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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. To prove to ze world
  2. Rachel gave me a blowjob "* ERROR has a @RoadOfDarkness sappin' his tweets <ERROR> D:! * Norbo|CAEK is now known as Norbo <Dusty> ;D * Rachel gives everybody a pepernoot <Dusty> I'd prefer a blowjob. <Benny> <Benny> But I want it now <Rachel> XD <Benny> But a blowjob isnt sneak <Benny> y <Dusty> (: * Rachel gives dusty a blowjob <Prismaa> o_O <Rachel> <Dusty> Hurray. * ERROR un-disguises as Dusty SkyNet{HuN}> lol wtf <Rachel> XD <ERROR> Cheers for that ;D"
  3. Rachel, you have a new stalker
  4. Have you seen Axon's?
  5. Edited Mr.Green wiki on GC. http://wiki.left4green.com/wiki/Green_Coins
  6. have just gotten message, maybe it takes time?
  7. im not getting a in-game message as well D:
  8. ive changed mine recently-ish as well, but the login page is only accepting my old password
  9. Is the database login actually using the right password for me now? EDIT: Nope, its still my old L4G password :<
  10. Does not know that he has had his life planned out since he was 3
  11. These are just the pics ive already posted on L4G -Error's Brother- I fail
  13. You like it hot. Some like it hot, so ive been told
  14. Darkness, arent all of those guns Russian?
  15. Nah. You want this: http://www.roccat.org/Products/Gaming-Keyboards/ROCCAT-Valo/
  16. lol, hes too poor to afford i7
  17. Thats no rig! Oh wait. Yes it is. Carry on. (Guess the Alt-text refrence )
  18. Thats because you dont have EP1 or 2
  19. 'Shopped You can tell because the pixels are all wrong, and I've seen quite a few 'shopps in my time
  20. No. I meant what people think of the items available in the shop, and if there needs any adding/tweaking
  21. I'm gonna guess strawberries randomly
  22. Meh. I couldnt remember the exact number
  23. Is only being called bitchtits by me because it seems fitting :3
  24. WTF craziest saw/gun/steam locomotive I have ever seen. Told you I could beat you all
  25. Shall now be known as: "Bitchtits"
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