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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. RIOT! - Using my what seems to be trademarked Potatoshop font
  2. No offece but you (30 posts) have almost three times more post today that the dude on 2nd place (EmRA 13 posts) xD And the normal post/day here is 2-3 xD It really doesnt matter how many posts people do a day, because we're at least making it look like this community is going somewhere. As long as the posts are meaningful. What's the matter?
  3. Totally not yourself QTesla and CyriusG
  4. use [ youtube] & [/ youtube] (But take out those spaces)
  5. You may notice Chiken, that there are new members on the forums
  6. You have missed a golden opportunity to troll like you've never trolled before
  7. Who's been banned from L4D2 Group Chat? I know I have for spamming "COMMENCE SPAM"
  8. I hate people who bitch about new Steam UI. I also hate it when my sound drivers crash, and nothing can play :<
  9. Only problem I've had with paypal is that they've tried to take money from my debit card without me knowing.
  10. Was thinking the same thing good sir.
  11. 4/10 Meh.
  12. I think its something to do with the scout's trip lasers. Whenever I've seen it happen, theres always been a laser going through zombie spawn points.
  13. Ill help testing if its available.
  14. 500? where the hell do you live?? You do know this is a european server?
  15. Darkstar


    Why am I still associated with you. because he pays the bills.
  16. Poor Deluvas, hes only being worked so much because he's eastern european
  17. Darkstar


    All you need is me and Dusty babycakes ;D
  19. Bleh, really would have liked to have posted for this contest, had quite a good idea as well :<
  20. Darkstar


    Welcome to the forums. Im sure you'll survive the spam we generate. Possibly. ???? PROFIT!
  21. I keep getting really poop dl & up speeds :< But I think that could be something to do with the traffic on my exchange though
  22. yeh but he most likely doesn't live in a failing town I live in the middle of nowhere (Burn is my younger brother), and im fine, Leeds has fibre going straight through it, you should be able to get some sort of broadband tbh. But yeah, UK is going down the shitter, thats why Im going to move to The Netherlands (In a fair few years though)
  23. 7/10 Not bad I guess Just to really counter all the heavy metal stuff.
  24. It looks slightly too long to me, not sure though.
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