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Mr. Green Gaming


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test1 last won the day on May 19 2021

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About test1

  • Birthday 02/03/2004

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  1. Thank you for applying, happy to see that more old school players are returning and even offering their help. In short, Welcome to the team!
  2. That looks really noice. High hopes!
  3. I don't think declining this would be a good idea, since you would only help us with your experience and knowledge. Henceforth, welcome back Damien.
  4. Glad to have you! Welcome, Sour!
  5. Sorry to say this, but we will not be able to help you. We have to launch two ZS versions that are not yet fully made. Devs are already working around the clock, having more work would just burn them out and delay the launch. I hope you understand.
  6. Welcome to the team.
  7. Hello everyone, I know a lot of you are interested in the return of Mr.Green. But since the release and promise of our teaser trailer, promising that we will release it by the end of summer, we had some time to re-think our goals and, our wishes for this community. I have decided to postpone the launch because we as a team don't think it's ready yet. We want to have a successful launch, we don't want to ruin your nostalgia or your expectations. Also I do not wish to put any pressure on our developers or overwork them, since they are human beings and they do have private lives. This doesn't mean that something bad has happened. Everything is on track and is moving very smoothly, it's just that I gave the developers an unrealistic launch date. I take full responsibility for my actions. What @LuCkEr-and @Chikennugget1 is doing, is something I should not take for granted. As of this, as written in the title, the launch is delayed, I don't know when we will have an official at the moment but we will try to specify it, we will still have public and private testing as planned.
  8. The first time I launched Garry's mod, I joined my first ever server - Mr.Green Zombie Survival, and for some absurd luck, the map that was currently playing at that time was of course zs_pub. I was young at that time, this was 2008. Since then, my all time favorite map is zs_pub. None can replace it. Thank you for all the great memories I got from playing the map. If I could, I'd love to speak with you and recruit you to our roster. Since we're currently working on releasing two new but at the same time loved and old versions of Mr.Green. Thank you for making zs_pub.
  9. In short, you'll be pleased.
  10. Hello everyone! With the hard and quality work of LuCkEr, we have come to a conclusion... To hold a public 24 hour BETA test for Zombie Survival, tomorrow 18:00 GMT +2. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Mr+Green+Zombie+Survival+BETA&iso=20200208T17&p1=16&ah=23&am=55 During this test you will have the chance to test out the good 2012 Mr.Green version of Zombie Survival. During this test I ask for everyone to acknowledge that the server is in BETA stage, so IF you see any problems or errors, then please post the new-found problem in the forums or Discord server in the #support section. Server IP: Server name: [Mr.Green] Zombie Survival public BETA
  11. I don't believe you, that you do not even have 1 or 2 hours to waste with the old douchebags (<3) as us. But since I am now studying IT (that doesn't automatically make me a pro at coding, tbh I suck at coding, but I'd love to try and it would help my studies), I am interested to try and work around the code to make it work. Just to hear Reiska's interesting deep voice and his somewhat what in the hell mic. The light of hope still hasn't vanished in my sight. I can still see a ZS server up and running with every old long saggy sacker playing. But what is missing is a developer. The key to redeeming the server to life.
  12. Man whose name and deeds are on the Legend status. Godlike.
  13. Would be awesome if it was up and working some time soon on Gmod, sandbox has an unknown release date. I know a dev who would love working with us, he would be a small pain to work with, but I think he could work on it, if someone as well helped. That version of zs in my opinion was one of the best, 3rd best after deluvas and necrossins
  14. Fuck me, this nostalgia hammer hit me hard... I WANT TO BELIEVE IT'S DEAD, BUT IN MY HEART IT'S NOT. GOD DAMN IT. rip to even span up necrossins version.
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