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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. good evening http brother :D

  2. i know your pain
  3. Here's my dog, he's called Herbie, as in the car, there is another reason, because we were going to get a different dog from the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals) in York, who was called Herbie, but when we went to get him, someone else had taken him, so we went for plan b, the puppies section, and saw him, with his black ringed eyes, he was called boots (as in the shop) by the people at the RSPCA, he did have a sister, but we couldnt take 2 dogs, which was a bit sad, but anyway lol, check out the resolution
  4. damn my brother and actually wanting to go on the main pc, i really wish i didnt have a brother at times, im not joking, i actually cant stand him right now all he's doing is pissing around with hacks on vice city, when I COULD BE GETTING MY HOURS UP!!!!!!! GAH!!!
  5. Favourite: Pizza Steak Bake (mmmm ) Chips/French Fries Chinese Spicy Beef Nest (I om nom nom it ) CAKE Least Favourite: Roast Chicken (no offence chiken) Courgette Pie
  6. Offtopic: 161 hours
  7. How come i havent seen you on? I'm one of the players on the Infected Wars server that plays the most? I havent seen you as well, are you sure youre applying for IW and not zombie survival, i say this because you mention bunny ears, and to my knowledge, they arent on the server and im admin of it as well @ baby - I'm the most
  8. 3 questions: 1. What's your steam name, because i dont think ive seen you on there 2. (This isnt really a question) Why did you put your application in someone else's? 3. What time of day do you go on the server anyway? THERE ARE REASONS WHY I CAN'T GO ON THE IW SERVER THAT MUCH, OK!?!?
  9. hey! there are reasons why i cant be on all the time! but i still have more hours than you Error you have played for longer XD I'm catching up, just wait ;D only because my internet gets throttled between 5pm and 12am GMT, which is when i go on and that was the main reason why cow got to be admin He got to be admin because your internet is a little unstable? not unstable, purposefully throttled by my isp >:
  10. awesome, I have a brilliant idea involving cones >
  11. hey! there are reasons why i cant be on all the time! but i still have more hours than you Error you have played for longer XD I'm catching up, just wait ;D only because my internet gets throttled between 5pm and 12am GMT, which is when i go on and that was the main reason why cow got to be admin
  12. hey! there are reasons why i cant be on all the time! but i still have more hours than you
  13. Our lazyness-level is twice as high in the summer. Just be patient. as shown yesterday,when NOT FIXING THE INFECTED WARS SERVER /me evils
  14. erm... WTF?
  15. actually, i understood it, it seems your grammar is getting better darkness, a few errors, but better on the whole
  16. 32 bit, and radeon gmod lieks ati better than nvidia
  17. i have vista and i dont crash (That just kicked your theory in the balls) but i have 32-bit vista home premium, do you two have 64-bit?
  18. thats because your pc sucks mine works fine on it
  19. i think you mean PM, not MP, haha
  20. Was it? What was the idea? I really can't remember it... >:
  21. There is a setting on the exploit blocker tool that allows people to automatically die when they enter the square, but that setting can really piss someone off incase they walk by the thing and instantly die. use it as the last resort, like have 2 repel ones, then behind it, have one insta-kill one Rather have you placing a few good repels and only use death for really nasty spots. for the worst possible exploit places? e.g. the lights on dm_striker?
  22. just got back from friends' play they starred in, and currently rockin' out to beat it, fall out boy cover though
  23. There is a setting on the exploit blocker tool that allows people to automatically die when they enter the square, but that setting can really piss someone off incase they walk by the thing and instantly die. use it as the last resort, like have 2 repel ones, then behind it, have one insta-kill one
  24. but anyway, clavus, can you set up a [info] thing saying about achievements = weapon layouts, because with the amount of new players entering the server, its getting annoying being spammed in the chat box whenever im there oh and whenever im in the server, it usually ends up with 75% of most chat being directed at me, and the rest is general chatter or me ending arguments with a nice game of admin says, dont know why i said all of this 2nd paragraph.... dont judge meh! D:
  25. ooh, bitch fight who taking bets on this fight?
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