Dear whining ZS players, I kindly request that you all take into consideration that Zombie Survival is a gamemode which is currently opensource, and people can contribute at will. Necrossin is sacrificing his time to code for it, to keep it going, which means that he won't be working on it like a slave, and it may well mean that he doesn't pump out updates as fast as you all seem to want them (which on first glance seems to pretty much be every day you ungrateful, selfish bastards). So please I stress to you all, to have a seat with your nice cup of STFU, drink it, think about life for a bit, and then think about why you're all being shitfucks, and why I'm having to post this message about your whining behaviour. Love and Kisses, Darkstar Le edit: Any lag issues is caused by Source's instability with large players, multiplied by the 4GB of RAM the server has to play with for 5 game servers and the server itself.