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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MoshPit

  1. U need to lower fps for better slide.
  2. Upload maps here. http://mrgreengaming.com/mta/upload.php
  3. Marked
  4. Cant tell if that is race or mix.
  5. MoshPit


    What is your in game nick and where do u play Mix or Race?
  6. Speed hack. You were reported by other players. I watched you and you were cheating.
  7. /ignore zeus
  8. I will mark him.
  9. I don't think this is needed. It is better to test on server with alot of players so that you can get input from other people as to what they think of the map. I also like to wait untill map maker is there so they can see it tested and make any changes needed. I do agree on a map editor server though. It can be a lot of fun mapping with friends and teamates.
  10. MoshPit


  11. That musta been real tough for you not being able to talk for a whole 10 seconds.
  12. login with /gclogin name pass
  13. add time at end of command /blocker turtle 168
  14. idk about the mix but for race it is part of the randomness of the map, so no fix needed.
  15. Might just be a bug from the event today.
  16. 1 week mute.
  17. +1
  18. in the first clip it is a u turn the cars coming down the hill always hit the cars going back up.
  19. First vid is a turn around spot where there is always accidents. second vid looks like a legit ramm done badly.
  20. Because u were not ramming to protect position, after trying to block/ramm me as i passed u. u torpedoed me from behind, this is not allowed.
  21. MoshPit


    I just want to say to Moshpit and Jack123, thank you very much for everything that helped me on this server that are the only two best Admins that Mr.server has after all the others are abuses and junk that do not look because sometimes I am crazy Or I get crazy, I want them to know that I'm not going to insult anyone without my help I miss something ever but ami fuck me, insult me and you as admins that are online do nothing only and that's why I get crazy, I'm going to let anyone mistreat me ami because I'm strong and I'm the bank I'm a lioness and I do not want to go back to that server Baneenmen Permanent Do not bug me please pass very bad super depressed always, besides it's not the only server of Races that there is and is not the only game that online game so I'm going to re happy happy of that server that Iso Evil, as Dijee Moshpit and Jack123 THE Best Admins wish you All The best after all the other Admins are crap Crap Abusers Bad Admins that do not know Manage a server the only thing they do is Abuse. By the way I never use the forum of Mr, because I never knew how to send captures or anything because of that never enter to forum this is my first and last time I came to forum Bye forever. The server owner please delete my account.
  22. There is nothing to deal with, he rammed me from behind at full speed in a spot that u have to brake at. He is marked for 1 hour it is not the end of the world.
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