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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. I swear to Christ that squishy health bar. Fix it please.
  2. Just add a packing up timer for the turret rather than charge people. Lot more realistic and understandable. Do me a favor and open your console and type cl_showfps 1. I want to see what fps you are getting with that hud as the current one reduces fps by 15.
  3. Pufu you have kinda done it again, you have done something useful but you didn't ask me about it. Did you consider that those perks may not even exquisite anymore? Also the turret starts with no ammo? What is the fuck is the point in having one then if you have to wait for it to regen ammo? I bought a AK-47, but it has no ammo is what you did there. Pay to put down your turret? So you are making the engineer poor as most people move their turrets 20 times in a game. 'You can do the maths' You did some nice stuff here but you didn't inform or discuss it. Which is a problem!
  4. Ship Shape apart from a few tiny things, waiting on Ywa now so we can get testing!

  5. Here is the first look and a small guide to what you can all expect! Hope I don't waffle on to much..
  6. I have also found Necro's replacement. He is a lot friendlier and has been programmed to dance to J-Pop http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/545277070270658244/D16CF0802D8A2FB5B26E49309E502F598434BBDE/
  7. Jeez Pufu you have been upstaging me! Well anyway I have been working on the new loadout menu. Its still very rough and ready but I had to re-code a lot of it, it was turning into a mess so I started again. I need to add the current level stuff and change the class description and add lots of other 'neet' details. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/545277070270577152/DE1397210A4ABE203785CCCAF723AA2D56C4D629/ 'Whoops, a new perk was shown there'
  8. You should be very proud of your achievements in such a short space of time. Much more than I did or have done atm! This looks very very nice, and has brought a new fresh looks to ZS. If you want to, you could re-do majority of the icons and give the menu a really new look. But that's just food for thought.
  9. Looking sweet man, loadout menu is 50% done and the hud will be updated as well. This is gonna be awesome when its done!
  10. Well well well, they say third time lucky. Lets hope that's true! Welcome to the third new dawn of green discussion topic. By the title I can only assume you know exactly what this topic is about. So lets get straight to the nitty gritty! This version of classes works very differently to that of the previous classes, so please do expect something new and fresh! Classes: -Engineer -Support -Medic -Berserker -Commando -Sharpshooter -More to be shown off at a later date How this system works: There is only one level tree, when you level up, all your classes level up at once! This means you can pick and choose what class you want to play, depending on other people, the map, and what play style you feel like playing. Each class has its tools and weapons already selected, so now if you want a heal, you better think carefully. Likewise the team work in the game will be a lot stronger than it has been in the past! The loadouts will become a lot more interesting as you level up! In the spawn window you have the class, the equipment perk, and a personal perk to choose from. Equipment perk: This perk enhances your classes tools, and can only be seen and selected depending on your class. As you level up you gain more perks for all your classes. Personal perk: This perk is designed to essentially dictate what style of gameplay you want to do. Its total personal preference, but of course being dictated by the class you are allows for only a certain amount of perks to be used. Overview: The general idea of this update is to refresh the community and bring something familiar but new to the ZS server. Obviously people have wanted this back for ages and I am pleased to be doing it finally. But of course there is a few big questions I have to answer here! F.A.Q: Does this mean the levels will be reset? Yes your rank will be reset back to 0 for this update Will there be any compensations? No, sorry but we want to have a fresh start again, just as we did in 2012~3. Why are you doing this update? The current state of the server is dry and has been around for too long, something new and interesting has to be brought in to bring new life back into the server and community. What is the current state of development with this overhaul/update? All the classes have been created, their perks have been designed and created as well. The levels and how each perk interacts has been completed. We are in the final design stages, code finalizing and testing. What does the answer above mean? Give me a couple of weeks to iron out a few things and get new graphics created. Is there anything else with the classes update to mention? Yes, as you level up your classes, the perks will become stronger, more efficient or easier to use. What about the loadout menu and huds? The current loadout menu which you will see is only a temporary one for testing and working with on my dev server, its being re-designed and created as we speak. The human hud will have some small alterations to fit in with this update. What role does pufulet play in all of this? Pufulet has been updating the current systems for the zombie classes. Making them easier to play as, more enjoyable, and of course more deadly! We are working on this together to ensure that the server will be balanced and enjoyable even if all the humans are max rank, and zombies are noobs. What about bosses? Bosses come under the same category as the question above and will be fixed for this update! In time a boss selection menu will be created, maybe if it goes will it will be done in this update as well. Have you fixed the stuck bug? Is that even possible? Why has it taken this long to get classes re-created? Fuck knows! Can you tell us about the classes or what perks they have, or what the role of each class is? Where is the fun in that You will have to wait and see as you level up! Any further questions bellow, look forward to seeing how this goes!
  11. Pufu man, you can't remove GC shop items like that. People have saved and spent their GC on it so removing it will only annoy them, what we don't need. You also need to ask me first as I am a dev as well! Doing things without asking is how we end up arguing remember.
  12. ahaah Looooooki what I found!!!!

  13. Becrossin seems to be struggling when using his Hammer of doom, the ladies aren't impressed.....

  14. You did, me and the new dev are working on something really exciting But it will be posted up when its fully worked out and discussed etc..
  15. Don't worry Ben I will never leave your side! We still have our skype sessions and meet up for beers and arcade games!
  16. Don't even care, this song it just boss. Forget it

    1. Pufulet


      Instrumental version is better

  17. Hey guys I know a lot of you are big fans of Killing floor and I thought that since some of you were unable to get a Beta key that I would share some of my experiences. If you would prefer not to see anything in case of spoilers then look no further. This topic is also a place for you to post epic moments in game weather it be a photo or a video. Go nuts! 'This can obviously be Killing floor 1 stuff as well! :D'
  18. I can actually dig that logic, nice one you two! I really think this is a great idea and would work really well!
  19. I think Left 4 Green Zombie Survival EU-Central l Fast DL l Would do the trick. It tells you we are custom, we are a central EU based server and that our DL is fast. Thoughts on that one?
  20. Of all people to do this

  21. We need to bring a form of interest to the server again. Atm people just think its a normal 3.0 server which is empty most of the time. It would only take one day of having 20 players to turn it right around again. So I think a good name which stands out like left4green should be done quickly.
  22. I personally like the sound of that name a lot. But wasn't there a copy right issue last time? Or was that the domain for the community itself?
  23. Recent updates: Fixes: -Blowtorch animation -Bosses world models glitch fixed -Tool planks View model fixed -Tool Turret remote view model fixed Updates: -Bosses don't spawn in arena mode -Re-added Kevlar and fixed bugs which came with it -Re-added handy man perk -All talk activated when bosses spawn -Re-balanced classic pistol and fiveseven Additions: -Perk Health regen 'After 60 seconds after being hit you regen back up to 40HP' -Perk Grenade tosser 'You can throw grenades a lost quicker' -Perk Multi Mine 'You can place up to 10 mines on the floor' -New weapons ChainSaw
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