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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to ChickenAttack in Why to close topics Neox????   

  2. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in Why to close topics Neox????   
    FFS na veia?
  3. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from Quad_Tube in America Latina (LAGGERS???)   
    I don't think you know, but everything that happens to you on the maps DD, NTS or SH, also happens to us, when we often shoot at you, but for some magic reason nothing  happens, but what do we do?
    We complain of life like a lot of people do?
    Not ...
    We simply accept as this is just a game and is done so that we can have fun together, but people are taking this too seriously, turning the game into a kind of second life.
  4. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from viiNi in Why to close topics Neox????   
    Não se preocupe, pois pelo geito que estam as coisas, isso não vai demorar
  5. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from viiNi in America Latina (LAGGERS???)   
    I don't think you know, but everything that happens to you on the maps DD, NTS or SH, also happens to us, when we often shoot at you, but for some magic reason nothing  happens, but what do we do?
    We complain of life like a lot of people do?
    Not ...
    We simply accept as this is just a game and is done so that we can have fun together, but people are taking this too seriously, turning the game into a kind of second life.
  6. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from viiNi in America Latina (LAGGERS???)   
    É viiNi mas ainda tem gente estupida e retardada que ainda fica nos criticando achando que nós escolhemos o local onde vamos nascer
    Povo hipocrita e desnaturado que acha que é "donos" do MTA so por causa de ping, eu espero que o PC de cada um deles se queime e que não haja luz por 500 anos para cada um deles
  7. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Kaos San in America Latina (LAGGERS???)   
    Só ligar o foda-se. Não sei o por que de vocês ligarem pra opinião dos europeus, continuem jogando numa boa.
    Entre no servidor as 15h, e conte o tanto de europeu que irão (tentar) te rammear, depois entre a partir das 22h (onde a maioria é daqui) e conte o tanto que irão rammear.
    Eu já fiz essa conta uma vez:
    As 15h (30 players online mais ou menos) a maioria europeu fiquei no servidor por 1h, fui rammeado* 22 vezes.
    As 22h (25 players online mais ou menos) a maioria da America do Sul, fiquei no servidor por 1h, fui rammeado* apenas 4 vezes.
    * Apenas ramming intencional. Tentativas ou ramming acontecido ao acaso não estão incluso.
    PS: Sei que isso não faz parte do objetivo do tópico, mas é apenas uma das coisas pra você não se preocupar com o que eles falam, afinal, o que eles não tem de high ping, eles tem de ignorância.
  8. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in America Latina (LAGGERS???)   
    HI, I'm reposting that, because I really get angry with the uninformed who accuse us from america latina leggers, and think we like that! (Now with more information)
    It is my fault to be from South America? it's my fault to be in Brazil? It's their fault they are in Argentina? Colombia? Venezuela, Uruguay, and all other countries here?

    So why do Europeans THINK that the server is yours? We do not deserve to play? We are different than you? Mr. Green will change the server to South America? Did you know that there is no other server like the Green?



    Look at this!

    These are the submarine cables that connect the Internet all over the world (They determine the Ping), see, all of Brazil's cable for example first pass by the US, and then go to Europe. The only cable that connects Brazil directly to Europe is still a project.
    The Project:
    "Translated from Google Translate"
    "....The new submarine cable that will allow direct data traffic between Brazil and Europe is the beginning of its implementation scheduled for April 2016. Optical fiber, cable will increase the speed and economy in connection of Brazilian and European servers, eliminating passing through Miami, in the United States. The project has $ 250 million investment...."
    More Informations
    What can you say about it?
  9. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to JoWyS in Fix NTS   
    I really hate when the NTS map starts and you can't see your car because there are many players where are you.
    And another problem is when the NTS starts, if there are many players connected on the server, you need a BIG PC for not lower fps.
    I just ask to fix it. We should can press any key like RTF to hide the other players.
  10. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MegasXLR in MTA Race & MIX Map reports   
    -Port Drift (author : FuckLel)
    -1/8, random shit, NOBODY is having fun (not counting noobs who come for 1 hour and leave forever then)
    PS Why's he even allowed to make maps for a server which he NEVER joins...
  11. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Upload MTA maps on http://mrgreengaming.com/mta/   
    Just move your map files outside the folder when you open the zip. Here what you need to do:
    1) Open the zip file
    2) Open the folder
    3) Now copy all map files (ctrl + c) and go back to map folder.
    4) Paste them (ctrl + v) beside the folder. Then delete the folder.
    5) You are done and upload it ^^
  12. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MegasXLR in LAG!   
    Since a few days I can't stop losing FPS randomly... I didn't touch any settings (MTA or F1). WTF is going on? Tried restarting MTA, nothing. Restarted PC, nothing. Edited some settings, nothing (changed back to old ones after having same lag). I got between 30 and 60 FPS... +- 30 players btw!
    ---even while spectating---

  13. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in [LaP] The Silver Angels   
    LaP The Silver Angels






    Did not attend:



















  14. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Micha3lo in About the new CarGame gamemode in MIX server.   
    Just delete cg. Nobody likes it on mix
  15. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MegasXLR in KASH   
    why can't i upload .mp4 files here :S
  16. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in [LaP] The Silver Angels   
    [Our own news]
    December, 12 [2015]
    we finally bought our clan, finally convinced our friend Matrix that didn't agree with this new system.
    NITRO is having some INTELLECTUAL problems all this week.
    We are preparing for our MINI Tournament. I think that I'll not win
  17. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in Development topic (Lua, Github), ask here if you need help with git or the resources   
    I need help with this part.
    A lot of resources need access to MySQL and GC accounts to work:Older resources still need their SQL tables created before they can run, use the dumps Mr.Green-MTA-Resources/config/green_coins.sql and Mr.Green-MTA-Resources/config/mrgreen_mtasrvs.sql to create themSet up the connection to your MySQL server in the gcshop settings (with runcode for example): /srun set("*gcshop.host", 'localhost'); set("*gcshop.dbname", 'mrgreen_mtasrvs'); set("*gcshop.user", 'root'); set("*gcshop.pass", '');Set up gc devmode, this skips the need to check passwords with /gclogin: /srun set("*gc.devmode", true)Now you can login with /gclogin <forumid> admin, the forumid is the id for an account you can chooseCold you try to explain me?
  18. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Get rid of dimensions!!!!!   
    Lol, I want dimensions as well on mix
  19. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MegasXLR in Get rid of dimensions!!!!!   
    That would be the best solution for everyone, yes. To put first 10 players in 1 dim, and from 10th to 20th in 2 dim etc
    Great, so you're the one to blame :\
  20. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in [LaP] The Silver Angels   
    Cosas de Matrix 





  21. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to mr.reese in Beat it, and I'll retire   
    Actually that isn't too hard. you only have to get 2 nitros from random markers and dont make a mistake. i remember 
    when i made that top3 i made a mistake.
  22. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Arstek in Random vote [DD]   
    delete teleport and random sleeping with fishes
  23. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Cenation "CnT|"   
    3 new members, Welcome guys
  24. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Screenshot + Video Thread   
    1st KoM, 3rd KoM 4th KoM. Oh wait, 2nd CnT

  25. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MoshPit in The Rammers Hall of Shame!   
    Race the racers, Ram the rammers:)
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