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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. I will contribute
  2. Bump with some background info I got from a Dutch TV show (Pauw & Witteman): The children were going to a class/school with their father. One of the 2 children is damaged permanently and is deformed thanks to the bullet. They didn't say a lot about the other kid, but they did say their dad didn't survive it (just like the other people they initially started shooting).
  3. I still have problems with how much the guy enjoys shooting them (plus he doesn't know anything for sure). Even IF they were enemies, you'd still expect some more professionalism, something this guy obviously lacks. These people need to get back into society in a normal way, and not in this condition. And you still ignore the fact that the request for medical help got denied right in their faces, which kind of ruins the effect of a photo of a soldier with a dead/wounded child in his arms (which are made to get support from civilians back home).
  4. It's because you were really under constant pressure back then. As I stated, you were part of the battle, if you didn't look out, you'd be dead. Plus they could actually identify the people, not just supposing they're hostile because they have something like an RPG. It was also a "real" war, countries were in danger and occupied by enemy forces. Now it's more like a random shootout in Afghanistan. Also, nowadays it's simply a guy in a building, shooting people he thinks are hostiles while cracking jokes. He's basically under no pressure at all, unlike the soldiers directly in the midsts of the action. Also, I didn't say laughing at killing civillians was acceptable, because it isn't, never was and never will be.
  5. You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing. Thats what I meant, just because they sound like they enjoy it doesnt mean they do. Even when they are yelling "Come oon let us engage" like kids wanting candy. Notte, real world =/= modern warfare/bad company I think you are the one forgetting real world isn't like games. Ofcourse they shouldn't be all like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE" because that's what they're recruited for. What they SHOULD be like is a simple "Suspects down", "Hostiles down" or something like that. Also, something like this would be more acceptable in say, WWII. The soldiers there were in danger all the time, it was really fighting to survive. This isn't. This is a guy sitting in a command center using a drone to do the dirty work for him, desperate for a kill.
  6. You still ignore the fact that he enjoyed shooting them, and the request for medical attention for the wounded girl was a hard "no". As I said, if he didn't enjoy it so much, I would've been more like "It sucks, but shit happens", because civilian casualties are inevitable in a war.
  7. Some people apparently get a kick out of violence. In the middle ages even the most civilized places had stuff like a guillotine. When somebody got executed, the entire city went out to see it happen as a form of entertainment. Nowadays, this is (luckily) not the case. It's replaced by TV violence, which is not the same. This COULD be a reason for things like this, though if that's the case, the guy still has severe mental issues.
  8. Those are basically my thoughts too (ofcourse it's easy to say that from behind a computer in a well protected, stable country). Civilian casualties CAN and WILL happen, but the worst part here is, is that the soldier enjoys killing those people.
  9. Never heard of that, except for America's Army 3. Which is basically an interactive propaganda tool.
  10. It does. Though I would've said "shit happens", it's clear the gunner enjoys killing people. It's more like a game to him, and that's clearly a sign of unhealthy state of mind (or just insanity). This might be the result of rushed recruitment, or just a twisted mind. Ofcourse war changes people in ways like this, but it's definately not a good excuse. Soldiers should be recruited to be able to handle situations like this, because some of them clearly can't. In my opinion they should screen mental health every so often when a soldier has been on a battlefield for a certain time. Ofcourse me ranting here on an internet forum won't change shit, but they really should start screening the mental state of military personnel on the battlefield (and ofcourse before and during recruitment). I also think this soldier should be prosecuted, but that won't happen. Also Notte, it's not just the US, it happens everywhere.
  11. Those temps are great, don't worry about it. My idle temp is 63°C and my max. load is around 83°C. Those temps are high, but the card can handle it just fine.
  12. Here you go
  13. The theme didn't last long, it was too dark. I'm busy customizin' this one now.
  14. Oh yeah, found this on FP. Pretty relevant.
  15. You don't want to know anyway.
  16. I decided to go with a different theme: Let's see how long this one will last, I tend to get insane after using a (non-standard) theme for a long time.
  17. I do read the Donald Duck, but it's not like all countries get the exact same comic every week.
  18. Being able to ride a bike is important, so I went for tricycle
  19. Progress so far: Enough for today though.
  20. I made progress on the AK47: Reference picture can be found here.
  21. Started work on an AK47 (I attempted it earlier, but the results weren't pretty). The barrel is a bit too fat though: Far from finished, not going to work on it today anymore either.
  22. How expensive is it in euros?
  23. They can be used for cheating/uploading files to another server (or something like that), so you get kicked if you run it. This is where a dedicated server comes in handy (like the one described here), because you don't have to run all the plugins on your client.
  24. Locked
  25. Mayco


    What was the Owned by Stranger one, the one with the same video? No, the one where the girl said "Okay, I'll show tits if you push the bird", and then got out of the cam's sight so some guy behind her could show his dick.
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