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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MoshPit

  1. You just prove my point. U want to keep the bad maps u like and want us to delete the bad maps we like.
  2. Why keep the hydra maps, hypocrite much?
  3. Definitely blocking.
  4. As mm i have Delete 156 maps for bad rating and Yoshi has started to do the same.
  5. Just because a map has bad ratings doesn't make it bad especially if its hard like destiny and some old school maps. the better question is what should we do with the 3 or 4 guys who constantly complain. People who if u removed every single map they don't like they would just find something else to complain about.
  6. Use /report if me or yoshi agree it will be deleted.
  7. Was it not u that made yet another complaint post?
  8. Why u even on this server all u do is complain constantly about the maps, my suggestion to u is that u go and find that miracle server out there that is full of nothing but maps u like.
  9. Because why just wait till next map if you can ruin it for those who like DM style maps.
  10. Some people in race are have connection problems updating mta seems to help.
  11. Set time to 6 minutes.
  12. One mans trash is another mans treasure. If i got rid of maps i didn't like i would delete every circuit and city map on the server, which there are literally thousands of. The handful of destiny bike or DM style maps are a good break from the monotony of the before mentioned maps.
  13. race NOUN a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course:
  14. Sry but we don't take suggestions from people who quit playing on the server. Thank you.
  15. OMG PMC!!!
  16. DM is a thing unto itself. If added it should be added to f2 as its own server, IMO.
  17. afk players are the main problem i think.
  18. I agree, nts is about luck. Also there is nothing better than seeing the guy in front of u get a harvester or some other crap car.
  19. It was her brother.
  20. Furthermore, being that he is someone who has found a way to exploit/enjoy blocker mode. A better punishment would be a 3 day ban.
  21. They very fact that someone would ask to be put in blocker mode shows why I took it off. Also it was not from eavesdropping his convo with Yoshi, it was from him stating at an earlier time that he can exploit blocker/ lagger mode. Knowing this and knowing that he is someone who has, does, and would, use any exploit, I took it off to prevent him from doing so.
  22. tops definitely stop at 171 check sweetsandy's stats next time u see him.
  23. Try going to last page in mta setups and update mta.
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