretty much only useful for killing afk people.. That might be solved with you making them be able to move while attacking, but the disguise could be made better since its extremely obvious that they're zombies, since they look just like when you kill a player and they come back as a zombie anyway. They probably need a re-thinkThose are my initial suggestions, whether you all agree or not, just trying to help out Great job on all this Necrossin, its fantastic, bravo! Quote
Luke Nukem Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 My computer only Blue Screens on ZS when the game ends or a new round starts? Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Improvements from my initial impressions, excluding the bugs and crate shop problems of course because you dont need telling about them- The biggest issue it seems is that lower level players find it extremely difficult to get SP because they have a crappy starting gun with out much ammo (until your more experienced people don't conserve ammo that well), and then the higher level players have decent starting guns with more ammo and they conserve their ammo, so not only kill everything quicker and get more SP points than the lower players but it also just takes ALL the possible points away from them because they don't get most of the kills. It just seems a bit... In-balanced, to new players. Maybe give the starting pistol more ammo, or make lower levels have a higher chance of spawning with a random weapon, or best of all just have the med kit unlocked from level 1 or something so that they can earn points that way.- The dark mod on humans (or whatever its called) is a bit TOO dark, although it does make it look better, possibly turn down the levels of it a bit so its not pitch black half the time- Possibly change the old zombie HUD to a fresher looking one, since it still has the old layout + the bright yellow filter. Or change the filter on it at least.- The third person view seems to change randomly, some rounds id be in third person as a zombie and the next id be in first person, is this a bug or is it meant to be like this depending on the map or something?- I like that etherals are much harder to see when not disguised, that works quite well, but apart from that theyre pretty much only useful for killing afk people.. That might be solved with you making them be able to move while attacking, but the disguise could be made better since its extremely obvious that they're zombies, since they look just like when you kill a player and they come back as a zombie anyway. They probably need a re-thinkThose are my initial suggestions, whether you all agree or not, just trying to help out Great job on all this Necrossin, its fantastic, bravo!Minky, I must say I disagree on almost every point.First of all, you can get SP and XP by healing team mates and killing zombies. You must be tactical with killing zombies - just shoot them when they already received some shots, USP is powerful enough now.Secondly, you can turn off the Dark mode. That's why it is called dark mode, because you can hardly see in darkness, not like zombies. If you don't like it, just turn it off, as for me I like when it has a more realistic look.Third, nothing to say. I am okay with the current one.Fourth, today I killed 5 people as ethereal while humans were camping. I will repeat it again, you must be tactical. Ethereals have a good backstab damage. You can pass through while invisible and disguise when no one mentions you. You have 80% chance not to be detected while the rest of humans is shooting the hot point. It is a problem when humans are camping in a locked up room tho. Quote
Dr.Minky Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 As I said, those were my first impressions, I'm not going to argue about them with you Ywa 1 Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Bug to fix :I got 3 times a Buffer Overflow in net messages error today, it disconnects people from the server.I noticed this happened when people are using a lot the mic + chat messages.Suggestion (but it's been quite a long time since this thing exists ) : don't force weapon autoswitching please. It's a pain to go to the options and untick the box for this each time I'm connecting, plus this remains when I go on another server. It'd be cool to be able to tick/untick this for good And I don't agree with you Darkness, about the dark hud.It happened that even with the option unticked my screen was too dark, and sometimes it came back to a normal color after ticking it again.My opinion : It has potential, but it needs fixes there, there...And my poweruuuuuuups Wait & see. Quote
Pufulet Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 (edited) Add the unlife_mrgreen.mp3 back for when infliction is over 70%.Add xp and sp for blowtorch.Zombies should not revive from an axe.Increase axe damage.Make ammo crates worth 5sp instead of 3 because you cant do much with a 3.Decrease howler speed by 25 units and decrease chance of getting shield.Decrease the speed of the poison headcrab projectile and range.Remove autopickup.Add when a human dies they drop all their weapons/tools. Edited March 19, 2012 by Pufulet Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 Agreed with Pufu almost with every point.I think actually all the melee weapons should have a chance to completely kill a zombie after it's revive. Not like with weapons. With weapons it should be only when you shoot zombie's head and torso, but when you shoot legs, it has a revive chance.Srsly, zombie getting lots of dmg in head, but doesn't die because of those ppl who melee?Yeah, howlers are quite fast (even tho, I am okay with their speed). I disagree about the sound shield. Sound shield should be actually their main weapon. You cant wait for a howler to shout 5 times for a charge, that's a waste of time. Howlers should charge zombies with a shield so that zombies have a chance to break through. Quote
Pufulet Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 For anyone who did not get a chance to try this out.This is an early version of the open-beta. Quote
NECROSSIN Posted March 19, 2012 Author Posted March 19, 2012 Nox nox nox nox and unfair stuff for donationsNo need Quert 1 Quote
Quert Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 Poison Zombie perk/loadout, where he can throw npc_poisonheadcrabs,This will make it lighter and able to run nearly as fast as a normal zombie.Never add NPCs.I'd rather poison headcrabs (players) humping on a poisonzombie and being thrown at humans.About the other suggestions, I (more or less) agree to some of em.A suggestion I would like to do:Zombies having a chance to turn into headcrabs... unless they're killed by a headshot Mr. Darkness 1 Quote
Mr. Darkness Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 (edited) A suggestion I would like to do:Zombies having a chance to turn into headcrabs... unless they're killed by a headshotI had that in mind for ages, even said it already. Seems necro forgot +would be great if this chance would be bigger than reviving chance. Edited March 19, 2012 by Mr. Darkness Quote
EmRA Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 the zombies dont even have headcrabs on their head or do theyi remember them not having headcrabs on their head Quote
Raptor Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 Make crows no collide...I got cock blocked by 5 crows and died then Quote
Pufulet Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 (edited) Make crows no collide...I got cock blocked by 5 crows and died thenThat's why you shout abuse at them while spamming the melee attack. Edited March 19, 2012 by Pufulet Luke Nukem 1 Quote
Luke Nukem Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 New idea...On one of the level ups past 20 have something called 5 finger discount which randomly gives you the chance to score a discount? or how ever you want it to be. Quote
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