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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. No one will even say happy birthday... :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. xeim


      i also did but not at midnight

    3. Reiska


      i whispered happy bday in your ear when you were sleepings

    4. mogadonskoda


      we did you are just trying to get attention

  2. Guys, appearently something went wrong Guess the map got a wrong vmf file or something. I am going to check out what was wrong. Found the problem. The VMF file SOMEHOW turned into old unedited vmf file. Its the one which I compiled. Shit is really retarded. You can try this version out anyway, since the right one just has ending bugged. Also video: (old enough) So now I have worked on it a bit and fixed some more stuff. And there appeared 1 more thing to fix. The helicopter itself. Tell me, HOW THE HECK WOULD IT BE ABLE TO FLY LIKE THAT? Func_tracktrain was always my worst nightmare ;_;
  3. ALRIGHT. It took much longer than I expected. Here we get it: Zs_mental_hospital. Video coming. Now to post some screenshots. Sorry for such a late upload. I had to go out for 2-3 hours. Gonna post the map + vid really soon. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.filesmelt...al_hospital.zip Also, last pic for Pufu
  4. God darn it 2 entities didn't work - the ones that will allow you to escape, gonna fix it Basically, the map works perfectly... Pufu, could you compile the map for me, please? xD
  5. Hey guys! It's been a while, didn't touch this map for quite a long time. But box insisted me to continue with it Right now I am doing the last compiles, hope it won't fail (I was trying to fix the darn elevator, if it doesnt work this time once again, I am gonna quit with the elevator and make something a bit different for it, easier). I got some screenshots with me. So, the MASSIVE changes and addons are: -3D skybox -The beggining: Your screen is starting black, with red text saying "Waiting for players..." After 15 seconds your screen fades out with words: Mr. Darkness *next* Presents *Scanning out* M E N T A L H O S P I T A L. Your camera is being controlled by point_viewcontrol, which goes to human spawn. Later you can see all the humans standing near a very unique car -Once you begin to be able to control your camera, you will go upstairs to investigate the place. The first thing you might find would be a key in the main hall entrance. It leads to Security room (I won't tell which key leads to which door, since I want ppl to test it out themselves, will mention only security key), even tho it is locked by cellar. You need to raise up the cellar. Problem! No energy. You must unlock a door with the lever that enables energy. The entire map is based on searching for items, for example, the same keys. The only thing that will let you understand it is a specific Item is that it will have a sprite trail sticked to it. -Humans goal is to reach the rooftop, the helicopter. Even tho, it needs fuel. You must find something what could be used as fuel. (I regulary gave hints in game using game_text) -There are many healthkits and items around. Good luck in searching. -The map is connected with not a small amount of vents. -In some parts the map is dark, so use your flashlight. (I made it dark on purpose, for a better gameplay effect) -Probably, there are some easter eggs, especially for Pufu -Music, from NH2. So before I make a video, I am going to leave a few screenshots over here. All the screenshots are old: the skybox and fog are different + a few textures replaced :L So yeah, wait for more updates! Hope release is gonna be today.
  6. It's always like that.
  7. I don't see zs_nowhere...
  8. Did you know that, their forum has a suggestion section too?It's up to the lua coder to implement the features. What ever Noxiousnet Zombie Survival has, is because their community put ideas into it. Think about it, community of people who might have never coded are putting forward ideas. Well, maybe you are saying it right. I myself rarely see someone giving ideas for ZS. Mostly arguments about current system. Let's be ontopic. Necro, how about if you try to re-add the humping headcrab, which could control Humans while damaging them for some time? This would give Headcrabs at least some efficency.
  9. Box... you went really far with your rage... You are actually getting ideas from Noxious. I agree, some of them are good but.. I is really just like copying someone's stuff. None of us wants our stuff to be just like thiers. I will repeat it, It is their stuff, not ours... We want our ZS to be completely different from theirs.
  10. I had that in mind for ages, even said it already. Seems necro forgot +would be great if this chance would be bigger than reviving chance.
  11. Agreed with Pufu almost with every point. I think actually all the melee weapons should have a chance to completely kill a zombie after it's revive. Not like with weapons. With weapons it should be only when you shoot zombie's head and torso, but when you shoot legs, it has a revive chance. Srsly, zombie getting lots of dmg in head, but doesn't die because of those ppl who melee? Yeah, howlers are quite fast (even tho, I am okay with their speed). I disagree about the sound shield. Sound shield should be actually their main weapon. You cant wait for a howler to shout 5 times for a charge, that's a waste of time. Howlers should charge zombies with a shield so that zombies have a chance to break through.
  12. How can you go to end without getting ender eyes? You must craft ender eyes using blaze powder, which is done out of blaze rods, which are found in nether. Doesn't make sense. READING IS SO HARD Yeah, but where do you get eye of ender? He didn't say the portal is 24/7 opened or something. He just placed the blocks nothing else.
  13. Minky, I must say I disagree on almost every point. First of all, you can get SP and XP by healing team mates and killing zombies. You must be tactical with killing zombies - just shoot them when they already received some shots, USP is powerful enough now. Secondly, you can turn off the Dark mode. That's why it is called dark mode, because you can hardly see in darkness, not like zombies. If you don't like it, just turn it off, as for me I like when it has a more realistic look. Third, nothing to say. I am okay with the current one. Fourth, today I killed 5 people as ethereal while humans were camping. I will repeat it again, you must be tactical. Ethereals have a good backstab damage. You can pass through while invisible and disguise when no one mentions you. You have 80% chance not to be detected while the rest of humans is shooting the hot point. It is a problem when humans are camping in a locked up room tho.
  14. How can you go to end without getting ender eyes? You must craft ender eyes using blaze powder, which is done out of blaze rods, which are found in nether. Doesn't make sense.
  15. Well it is the time for my opinion. Today I played the new version preview of ZS and think it is really brilliant. Even tho there are some problems with gameplay. Let's say that the prices are actually too big. Lets compare something: Pistol ammo (35 SP) and 1 Nail (50 SP). Since pistol ammo does quite a big amount of damage, but a nail breaks fast, I say that even having a nailing hammer will already be pointless since nails are weak. Weapon prices - big, really big. Since we get a small amount of SP every wave, it is really hard to get a new gun, even for zerkers. I watched today and saw how all of them got in a maximum of 700-800 SP. Not even talking about Reaching 1000. The ammo prices are okay, but there also are some weapon prices I don't really understand. Why does P228 cost less than USP, if USP is the starting weapon? Doesn't make sense. USP cost 100 and P228 cost 90. Same with melee weapons. Levels: Good idea, but is it that ppl dont get anything when they reach lvl 5? I saw ppl reaching lvl 5 (or 6 idk) and saying they didn't get anything even later after it. Not sure, but is it a bug or something undone? What I really liked in the game is that zombies have a chance to stand up once they fall, same as humans when they die. Also I loved the thing when a player gets hit by a prop - he falls on the ground. Another idea I liked was with Suits, even tho, I think some of them could have multiple perks, not just 1 single perk of increased health and so on. It could be like... "Medic suit" - "Restore xxx% more health with your medikit *next perk written below" Increased health by 20" "Supply suit" - "x% more ammo gained from crates *Next stroke* x% more starting ammo *Next stroke* x% less melee damage from zombies" Sort of that. I think this could be reached with usage of a certain misc item (aka medikit, mobile supply etc.). So it's the more you use a certain item, the better and more perks for the suit there will be. Now let's talk about the zombie waves. As you know the zombies spawn in groups each wave and I like that. Even tho, there is a problem when players just go different directions and there are only 4 players left out of 10. :') Today me, Jason, Pufu, Crawford were attacking humans, while 5 other zombies were somewhere fiddling around. Maybe you could make some sort of a Red zombie aura seen for zombies which will let them know where are hordes of zombies and how big they are? I think this will make it more tactical. Now let's talk about a few zombies. For example ethereals. Well yeah, the disguise perk works sometimes, but it is more rare. Humans momentally guess who of them is a zombie and who isn't. Maybe there could be some human animations for ethereals? In addition they will sometimes blink turning into ethereals for a moment so it really is possible to understand it is a zombie. Also the disguise should last for like 30 secs. Once it is down, the ethereal won't be able to re-use it and will loudly scream on un-disguising, paying attention of other humans that there was an ethereal between them. Headcrabs. Well, I would really love if the good old idea of controlling a human, while the headcrab is on a player, damaging the target would be on aswell. Headcrabs dont do a big damage any way + they sometimes just don't hurt anyone if they jump on someone. Poison headcrabs. Those should jump a bigger distance. Even bigger than classical headcrabs do. That small jumping distance wouldn't reach any human around. Those could run away fast. Zombines. Everything is quite okay with those. I just don't like when they always walk too slow and can't damage with their left arm while having a grenade in right. Now suggestions: We all know the incoming Hate boss. How about if he could spawn every 2 rounds with different HP? Would be more action. It is only 2 min per a wave, so why wouldn't he spawn more often? (Even if I dont know your idea, Necro). Bad idea to make it on last wave, since you have only 2 min. Not enough. Get ideas of more suit perks and suits themselves so we can buy more suits for different prices, not 11k :/ (some may be 2 - 4k, pleeaaase?). OVERALL. I really love how it is now it went more natural and fun, even tho humans are even more powerful than they were before. Before it was ballanced but more boring. I think it still needs some work on it (yes, I know, it is a beta, but still!) and can't wait stuff to be fixed and the boss to be added! Hope at least some of the things I listed will be worked up.
  16. No. I had an idea about Russian shit the same way very long time ago but it got rejected. Since then I understood why.

    1. mogadonskoda


      yay school for another 2 weeks....

  18. Happy birthday Clavus!!!!!! Dude, wish u luck. Keep Mr. Green up!
  19. Why do you keep writing your name after every messege? And why must you question peoples motives? I dont know I always do when see stuff like that appearing on someone's post. You know we can see who posts it. I dont know but.... I find it stupid for some reason *claps* I address myself personally to people that don't know me. So why do people sign their name at the bottom of emails when you know it's them...? It's called courtesy But emails are based on yon olde snail mail, unlike forum posts which relate more to the forums of ancient Rome by being places where people talk. You don't greet people by saying "Hello. Regards, Uncle Dolan" or the like. ----- Unrelated to certain matters -------- I guess you do not understand courtesy then.... :S NEVERMIND. Lets just keep getting ideas. Any on ur mind?
  20. Why do you keep writing your name after every messege? And why must you question peoples motives? I dont know I always do when see stuff like that appearing on someone's post. You know we can see who posts it. I dont know but.... I find it stupid for some reason
  21. Got an idea for HATE boss in ZS. When the guy appears the music will play: Or Or Even tho, I like the frist one more. Maybe they could all be combined? So that every of them is not looped.
  22. Why do you keep writing your name after every messege?
  23. People like you, jedabia dont have place here. You guys are weird.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Myles2234


      i need help on a hacker his name is gomlv

  24. Saw you lots of time on the server and think you would do perfect (in addition with comparing to my FPS on CSS ). You don't act rudely and are a nice person. That's why I say Good luck, my friend. You gonna' need it!
  25. Looks like you'll be too busy to be an admin XD I got bored of Skyrim theese days actually. Began to visit CSS more once again. Even tho, there is a problem - I get bad FPS on CSS for some reason: the game lags when I play, but not when I spectate. Any other game works well for me. But yeah, Fridays - Sundays, cuz Mon - Thu are school days, still got something to fix with marks (friday too, but it is a week end day). Sometimes when I turn on the PC on the week days and click servers I get very sad that I can't play CSS cuz of study :L
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