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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. it was a remake of steamcommunity;-/. and not some website It's still really, really obvious.
  2. I'm back with reports from the battlefield, sir. The full game runs a lot better than the beta version. Everything maxed out gives me around 30 FPS, even though my PC is slightly crippled at the moment due to RMA: I have a GTX 295, but I'm not sure this motherboard supports PCI-e 2.0. I also have 2GB of DDR2 RAM instead of 4 GB DDR3 RAM at a higher speed. Thanks to the motherboard, my QX9770 doesn't run at 3.2 GHz, but at 2.13 GHz. So while I have high-end components, they aren't running like they should. Therefore I think it's safe to say this game will perform well on basically all midrange to high-end PC's. EDIT: Fixed the screens. Also, I must add: It feels like I'm playing a Medal of Honor game, not really a BF game.
  3. Nowadays they simply log in and don't really change anything.
  4. I do. Steam Support is pretty fast when it comes to account recovery.
  5. Because my avatar is a duck. Plus I don't ask for your password and username, which also is a big plus.
  6. He's not "picking us up", people just have to understand you shouldn't trust anyone on the internet.
  7. They won't notice, but if you submit a support ticket I'm sure they'll help you get your account back. Guess Boter didn't get a different pass soon enough.
  8. It's kind of weird some of you are blaming Hundred for saying something about a VAC ban, while some people here weren't capable of checking links/downloads or just simply giving out their passwords. Never download ANYTHING from an untrusted source. Never use your Steam account details to log in somewhere on the web, unless the link is verified by VeriSign or something familiar. This way you know your data will be encrypted and therefore will be transfered safely to Steam. Note that free games are very rare, and that there are no actions by NVIDIA* to hand out free games. If NVIDIA (for example) decides to actually hand out free games on Steam, you'll notice it soon enough on Steam's news or store page. (* = This excludes Lost Coast and HL2DM, but that's common knowledge amongst Steam users)
  9. People who makes those kinds of websites can buy a good keylogger... I wouldn't take the risk. Never press any links, links r evil. It's still impossible to download it without accepting a download yourself. Edit: That doesn't mean I encourage you to click the links, because you shouldn't.
  10. FYI: You can safely click those links as long as you don't download or fill in anything. I'm not saying you should, because it's a waste of time, but it's not that those websites install some super-Keylogger that installs without you even downloading something. From visiting a website like that you could only get infected cookies. Infected cookies can only see to what websites you go to or went, that's it. People who make those scam sites only have the skills to make a fake login page, not a virus/keylogger.
  11. There are plugins that allow you to play with 16 survivors though. But with the awesome server system, you can't find servers with that plug-in. That's why you can join a group server/define a server you want to join using a console command
  12. There are plugins that allow you to play with 16 survivors though.
  13. I love you
  14. Jolly good, ol' chap.
  15. I still remember that place from the event. That day I saw Ywa and Clavus in real life (didn't come too close, I was scared of their mighty powers). It was the happiest day of my life.
  16. I'm not in that picture, and neither is Clavus
  17. Same. I had a wallpaper of a busy street (including quite a lot of people) in New York for a while, but changed because I simply didn't like it. I think it's even worse when the wallpaper is really centered on one person.
  18. For a minute there I thought I was on Facepunch. We got some emoticons, now where are the ratings?
  19. you don't believe doesnt support? A picture of DirectX 11 -pic- and this a picture of NIVIDIA GEForce 9500 -pic- now ? Yes, DXDIAG shows DX11. The hardware of your card (or any card beside the 58XX cards) does not support DirectX 11.
  20. Theres an update for Vista which gives it DX11. But sure, the 9500 GT doesn't support DX11. True, it says DX11 in Windows 7 or in Vista when you use a patch, but as long as you don't have an ATI 58XX series card, it won't work anyway. But that's not the point here.
  21. 1/10, horrible, absolutely not my taste Classic
  22. A single Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 license costs around $3,990.00
  23. Current setup, sorry for the phone quality pics. The laptop is connected to my mouse and keyboard through Synergy. It's also connected to a part of my HDD, assigned as network drive. I put some classic games (Red Alert 2, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Airline Tycoon Evolution, OpenTTD etc.) on this partition so every PC connected to the network has access to these games. So whenever I'm not gaming on my main PC, synergy is running so I can play simple classics on my laptop while I work (model/type something for school/whatever) or when I'm simply browsing the internet. The only thing I would really like is the sound of my laptop being transmitted to my speakers/headphones, but this is sort of impossible
  24. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to crap half as much as I did when I was making that model.
  25. well then i have done it for you! and retained ur transparent background Click here to download maycospray.vtf had to upload it onto my index cause ITS NOT A VALID ATTACHMENT RAWR i've also had to resize it to 256x256 Wait, black in VTFEdit means it's transparant?
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