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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. A name was selected and it was Unique zombie survival 'in caps' The balancing for the zombies has been completed along with the bosses. I am very happy with how they have turned out! We are now moving onto the humans and sorting out some of the clunky game mechanics!! Targets will include: -Cading -Prop handling -Round layouts 'It just isn't interesting having a 20 min timer count down'
  2. Cleanup and Polish Update: -Max rank Lv36 -De-compiled perks back into their original versions -Loadout perks in tool related or personal perk sections -Zombie unlock times re-worked 'A lot nicer!' -Additional new perks 'Fall Down' you don't fall over from high jumps. -Remote 'Gives the turrets remote' -Temp Removed Zombine chem grenade -Changes to some gun stats to smooth them out.
  3. Another minor update: -Hate II added 'Fixed for good!!'-Melee weapons knock back fixed and re-added-Zombine unlock a little later-Freeman shop perk gives you a crowbar 'You will be Gordan Freeman with a crowbar now!'-Magnum man is 1 in 5 chance
  4. Yea that works. I will be doing an overhaul on cading this week hopefully. Zombies are more or less fixed with only a few minor things to fix now. I will work on cading, perks and other various things which make being a human 'clunky' to play as
  5. Here we are lads. Fixed bosses bone mods. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/544148636806657130/43654EE27518885EF797444D3365EF9903F68B14/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/544148636806656812/1F406A3B18592AC5647D3F1039ACB0FD07F30472/
  6. -Fixed poison zombies spit angle -Repaired bosses hulls 'Should be ready to re-add soon' -If you hit humans with props hard enough they will fall over. 'Re-enabled Necro's old code' -higher prices for light weapons such as SMG's. This list may be increased later when the update is pushed.
  7. Looks cool enough to me! I will have a look at it along with the pulse smg. Reworking the Immortal Pro perk atm due to it being a little bit broken. :L
  8. Follow on Update: -Poison zombie spit further -Howler speeds decrease's when howling instead of stopping -Supply crate collision type modified 'A lot nicer now' -Fists increase in damage -Melee Suit has a function once again '-0.5 seconds per swing' -Fixed plank View model 'Working on the others' -Zombine walks slowly when attacking with claws -Removed crowbar from loadout and replaced it with the good old Axe! -Small price changes in shop -Medkit starts with less charge -Medkit heals with less charge. -Medkit gives less SP '11 instead of 14' -Wraith re-named to 'Ghast' -Ghoul re-named to 'Fresh dead' Re-working walk animations atm, will be changed at a later date.'
  9. I have looked through this and picked out the key area's in which needed to be addressed. I have an update ready to be pushed once it has been tested. Expect it tomorrow sometime.
  10. Ah I see, well I will take a look at this and see what I can do. Expect it in the next update. Medkits have become far to main stream and slow the pace of the game down so much atm.
  11. If this is the zombie gaining HP thing, then I will look at it asap.
  12. Same as it did before but isn't broken and works now. Update may appear to be live but it isn't. There is an issue with SVN. I expect Ywa will fix it when he is online next. Sorry for the delay!
  13. UPDATE: 31/03/2015 Here is the latest update which should bring back balance and fun with ZS. Fixes: -Infected double hands issue 'Need to fix the others, a little more complex.' -Zombie HUD font issue fixed. -Turret not selecting the correct zombie classes and ignoring others fixed. -Turret aiming and accuracy vastly improved. Changes: -Fast zombie HP increased -Fast zombie Attack Rate increased -Fast zombie unlocks a little ealier -Mobile supplies no longer give HP -Etherial TP timer is 2 seconds not 1. -Starting zombie HP is maxed at 338HP -Nails have 150HP -Late starting humans will receive a BlowTorch so they are able to be a team player. -Zombie HP regen is 1 hp per second after 15 seconds of not being hit. A far more smoother system. -Zombine Grenades do extra damage to humans and nails. -Zombine charge speed increased by 10 units. 'Better get your skates on!' -Chipper does 1 more damage to make it '8 damage a shot' with 6 num shots' -Howler range increased by a lot. Damage is based on distance! 'Best keep your distance from these bitches! -Human walk back slowdown was removed. 'Stop silly noobs always dying by shooting backwards!' -Dice doesn't turn you inside out anymore 'The amount of RQ was unreal' -Dice new option, gives a special item! 'Bottle ol Vodka' or 'Chem Nade' -Dice you can loose a piece of brain -Dice full brain from dice has been removed. -Head crabs give 15 SP -Poison zombie gives 45 SP -Zombine gives 35 SP -Scout price 800 'lots of damage' (The scout was disliked because of the last crate system, best we make it something which can be loved' -Starter primary weapons removed from loadout. 'Added into the crate with a cheap price tag!' -Explosives in shop are now 30 SP. Lets make them profitable somewhat! -Berserk perk is turbo charged 'Damage is multiplied by 1.4 -More SP for healing team mates 'Better start being more friendly with each other' -Medic Suit fixed. -Human fall down re-added 'Watch your step or a zombie may eat you!!' -Leveling up amount multiplier increased 'More time to level up these days.' -XP only gained when there are 6 plus players. -Reduced XP amount from killing humans. 'From 100 to 90.' -Removed comeback perk 'Work hard for your guns or use the (Reborn) perk!' Additions: -Wraith class 'Older Etherial class' -Unlocks same time as etherial. -Helps keep a diversity in the game, it was excellent back in the day and will serve a good purpose once again. -Ghouler 'Fast running zombie' -Unlocks at the start of the game -Low HP faster attack rate, faster speeds. Great for keeping up with those runners! -Bottle Ol Vodka 'New dice outcome' -Chem Nade 'new dice outcome' -Crossbow fixed and added into crate
  14. Look who's back with a brand new rap! https://garrysmods.org/

  15. Music to code too........

    1. AfuSensi


      I have a wierd tick that im listening to documentary videos while coding. I cant stand silence.

  16. Well the current stats for zombies are 'rough' atm. I need to sit down and look at some of the classes again and do a small review, and change a few stats. Our main issue is bridging the gap between regs and new players. If there are regs on the human side and newbs on the zombies. The regs will win hands down no effort. Vise versa etc.. The cading aspect seems to still be a hard thing for new players to understand, no idea why. So another review of cading and nail HP will be looked at. I will be also looking at some prices in the shop, as some guns are coming out to be a little too much or too low. Obviously with the new zombie base update we should be able to re-add bosses after an overhaul, allowing for more strength in the zombie team. So its more of a waiting game for this new base so these changes can be made and the GM polished correctly.
  17. zs_ventilation !!!! OMG Love you BrainDawg <3 Add it Reiska plz
  18. and it had an easter egg secret room and a big deadly wind shaft Yes that's the one omg, I miss it so much ;(
  19. Anyone remember the map with the giant fan room? It had loads of fans in one big ass room and you floated around in it. It was a good map
  20. If waves were to be an option we should look at a new way of doing them. By this I mean try not to just do 6 waves with intermissions. We should try to come up with something interesting and unique to make it fun and interesting. We are meant to be a custom server after all. Pushing the boundaries of the new and old to create something out of the box should be on everyone's mind!
  21. Something I have noticed is that when there are players in a bundle with turrets, using the crate is fine. The same applies when you are in a cade. But when you are on your own and are running from a horde, this is when the problem occurs. But then I ask myself, if you are in that situation, should you be able to get weapons from the crate that easily? Maybe you are meant to die at that point of the game, but people find it hard to accept. Am I right or wrong? 'Try to see it from the perspective or humans and zombies'
  22. In general zs is a lot nicer and smoother gameplay wise. I would advice removing bosses for now as they only make the game feel sloppy due to their broken nature. Also SP during the rounds needs to be increased. I find it hard to get good guns let alone a new person to the server. I pm'd Ywa with the solution. Just some more fine tuning with these little things and the server will be exciting and nice to play again. Its the small things which count for a lot!
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