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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. From what I can gather from the ZS chat, this seems to have been a complete accident on pufulet's part. And Box, normal admins cannot give themselves weapons. Only Global and TC can.
  2. Banned.
  3. I say that Clavus is getting soft in his old age
  4. Usually hackers get a permaban. I can confirm this.
  6. Dear whining ZS players, I kindly request that you all take into consideration that Zombie Survival is a gamemode which is currently opensource, and people can contribute at will. Necrossin is sacrificing his time to code for it, to keep it going, which means that he won't be working on it like a slave, and it may well mean that he doesn't pump out updates as fast as you all seem to want them (which on first glance seems to pretty much be every day you ungrateful, selfish bastards). So please I stress to you all, to have a seat with your nice cup of STFU, drink it, think about life for a bit, and then think about why you're all being shitfucks, and why I'm having to post this message about your whining behaviour. Love and Kisses, Darkstar Le edit: Any lag issues is caused by Source's instability with large players, multiplied by the 4GB of RAM the server has to play with for 5 game servers and the server itself.
  7. Darkstar

    Quote Topic

    This really wont work. Theres a quote limit, for reasons exactly like this thread.
  8. Silver Dot last played on May 30th.Also, he hasn't played long enough to warrant the title of being a "zs veteran". Meh, the stats for some reason dont like me, it only shows me as playing ZS for 2 hours. Which is bullcrap.
  9. you still farmed. And I even warned him about it. (Blue Sushi)
  10. Peon you are more than welcome my good (mighty fine, and goddamn sexy) buddy. But yes, thank you all, I do feel like I fit in here, it really has to be complete luck how I managed to wind up here, but thats a story for another day. But seriously, the happy and pleasant bit is goddamn hard to do some days.
  11. Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes
  12. Oi. Why are you out of my basement. Getthefuckbackintherebitch.
  13. Navo, its cool. Be cool, we cool. We can kill people in BF3 brav.
  14. Chiken - Thanks once again for making my birthday topic <3 Corby - Youre a whore who didnt post your happy birthday message first. But <3. (And I dont see one here, I am dissapoint) Pancake - Eat it fatty. Clavus - Bitch. But thanks anyway. Doing the surprise for mayco I hope. BouweV - Once AGAIN. Thanks Mayco - Thank you my brother in purple. BlueYoshi - Your posts always make my mind just go all over the walls, and I loved that TF2 video. I'd say its an accurate description of me on Badlands. VMR - You are a babe, but this is already known <3 Ywa - Many thanks kind sir, I will take you up on the offer when a date for the lan is sorted. Dusty - It's always a pleasure to be of help, and I wasn't actually counting the drinks, I may have to now though :>
  15. Just remember, I know where you live... And I know (roughly) where you live... (The coloured text and big in bold, italics and in times new roman was not my idea) Whos idea was it? Someone in my diploma class.
  16. Try reading the message: I said "the one at the ending", not "the one at the beginning". And I also said "it's NOT Rob Zombie". Well im sorry if you edited your post while I posted my post Anyway, im not entirely sure what it is, it could be from the old Zombie Survival, you'll probably want to talk to Ywa about any files from that.
  17. Try googling, Rob Zombie - Reload
  18. Just remember, I know where you live... And I know (roughly) where you live... (The coloured text and big in bold, italics and in times new roman was not my idea)
  19. Im not off anywhere this summer. My parents are but not me. ujelly?
  20. You're a day too early dear :P

  21. You can get an admin list by clicking on Gameservers at the top. And with the ping limit, its 350 because otherwise it affects the other players who are playing, and the servers we offer are really meant for European players.
  22. Yeah... Thank you, i'm always on IRC ( In IRC i'm [O]_[O], because the parenthesis it is not permitted ) Not that I'm on loads compared to people like Darkstar, but I have never seen you on IRC before? Ywa's on much more than me you hoe. And he has been on the irc a bit, maybe could do with more.
  23. ^this Well i cant connect my steam account to my account on here cuz i had a old one but i forgot my name and password so i created this one. This means i cant buy any of the tf2 upgrades Have you even tried PM'ing Clavus or Ywa to fix it?
  24. Darkstar

    Firefox is shit

  25. It's Miss Pauling.
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