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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. HEY, I made this poll because I think we need a change on mix server. I think it's got boring to play a map 3 times in a row, even if it's a long NTS or long big jump SH rounds. I have 2 suggestions how it could be better. You can choose between 3 options. 1. Play again only once. We could vote for play again the map like now, but only once. 2. Play ALL the maps twice. We couldnt vote for the maps, server would play EVERY map twice, and that's it. 3. Don't change it. It's good as it is now, dont change it. Please tell me your opinion about this. Thank you for your attention.
  2. Hey, Please set the map rotate to totally random. It's annoying u get the same maps all the time and there are maps which won't get play for months. Thanks.
  3. Hey, Haraz is lagging 24/7 on the server and no one bats an eye. His ping is jumping around all day long which is totally his fault and it's not about location. I asked mods and admins about it but they said nothing so I had to make this post. Ban him please, he won't change that, because he can't change that, if he could, he would already done that. If you won't ban him, explain me why. Thanks
  4. 5/10 average
  5. I think CTF is a fun gamemode it shouldnt be delete, instead of deleting admins should delete only shit maps. There are several really nice CTF maps on the server and there are lots of shit maps. I think if you just keep 10-15 nice maps it could be more fun. MH needs upgrade and also deleting shit maps. It's really fun on bigger maps but on small maps it has got no point. If you don't have time or don't have someone to upgrade it, should be delete, it's outdated. Personally I think that DL is bad and it should be delete.
  6. Make more flat area sh maps PLEASE. We don't have like 56 other FLAT SH MAPS. PLEASE DO MORE! Map manager: Please upload the 526th flat SH map pls!!! NEVER ENOUGH!!!
  7. Really thank you for your work, this is my favorit server on MTA. Really nice server, but i'd like to suggest you some changes, I hope you will think about it. 1. Language chat Please, add language chat to the server. Lots of turkish, arab, russian and other players use their own language on the main chat which is annoying. Keep main chat only english and others could use language chat on a different tab like in the picture below. 2. Laggers I don't want to ask you to set the ping limit lower again, because i admit it you will never change it. (I don't really understand why, epxlain me.) I'd rather like to ask you to punish those players who have lags because of their own fault. There are players who join to the server while they are downloading or with unstable ping in general. There are players who have unstable fps because of their PC for example MR|T1N3R. I don't know why no one deal with this problem, so I'd like to ask you to give admins a right to kick these kind of laggers. 3. Teams member limit Please, set a member limit to teams. I'd like to talk only one team which is Mother Russia. This clan has a lot of members it's out of control. In these days server hasn't got a lot of players, so this problem really effect gameplay. There are several times i join to the server and there are more MR players than other players (for example: 6MR vs 1 KoM, 2 Aos, and 2 non-team players). They are teaming ofc and they attack players 3v1, 4v1 what is totally unfair and players just quit if they get killed this way all the time. These 3 things are the most important problems on the server in my opinion and I wanted to highlight them to you. Keep up the nice work and try to keep server clean. Thank you.
  8. Yes, I tried almost everything and it still doesn't work. I will take it to the service shop tomorrow. Thank you for your help guys.
  9. I think it's not the monitor because I'm using it right now (safe mode) and i tried 2 different one. When i turn on my PC and Windows loading it's totally fine, but when i should login to my account it's getting this colorful shit... I think my GPU just died, but I'm hoping for some answers which could help me. If there's no solution i will take it to the service on Monday.
  10. Yo guys, 2 days ago I was playing MTA like every other day and suddenly some stripes appeared on my screen. After a few mins the stripes multiplied and it was like a collapse so i restarted my pc and it was working fine but today i turned on my PC and it was like this: It works fine at safe mode, so I disabled my video card at device manager then i restarted the PC, after that I tried to reinstall the driver but didn't help. What could be the problem? My GPU just died?
  11. good luck i miss u
  12. Truth is almost every player insult but only those get punish who got report. STOP SNITCHING
  13. Manhunt could be a really nice mode, but it needs some changes. -First of all someone should delete shit maps and only keep the good ones. -There's a bug when the victim play in ghost mode and he can get repair easily so he won because of the bug. -I think it would be awesome if the victim could fire rockets like u can do it in sh or have a minigun with cooldown time and others try to shoot him with pistols. He could defend himself more because now really hard to survive. What do you think about this?
  14. I would pay 20 euros/month to make a server with only SH and make mix great again with only NTS, NTS-DD, CTF, RTF and + 2 new gamemodes withouth SH. 

    1. KneeLzy


      Try to imagine how many players Mr.Green would lose if cena decide to delete this mode. There are plenty of SH only servers already so if people enjoying only it they would go there. I guess you don't like SH mode just because you are bad at and newbies can kill you easily that would be the main problem for you. :))

    2. V4POR


      I agree with Reese.

      NTS is the gamemode you can only play on mrgreen,it should deserve an own server.

      Kneelzy's response was childish btw.

  15. Hey, I think, we need a new rule on mix server, what admins could enforce. Okay, so we are playing on a big jump sh when only 4-5 "frickinproarielkillers" players remaining from different clans but they are teaming. The thing is, there is like 2-3 mins left and they don't fight, they just jumping around like little kids in the playground, while the other 15 players just waiting for them to end the turn. I think this is really make the game boring for those who waiting,and it's annoying. Players get bored, so they quit. I'm really sad admins, mods do the same and they can't see how destructive it is. New rule could be like, if you don't fight, or just jumping around like an idiot, you could get kill by admin or mod. There are another thing on the server, which is annoying what is CAMP. Happens on SH and DD every day. There are players who has got a lot of teammates they actually can't find a player to fight.... (don't really understand that how they enjoy the game, because the point of the game is killing others, but nvm) so they just driving around, waiting for the round to end... i think this is a joke how these players act, and this is need to be sanctioned. I know, this opinion won't be really popular, because most of the players actually doing this (admins and mods too ) but you have to see that this is really destructive. Thank you for your attention.
  16. Hi,When will you ban Hitman? He has got 2 sec delay from the server and he use his lag for win all the time. He is like a tank at DD, his rockets explode 5 meters away as you see it. NTS is a funny thing too. You drive in front of him and he is behind you, on your screen (because you have normal ping) but on his screen you are behind him and he is in front of you because he is in 2 sec delay.... so you just get extreme "lag-ram" from him. On other server it called lag abuse which means ban. A lot of players complaining about his lag and how he use it, and nothing happened since my last post, so i ask again. When will it happen?
  17. Map managers are actually doing things or they just upload shit maps???? 

    1. V4POR


      Looks like Mix has the same situation.

      Don't worry,I wanna find my destiny series will come for RTF.

    2. jack123



    3. AleksCore


      mr.reese reminds me wooozie and maybe myself too :D


  18. I'm so sorry i couldn't play because of my ping but i happily see that u did great anyway.
  19. Hi, When will you ban Hitman? He is from India, so he has extreme lags and im sure he is using some kind of application which shows his ping lower. He has got 2 sec delay from the server and he use his lag for win all the time. He is like a tank at DD, his rockets explode 5 meters away as you see it. NTS is a funny thing too. You drive in front of him and he is behind you, on your screen (because you have normal ping) but on his screen you are behind him and he is in front of you because he is in 2 sec delay.... so you just get extreme "lag-ram" from him. On other server it called lag abuse which means ban. I know ping limit, but he tricked it. Only those players know these things who don't teaming with him. I experience these things every day and i think this is unacceptable and destructive. Thank you for your attention.
  20. Mr.Green mix server originally a NTS server, so it's obvious there are long NTS maps like Marathon and journey andreas. I have to admit it could be annoying if you play it 3 times in a row because it's about 20 minutes for 1 map. I think it would be better if voters could choose play again once not twice. Also, long nts maps aren't played as often as hard dm maps. You get these kind of maps almost every round. Furthermore, what's the point of upload maps what mix players download from the internet? My conviction is they just upload them because they know how to play the map and to make tops. I'm just trying to say that, there are several good DM servers but we have got 1 and only NTS server. (nts, ntsdd) It's okay to have some hard maps, but it goes to a bad way in my opinion.
  21. Hey, I'd like to talk abut RTF maps. I don't really understand why map managers allow hard dm maps to upload.... Mr.green mix server is the only server where u can play NTS, NTS-DD, fun SH maps and nice CTF fights what makes the server unique. A lot of players like me love to play here because of this, but there are some guys who just download hard dm maps from other servers and upload them to mr.green mix. Why we need this? You could say that: "OMG you are just too noob because u can't finish it and that's why u cry" NO, because we don't want to practice these kind of maps because we come here to play FUN gamemodes like nts, ntsdd, sh, ctf, and easy or medium level rtf maps which is fun to play... Admins please control map managers work, because they upload a lot of hard dm maps (maps what players didn't make, they just download from the internet and upload them) which is totally opposite of the MIX server identity. Thank you
  22. I didnt attend this tournament, just wanna say something. Teaming and camping is an eternal problem on DD mode. Player number on the server is so low sometimes only a few players online. Several players teaming on the server which is totally OK. I have only a few teammates so i can see this situation clearly. So, the first thing which annoy me is the fact players teaming when number of players is low. For example: There are 2 players from MR and 3 players from KoM and 2 players without team. 2 MR and 3 KoM players won't kill eachother because they are in the same clan, but they are teaming with different clan members and non team players too, which will result 5 players who teaming and 2 who is not. I think this could be really annoying to a new player who just joined server, or to players who don't have any teammates. I think this could be frighten away new players and for players who don't have teammates is not a fair thing. I know you can't do shit about it because players will play the way they want. I just want to ask you guys, if the number of players is low please don't teaming because it isn't FAIR. Second thing is camping which came up in the tournament too as i read comments. So, for example there are 10 players online, from 3 different teams and 2-3 non-team players. As everybody knows there are players who have a lot of teammates (not talking about clans, teammates who won't kill) and many times they have actually no enemies on a DD map except 2-3 players. (I don't really understand how they enjoy the game with a tons of teammates) So, players like this just wait and driving around on the map... I could name a few guys who do this... so they have no enemies, while others have and they just wait, driving around, while others kill their enemies to that point when only teammates left. I know you don't want to kill your mate, destroy friendships. Think about other players who don't have teammates or new players. I just want to ask you again guys, please PLAY FAIRLY if the number of players is low!
  23. mr.reese Prisoner v7
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