My last recorded conversation with RoboRobb: RoboRobb: Cya mate, take care of yourself ERROR 401: you too! ERROR 401: <3 ERROR 401 sucks robbies penis goodbye RoboRobb: LOL ERROR 401: Ill miss yours and sneeds sex chat RoboRobb: yeah haha good times ERROR 401: btw we're all discussing a funeral for you now ERROR 401: XD RoboRobb: LOL ERROR 401: (12:30 AM) Corby - sad.gif (12:29 AM) Deluvas - You killed too many zombies to have pure heart XD.gif (12:29 AM) Corby - Lol (12:29 AM) ERROR 401 - Fine. I'll be the preist, but only if I can look like the pope funny.gif (12:29 AM) Aiur - But i dont have that high spirit (12:28 AM) Deluvas - I'm gonna be the clown tongue.gif (12:28 AM) Deluvas - You! (12:28 AM) Aiur - Who is going to be the priest (12:27 AM) ERROR 401 - Birthday Suits!!! (12:27 AM) ERROR 401 - Not sure, but I have a good idea what the dress code will be (12:27 AM) Aiur - When is roborobbs funereal going to be? RoboRobb: LOL you guys are mental ERROR 401: and thats why you love us all ;D RoboRobb: yes very true. You're all sexy as fuck ERROR 401: ERROR 401: I though you said you were going btw RoboRobb: Bean stopped me lol ERROR 401: ahh RoboRobb: anyways cya mate, good luck with it all ERROR 401: bye, you better stay on twitter ERROR 401: RoboRobb: I will, I will twitter spam you non stop ERROR 401: YAAAAAAY RoboRobb: with I just ate cereal! ERROR 401: AWESOME-SAUCE. ERROR 401: I look forward to it! RoboRobb: gd gd RoboRobb: cya! ERROR 401: Bye! RoboRobb sucks off error ERROR 401 kisses robbies ass goodbye RoboRobb: LOL RoboRobb is now Offline. *Cries*